
The New Realities 新しい現実(16) Peter Drucker

 The 1973 divide  (2)

     And yet the period 1968--73 forms a divide fully comparable to 1873. 


Where 1873 was the end of the 'liberal era', 1973 marked the end of the era in which government was the 'progressive' cause.   


It ended the era dominated by the doctrines and policies first formulated in the 1870s, those of liberal democrats or social democrats, of Marxist socialists or national socialists.


All these doctrines are rapidly becoming as ineffectual as 'laissez-faire' liberalism became after 1873.   



The New Realities 新しい現実(15) Peter Drucker

 The 1973 divide   (1)


Economically the 'oil shock' of 1973 and President Nixon's decision, two years earlier, to let the dollar 'float', can also be considered 'non-events'.   

経済的な面では、1973年の「オイル・ショック」と、その二年前の、ニクソン大統領の決断{ ドルを、変動相場制に移行させる }は、これらも、「重要な出来事」ではない、と考えられる可能性はある。  

An economic statistician who looks only at figures such as gross national product, economic growth rate, foreign trade statistics, and so on, would see little effect beyond immediate, short-term, and statistically insignificant fluctuations. 

経済統計学者 [ その人は、国民総生産、経済成長率、貿易統計などの数字のみを見ている ] は、目前の、短期の、統計的に取るに足りない変動を超えるものは、無いに等しい影響にしか気付かないだろう。

Similarly, if one only looks at how institutions behave, the student rebellions of the late 1960s -- the momentous, earth-shaking, headline-making events in Japan, in France, in Germany, in Italy, in the US -- must also be considred non-events.

同じように、もし、人が、組織がどのように対応するかのみを見れば、1960年代後半の学生の反乱 -- 日本で、フランスで、ドイツで、イタリアで、アメリカで、重大な、社会を揺るがすような、新聞の大見出しになるような出来事 -- も、やはり、どうということのない出来事と考えられるに違いない。

They made no difference whatever in the way any one of these institutions  -- governments, universities, society altogether -- behaves.

これらの組織 -- 政府、大学、社会全般 -- のうちのどれであれ、その対応の仕方においては、どのような違いも見せることはない。


Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(19) by Michael Summers & James Trefil (Smithsonian Books)

 What about life?  (6)

     The marvelous variety of planets actually raises an old question known as the Fermi paradox. 


Named after the Italian American physicist Enrico Fermi (1901--54) , it involves an incident in which, after hearing an argument that the galaxy should be full of advanced technological civilizations, he asked a simple question: "Where is everybody?"  

そのイタリア・アメリカ国籍の物理学者エンリコ・フェルミ(1901--54)に因んで名付けられているその問題は、ある出来事 [ それにおいて、銀河系は先進技術文明に満ちていてもおかしくない、という主張を聞いた後で、彼は、単純な問題 :「 それらは皆、どこにいるのですか?」を問うた ] に関わっている。 

Given the rich variety of worlds we know to be out there, why do we seem to be alone?  

*  ・・the rich variety of worlds [ we know to be out there ] 

                                        o          s     v      c                       

                                        s'                        v'


     In the end, this might be the most important question raised by our new knowledge of the galaxy. 



The First and the Last(17) Adolf Galland スペイン内戦・第二次大戦 ドイツ空軍飛行士の手記 

                                                                ( Methuen & Co. Ltd, London )

     On my return to our base I was in a foul temper.


Naturally, we were not complete. 


Calling the pilots together, I began to tell them off as best I knew, and was still cursing them when one of the missing aircraft came in.


It was Lieutenant Neumann.


He came up and joined our circle, but I did not interrupt my tirade, and when he asked permission to make his report I only got more furious.


'It was absolutely shameful,' I said.'


Again Neuan tried to make his report, and after I had finished letting off stream I let him speak.  


In a few short words he reported that he had shot down a Curtiss, which had crashed right on Llanes Airfield.


This was the burning plane I had seen and taken to be one of ours.


The kill was verified beyond a doubt.



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870--1945(18) 戦略と外交  by Paul Kennedy より 

* The Model [ 1 ]

* Domestic Situation (4)


     But precisely because this policy was pragmatic, a compromise, a peculiar mixture of morality and calculated national interest, it attracted criticism from two groups who, from their opposing points of view, advocated different conceptions of the bases upon which British foreign policy should be constructed.

  しかし、この政策が現実的で、妥協であり、道徳性と計算された国益との奇妙な混合物であった、まさにそれ故に、/  この政策には、批判 が、 二つのグループ{ それらは、その反対の視点から、基礎 [その上に、英国の外交政策が構築されるべきである ] の異なる概念を主張した }から、集まった。 

The first was the 'Left' or the 'Idealists' , both inexact terms but used here to describe that strong 'dissenter' tradition in British foreign policy, i.e. the Cobdenite, 'Little Englander' or, later, neo-Marxist viewpoint, which disliked overseas wars and entanglements as immoral, a drain upon the economy, a diversion from social reforms and a devious way of propping up an obsolete aristocratic or capitalistic system.   

その第一は、「左派」ないしは「理想主義者」{ ともに不正確な用語ではあるが、ここでは、あの強力な、英国の外交政策における「反対派」の伝統、言い換えれば、コブデン主義者【自由貿易主義者】、「小英国主義者」、あるいは後のネオ-マルキストの視点 [ それは、海外での戦争と介入を、道徳に反し、経済力の無駄遣いであり、社会改革を回避することであり、時代遅れの貴族制度や資本主義制度を支える迂遠な方法である、として、嫌悪した ] を説明するために使われる }だった。



Starships 恒星間宇宙船(5) Michio Kaku / Physics of the Impossible (Anchor Books) より

     Over the course of millions of years, large meteors or comets colliding with Earth could have a devastating impact.       


The last big celestial impact took place 65 million years ago, when an object about 6 miles across slammed into the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, creating a crater about 180 miles in diameter, wiping out the dinosaurs that up until then were the dominant life-form on Earth.


Another cosmic collision is likely on that time scale.    


     Billions of years from now the sun will gradually expand and consume the Earth.


In fact, we estimate that the sun will heat up by approximately 10 percent over the next billion years, scorching the Earth.


It will completely consume the Earth in 5 billion years, when our sun mutates into a gigantic red strar


The Earth will actually be inside the atmosphere of the sun. 




事業存続マネジメント(17) The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barnes

*   Disaster can strike, within your organization as well   (3)

* Unexpected events and incidents can become disasters   (3)     

     Or, consider a utilities company that starts a new service. 


But demand is so unexpectedly high that there is insufficient capacity to support the demand, and the service is reduced to the point of a business interruption. 


Is this a disaster?


Probably, because the image will be damaged such that it will be extremely difficult to retore it.


     Even small incidents, over only a short period, can create a disaster if they affect a key dependency.  


Consider the example of a fish farm, where an electricity failure of very short duration disturbed the temperature of the pools, causing the death or contamination of much of the stock.  


The effect was the loss of a breeding cycle of three years.


Disasters do come in all shapes and sizes. 


ハンザ同盟の力(4) Forces of the Hanseatic League 13th -- 15th centuries by David Nicolle ( Osprey )

 Historical Background (4)

As yet, Baltic naval warfare remained largely a matter of coastal raiding, in which the Slavic Wends proved highly effective , probably using ships similar to those of the Vikings.


Wendish Coastal assaults were one factor behind the launching of the so-called Wendish Crusade in 1147, which preceded the wider-ranging Northern Crusades ( 1198--c. 1290, depending upon the chosen definition of a crusade ).


By then the Saxons had already revived their own eastwards expansion into Slave territory.


On the other side, Henry, the Christian 'Knes' or leader of the Obodrites (1093--1127), was recruiting both Saxon and Danish mercenaries, as well as being credited with expanding the Baltic port of 'old Lubeck'.    



ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流(19) Celtic Wicca by Jane Raeburn

 So what do we know? (7)

     In researching ancient religion, archaeology often leads us to focus not on how people worshiped during their lifetimes, but on their culture's beliefs surrounding death.


This is in part because burials and cremations leave more evidence in the earth than, say, a fire ritual or an animal sacrifice, the remains of which are often indistinguishable from those of a feast.

これは、埋葬と火葬が、たとえば火を使う儀式や動物の生贄 [ それによって残されたものが、祝宴の後に残されたものと区別がつかないことが、しばしばである ]  よりも多くの証拠を、土の中に残すことが、一つの理由である。

     Death is one of the great mysteries religion seeks to explain, and the burial practices of a culture can tell us much about what its peope valued and believed.


While many have claimed the Celts believed in reincarnation, the evidence is sketchy and subject to misinterpretation.

* 多くの人々が、ケルト人は、魂が、死後、再び肉体に宿る、と信じていたと、主張してきているが、その証拠は表面的で、誤った解釈に従っている。

Burying the dead with objects of daily life (clothes, shoes, weapons, pots) might be said to indicate a belief in some kind of afterlife, or may simply indicate offerings to the gods to honor the dead.  


* 『現在』(の文脈)における might は、may の『過去形』のかたちを借りて、may よりも『実現可能性』が弱いことを表し、『現在形』です(『過去形』の might は別にありますが)。


「死者を讃えるための、神々への供物であることを表しているのかもしれない」は、may によって、ある程度の確信をもって考えられていますが【副葬品に対する、或る程度、常識的な判断なので】、

「或る種の死後の生があると信じていたことを示していると言われるかもしれない」は、might によって、「そういうことも、ひょっとすると考えられるかもしれない」という弱い可能性の判断【古代の人々が何を考えていたかという内面の世界は、あくまで想像するしかないので】であることが示されています。



西欧中世のカオス的世界(25) Medieval Europe by Martin Lewis

 The career of the emperor Justinian in the sixth century must have strengthened the belief in the probable reconquest of the lost provinces by Roman legions, and in the West it must have been hoped that reconquest would be followed by the transfer of the capital back again to its proper home in Rome. 


* must + have strengthened(「完了の動詞」の原形 ) 

* must + have been hoped(「受け身の完了の動詞」の原形 ) 

             **   have(完了の助動詞・原形)+ been hoped(「受け身の動詞」の過去分詞 )

* would + be followed(「受け身の動詞」の原形 )

       **   would「未来を推測する助動詞( will )」 の過去形   

It was only the almost complete severance of communications between eastern and western Europe brought about by the Muslim invasions of the seventh century which made it obvious that if there was to be an empire in the West at all it would have to be a purely Western Empire;  Byzantium was powerless to help or hinder the process.

西方に帝国がともかく存在するようになるとすれば、それは純粋に西方の帝国になるはずである [ ビザンティン帝国には、東方の帝国による西方の帝国の再建の過程を助けたり妨げたりする力は、無かった ] ということを明らかにしたのは、七世紀のイスラム教徒の侵入によってもたらされた、東方ヨーロッパと西方ヨーロッパの間の交流の、ほぼ完全な遮断で、それが唯一のものだった。  

* It [ which made it obvious ・・・the process ] was only the almost・・・ of the seventh century.


ジブラルタルの岩へケーブルカーで (4) The Cable Car to the Rock of Gibraltar by Paul Theroux

The Pillars of Hercules:  A Grand Tour of the Mediterranean 

       ヘラクレスの柱:  地中海のグランド・トゥアー


      But there might be a darker motive in this food aid.


A powerful superstition, held by locals, suggests that if the apes vanish from Gibraltar, the Rock will cease to be British.


For hundreds of years -- since 1740, in fact -- the apes have been mentioned by travelers -- Grand Tourists, in whose footsteps I was following.  

数百年のあいだ -- 正確には1740年から -- 猿たちは、旅行者たち -- グランド・ツアー【かつての英国の貴族の子弟による、文化的先進地のフランスやイタリアへの、見聞を広めるための長期の旅行】をおこなった人々で、その人たちの足跡を私は辿っていた -- によって、話題に取り上げられてきている。

But Gibraltar has been visited almost since Hercules, patron of human toil, flung it there on his journey to capture the Red Oxen of Geryones, the monster with three bodies ( Labor Ten ). 


He tossed another rock across the straits, to become Ceuta in Morocco.


These two rocks, Calpe and Abyla to the Greeks -- the Mediterranean bottleneck -- are the twin Pillars of Hercules.

これらの二つの岩は、ギリシャア人にとってはカルぺとアビラだが -- 地中海が狭まっている部分で -- 双子のヘラクレスの柱である。

     My idea was to travel from one pillar to the other, the long way, with the usual improvisations 'en route' that are required of the impulsive traveler; all around the Mediterranean coast, the shores of light. 

     私の構想は、一方の柱から他方の柱へ旅をすることだが、長い道程で、衝動にかられて旅に出た者に要求される、よくある ’旅の途中の’ その場の咄嗟の対応を用いて; 地中海の海岸、光あふれる岸辺を、ずうっとぐるりと。 


ミノア人: ミノア交易帝国の発展(7) ”The Development of a Minoan Trading Empire"

 Minoans:  Life in Bronze Age Crete   by Rodney Castleden より          

ミノア人: 青銅器時代のクレタの生活

     The Minoans exported lead figurines to Kambos, bronze figurines to Agia Eirene and Phylakopi, gold cups to Sparta, and swords to Mycenae.


Rich gold, silver and bronze vessels and decorative ostrich eggs with faience mountings -- shades of Faberge -- were exported to Mycenae and Thera. 

豪華な金、銀、それに青銅の容器と、装飾を施され、ファイアンス焼きの台に据えられた、駝鳥の卵殻 -- ファベルジェ風の -- が、ミケーネとティーラへ輸出された。 

But above all the Minoans exported large quantities of decorartive, painted, and distinctively shaped pottery -- the finest pottery in the civilized world -- all over the Aegean region.

しかし、とりわけ、ミノア人は、大量の、装飾され、彩色された、独特の形状の陶器 -- 文明世界における、もっとも洗練された陶器 -- を、エーゲ海地方の一帯に輸出した。

The densest concentrations of Minoan produce were found in the Aegean islands, Argolis, Messenia and the Dodecanese. 


It is thought that some of the grave goods found in the shaft graves at Mycenae were Minoan imports. 


Significant levels of trading went on outside this inner area, and scattered finds of Minoans products have been made as far west as the Lipari Islands off the coast of Itary, as far north as Troy (stone lamps), and as far east as Egypt and Syria, where Minoan vases made of precious metal have been found.      



火星への旅(4) How to get to Mars     by Andrew May

Destination Mars:  The story of our quest to conquer the Red Planet 

Rocket Science (4)

The reference to Newton is crucial.


To a good approximation, everything you need to know about the science of space travel can be found in a book he wrote in 1687 -- 'Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica', or 'Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy'.

宇宙旅行の科学について知る必要のある、あらゆることは、彼が1687年に書いた本 -- '自然哲学の数学的諸原理’ -- に見出され得る、と言ってよい。 

As well as his famous law of gravity, the book contains Newton's laws of motion. 


In essence, all three of these laws are statements of the same basic principle -- the conservation of momentum.

本質的に、これらの三つの法則のすべては、同じ基本的な原則 -- モメンタム(運動量)の保存 -- の表明である。

     The momentum of an object is defined as its mass multiplied by its velocity.


For most objects mass is more or less constant, so momentum is essentially proportional to velocity.


You know what speed your car is doing, so who cares about its momentum? 


Unfortunately, things are more complicated when it comes to rockets.


 They're constantly 'losing mはass' -- that's the very principle on which they work. 

ロケットは、絶えず ’質量を失いつつある’ -- それは、ロケットが、それによって機能する、まさにその原理である。

So we really do have to talk about a rocket's momentum -- its (variable) speed times its (variable) mass.

したがって、私たちがロケットのモメンタム -- ロケットの(変化し得る)スピードでロケットの(変化し得る)質量を乗ずる -- について語ることの必要性は、実に大きい。



東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況(13) China Between Empires by Mark Edward Lewis

* The Rise of the Great Families  (10)  


  * The Pursuit of Status among the Great Families  (9)


This new self-consciousness of the elite as a distinct group manifested itself in several forms.


First, its members increasingly arrogated to themselves the right to praise and blame members of society, which in theory was the sole prerogative of the ruler. 

まず、グループの構成員は、社会の成員を賞賛したり非難したりする権利 [ それは、理論上は、統治権者の唯一の特権だったが ] が自らのものであると、次第に主張するようになった。

Groups of country-level officials with no imperial standing joined together to set  up engraved steles ( upright commemorative stones ) honoring local worthies for their scholarly attainments or their moral conduct.  

王朝の政府に役職を持たない地方官の諸グループは、結束して、碑文が刻まれた石碑( 垂直に建てられた、記念のための石 )を設置して、地方の名士を、その学問的な功績や道徳的なおこないの故に、顕彰した。

These inscriptions reveal how the local elite internalized the ideal of the Confucian gentleman in their self-image.  


Important also were funerary shrines, exemplified by the offering shrines of Wu Liang.


 As the cardinal Confucian virtue of filiality assumed crucial importance in the Eastern Han, the staging of lavish funerals and the erection of elaborate mortuary shrines for continued offerings became a major mechanism for asserting one's gentlemanly qualities before one's peers. 



Duel(15) Richard Matheson

      The car came under his control again.


Man was sucking breath in through his mouth. 


His heart was pounding almost painfully.


My God! he thought.


'He wanted me to hit that car head on.'


The realization stunned him.


True, he should have seen to it himself that the road ahead was clear;  that was his failure.

たしかに、彼は、前方の道路に車がいないことを自身で確認すべきだった; それは彼の失点だった。

But to wave him on....


Mann felt appalled and sickened.


Boy, oh, boy, oh boy, he thought.


This was really one for the books. 


That son of a bitch had meant for not only him to be killed but a totally uninvolved passerby as well.


The idea seemed beyond his comprehension.


On a California highway on a Thursday morning?





Moominland Midwinter(25th ) ムーミンランドの真冬 by Tove Jansson


The bewitched bathing house (5)


     The first thing she accomplished was to slip on the icy cliff and sit down very hard.


     'I see,' Little My said in a threatening voice.


'They think they'll get away with anything.'


     Then she happened to think of what a My looks like with her legs in the air, and she chuckled to herself for quite a while.


She inspected the cliff and the hillside and thought a bit. 


Then she said:  'Well, now,' and did a jumpy switchback slide far out on the smooth ice.

それから彼女は、'うーん、よし、’ と言って、滑らかな氷の上で、ジグザグに飛び跳ねながら遠くまで滑りました。   

     She repeated this six times more and noticed that it made her tummy cold. 


      Little My went back into the cave and turned her sleeping sister out of the cardboard box.


My had never seen a toboggan, but she had a definite feeling that there were many sensible ways of using a cardboard box.  


     As to the squirrel, he was sitting in the wood and looking distractedly from one tree to another.


     Not for the tail of him could he remember in which one he lived, nor what he had gone out to look for.  



エゼキエルの宇宙船(15) The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich ( Bantam Books )

      For the time being, archaeology is the only source of relevant information.


Its primary field of activity is in the areas of human settlements. 


On the other hand, as we know from our own experience, the chances of a crash or a crash landing in or close to a settlement are extremely low.


But even in the event of such an unlikely occurrence the debris would have been very quickly removed and the damaged buildings restored.


It is true that small pieces of metal from the body of the spaceship or possibly parts of some electronic equipment could be found in the soil, assuming favorable corrosion conditions. 

宇宙船の船体の一部だった金属の小さな破片や、おそらくはなんらかの電子装置の部品が、土の中で見つけられる可能性は、わずかながら、ある、/  風化しにくい条件があれば  /  ということは言える。  

However, the probability of an archaeologist going to work with spade, hammer and brush on the exact spot of the crash is many times smaller than the chance of the crash itself.


Accordingly, one can scarcely hope, for the time being, to find such traces of a crash within the limits of human settlements. 


However, truly scientific archaeology is still but a few decades old...





危険(隕石・小惑星の衝突の)と背中合わせに暮らしている(6) ”Living Dangerously” Risa Randall

 Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs:  The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe

        ダーク・マターと恐竜: 宇宙の驚嘆すべき相互関連性   

     But this major mass extinction 66 million years ago is one of many stories that tie life on Earth to the rest of the Solar System. 

  しかし、この大規模な、6,600万年前の大絶滅は、多くの物語 [ それは、地球上の生命を、太陽系の他の部分に、結びつけている ] のうちの一つである。

This book is about the seemingly abstract stuff as dark matter that I study, but it is also about the Earth's relationships to its cosmic surroundings.

この本は、ダーク・マター [ 私が研究している ] のような、実体の無さそうなものを扱っているが、同時に、地球の、宇宙の環境との関係をも扱っている。

I will now begin to explore some of what we know about asteroids and comets that have hit the Earth and the scars they've left behind. 

私は、今、小惑星と彗星 [ それらは、これまで地球に衝突してきている ] と傷跡 [ 小惑星と彗星が、後に残してきている ] について私たちが知っていることの一部を、探求し始めようと思っている。

I'll also consider what might hit our planet in the future, and how we might prevent these disruptive, uninvited guests.     

私は、また、考えるつもりである /  何が、未来に、私たちの惑星にぶつかる可能性があるのか、そして、どのようにして、私たちは、これらの壊滅的な、招かれざる客を、防ぐことができるのだろうか、を。


The New Realities 新しい現実(14) Peter Drucker

1873 -- 1973  (8)

Ten years later, Dreyfus was rehabilitated.


But by that time, Lenin had already defined 'truth' as whatever helps, strengthens, and advances the 'party' -- the definition on which all later totalitarian regimes have been based:  his own, Mussolini's, Hitler's, and Mao's.   

しかし、この時までに、すでにレーニンは ’真実’ を定義していた  / ’党’ を支援し、強化し、そして前進させるもののすべて、として -- 定義 [ その上に、すべての後の全体主義体制が基礎を置かれている: レーニン自身の、ムッソリーニの、そして毛沢東の ]    

     For one hundred years, following the Vienna stock market crash of 1873, government control of the economy and government direction of society were the 'progressive' causes.

  百年の間、1873年のウィーン株式市場大暴落に続く、経済の政府による制御と、社会の政府による方向づけは、’進歩を促す’ 原動力だった。

The great political debate was not over the welfare state.


It was between believers in a welfare state in which there are democratic and legal restraints on government and on its control of economy and society, and believers in totalitarianism, either of the Marxist or of the anti-semitic persuation, who preached  and practised absolute and unrestricted government power.   

それは、福祉国家 [ そこでは、政府と、政府の、経済と社会への制御に対する、民主的かつ法的な抑制が存在する ] の信奉者と、全体主義 [ 絶対的かつ無制限の政府の権力を説き、実践する、マルクス主義者と反ユダヤ主義の信念を持つ者の、いずれもの ] の信奉者の間に、存在した。


Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(18) by Michael Summers & James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books )

 What about life?  (5)

     There are deeper questions we can ask, too:  Does life really have to be based on molecular chemistry?

  もっと踏み込んだ問題を提起することもできる: 生命は、本当に、分子の化学反応に基づかなければならないのか、ということである。

Does it have to evolve according to the dictates of natural selection, as it does on Earth?


It has become a standard quip among scientists that life is like pornography---we can't define it, but we know it when we see it.


We argue that this may not be true and try to stretch our imaginations by suggesting the possibility of entities that are (arguably) alive but are not "like us." 

私たちは、このことが当たっていないかもしれないと主張し、生きていて(生きていると言えるかどうか、議論の余地はあるが)、しかし、”私たちとは違う” という実在物の可能性を示唆することによって、私たちの想像力を拡張しようとする。

In chapter 12, we suggest that, just as we needed a new paradigm to deal with exoplanets, we will need a new paradigm to deal with life---a paradigm that inevitably takes us away from the Goldilocks planet and toward something much richer and more exciting. 

第12章で、私たちは提案する  /  太陽系外惑星を扱うために、新しいパラダイム【思考の枠組み】を必要としたように、生命を扱うための新しいパラダイム---ゴルディロックス惑星【液体の水が存在できる温度の惑星】から私たちを必然的に引き離し、もっと豊かでもっとわくわくさせるものに私たちを向かわせるパラダイムを、私たちは必要とするだろう、ということを。


The First and the Last(16) Adolf Galland スペイン内戦・第二次大戦・ドイツ空軍飛行士の手記

                                                         ( Methuen & Co. Ltd,  London )

     Nevertheless, dog-fights with Curtisses and Ratas could not always be avoided, and each time it was a very alarming business.


On one occasion, when we were attacking enemy columns in the immediate vicinity of Llanes Airfield, which was still used by the Reds, we noticed much too late the Curtiss planes which had taken off from there to intercept us.


They managed to rout our formation, but instead of forming the well-tested defrensive circle, my pilots tried to escape individually along the narrow valleys of the Asturian plateau.


There was bound to be trouble.


I myself had two Curtisses on my tail, and soon, on one of the hills, I saw black smoke billowing up from a crashed plane. 



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870 -- 1945(17) 戦略と外交 by Paul Kennedy より

* The Model   [1]

* Domestic Situation (3)


To sum up, there were always such motives -- moral, economic, strategical and domestic -- operating in the public consciousness and prompting British governments from the mid-nineteenth century onwards to favour a foreign policy which was, with rare exceptions (e.g. 1878, 1911), pragmatic, conciliatory and reasonable.

概括すると、このような動機 -- 倫理的、経済的、戦略的そして国内的な -- < 人々の意識の中で影響を与え、/  歴代の英国政府に、十九世紀半ば以降、外交政策 [それは、稀な例外(例えば 1878年、1911年)はあるものの、現実的、宥和的そして合理的だった ]  を優先的に採用するように仕向けた > は、常に存在した。

* 1878年  ロシアの、エーゲ海までの南下を阻止するため、


* 1911年  辛亥革命に際して、清朝との外交関係を維持し、革命運動を阻止

It was a policy predicated upon the assumption that, provided national interests were not too deleteriously affected, the peaceful settlement of disputes was much more to Britain's advantage than recourse to war.     

それは、政策< 前提 [ 国益がそれほど損なわれないならば、争いの平和的な解決が、戦争に訴えるよりも遥かに英国の利益になる、という ] に立った > だった。

It was not merely in the 1930s, therefore, that 'Peace as National Interest' is a valid description of Britain's overall strategy.

したがって、’国益としての平和’ が、英国の全般的な戦略の妥当な表現である、というのは、1930年代に限ったことではなかった。


Starships 恒星間宇宙船(4) Michio Kaku / Physics of the Impossible ( Anchor Books ) より

 Catastrophes to Come (1)


Poet Robert Frost asked the question whether the Earth will end in fire or ice.


Using the laws of physics, we can reasonably predict how the world will end in the event of a natural catastrophe.


     On a scale of millennia, one danger to human civilization is the emergence of a new ice age.


The last ice age ended 10,000 years ago. 


When the next one arrives 10,000 to 20,000 years from now most of North America may be covered in half a mile of ice.


*  arrives = 次の氷河期が来るのは10,000年ないし20,000年後で、その意味では『未来』の事態ですが、

will は、本来、はっきりとはわからない事態を『推測』する『助動詞』なので、

この場合、『未来』の事態だからと will arrive とすると、氷河期が来るのかどうかはっきりしない、とうことになってしまいます。

氷河期がいずれ来ることは、これまでの地球の歴史から考えて、まず確実なので、「実現する可能性がある」うごきを表す『現在形』arrives が使われています。

Human civilization has flourished within the recent tiny interglacial period, when the Earth has been unusually warm, but such a cycle cannot last forever.





事業存続マネジメント(16) The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barnes

* Disaster can strike, within your organization as well(2)


* Unexpected events and incidents can become disasters(2)



  **   大きな出来事が events、それよりも小さな出来事が incidents で、それが被害をもたらすと disasters と認識されますが、自然災害から人為的な事故まで、内容も様々なので、特定の漢語に置き換えずに、外来語として表記しておきます。

 ちなみに、宇宙における様々な現象も events と呼ばれるので、内容は実に多様です。

     Imagine, for instance, an event in your neighbourhood (your industry park or in the city center) , that requires an evacuation of the whole area until the problem is solved, which could be hours or even days.


* could = 現在において、can よりも「実現性が弱い」ことを示唆 

Your computers will still run, your telephones will still ring, and your business infrastructure will be unharmed.


But you cannot use it.


You cannot answer the telephone.


You cannot enter the building.


Such circumstances can be disastrous in your business.





ハンザ同盟の力(3) Forces of the Hanseatic League: 13th -- 15th centuries by David Nicolle (Osprey)

 Historical Background (3)

     Several of these Slav tribes, together known as Wends, accepted the overlordship of Christian German emperors during the 10th century.


Although this brief accommodation collapsed with a Slav uprising in AD 983, by that time the Wendish Slavs included Christians, particularly amongst their aristocracies.  


Meanwhile, there were significant differences between the military traditions of the main populations of the south-western Baltic region.


To the south, Germany was now within the heavily armoured cavalry tradition of western Europe;  to the north, infantry still dominated warfare in Denmark;  and to the east, light cavalry traditions predominated in Slavic regions. 

南方では、ゲルマン人が、この時点で、西ヨーロッパの重装甲の騎兵の伝統に従っていた;  北方では、デンマークで、歩兵が依然として戦争の主役だった; そして東方では、軽騎兵の伝統が、スラブ地方で支配的だった。


ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流(18) Celtic Wicca by Jane Raeburn

 So what do we know?  (6) 

     Lugh and Brigid were among the best-known Celtic deities, but they were by no means the only ones.


Historians have found the names of hundreds of Celtic goddesses and gods.


Many of their names are recorded only once, or only within a small area.


Celtic worshipers believed each place, each river, each mountain had its own divine spirit, often a goddess.


Other deities were associated with the sun, moon, sky, animals, plants, or skills.





西欧中世のカオス的世界(24) Medieval Europe by Martin Lewis

      The second factor was that in one very real sense Rome remained unconquered.


Constantine had shifted the capital of the Empire to the new city of Constantinople (330), and this city was not taken by the barbarian tribes.


Indeed throughout the Middle Ages it was to remain a large city even by modern standards;  at no stage before the twelfth century had it less than half a million inhabitants, and for much of the time it probably numbered around the million mark. 

事実、中世を通して、コンスタンティノープルは、現代の基準で見ても大きな都市であり続けることになった; 十二世までのどの段階においても、コンスタンティノープルの住民は、五十万を割ることはなかったし、その期間の大部分で、おそらくは百万人前後を数えていた。

The West never had anything to compare with this.


Moreover the Byzantine Empire deliberately preserved Roman traditions and methods of government for the whole long course of its history.


It was natural therefore that the collapse of the Empire in the West should seem not to be the collapse of the Roman Empire, but merely the temporary loss of its western provinces.  



ジブラルタルの岩へケーブルカーで〈3〉 The Cable Car to the Rock of Gibraltar by Paul Theroux

     There is a social order among the ape tribes, as well as ape rituals that are bizzare enough to be human.


Somewhere in the recesses of this rock that looks like a mountain range there is said to be a secret mortuary established by the apes;  ape funerals, ape mourning, ape burials.

この岩は連山のように見えるのだが、その引っ込んでいる幾つかの所のどこかに、類人猿たちによって設けられた、秘密の葬儀の場があると言われている; 類人猿の葬式、類人猿の服喪、類人猿の埋葬。  

The apes are well established, but disadvantaged --  unemployed, unwaged, destitute welfare recipients.  

この類人猿たちは、ちゃんとした立場を与えられているが、恵まれてはいない -- 職が無く、賃金が支払われず、わずかな福祉の恩恵を受けている。

The municipal government allocates money to feed them. 



ミノア人: ミノア交易帝国の発展(6)"The Development of a Minoan Trading Empire"

 Minoans:  Life in Bronze Age Crete       by Rodney Castleden   より

ミノア人: 青銅器時代のクレタの生活

     We can speculate from the handful of known Minoan colonies that there were probably several more, possibly on the mainland of Greece itself. 


The status of Mycenae at this time was almost certainly politically independent of the Minoans, but culturally and artistically Mycenae was strongly influenced by them.


Possibly the idea of the tholos tomb was exported to Mycenae from Crete.


The Minoans were, in a very real sense, the Americans of the bronze age Aegean, exporting style and tone as much as products.  


火星への旅(3) How to get to Mars by Andrew May

 Destination Mars:  The Story of Our Quest to conquer the Red Planet

     目的地 火星: 赤い惑星を征服しようとする私たちの探究の物語

Rocket Science (3)

The New York Times was wrong -- and 49 years later, with Apollo 11 en route to the Moon, the newspaper issued a belated correction: 

ザ・ニューヨーク・タイムズは、間違っていた -- そして49年後に、アポロ11号が月へ向かっている最中に、この新聞は、遅ればせながらの訂正の記事を出した:

     Further investigation and experimentation have confirmed the findings of Issac Newton in the 17th Century and it is now definitely established that a rocket can function in a vaccuum as well as in an atmosphere .

  さらなる研究と実験は、アイザック・ニュートンの17世紀の発見の正しさを確認しており、/  ロケットが、大気の中だけでなく、真空においても機能し得ることは、現在では、はっきりと証明されている。

*  it = that a rocket can function・・・atmosphere

The Times regrets the error.   



火星への旅(2) How to get to Mars by Andrew May

 Destination Mars:  The Story of Our Quest to Conquer the Red Planet

     目的地 火星: 赤い惑星を征服しようとする私たちの探究の物語

Rocket Science (2)

The most famous version of this argument appeared in a New York Times rditorial in January 1920:


After the rocket quits our air and really starts on its longer journey, its flight would be neither accelerated nor maintained by the explosion of the charges it then might have left.

ロケットが私たちの空気から抜け出て、その【大気圏内の飛行に比べて】より長い旅に、本当に踏み出すと、ロケットの飛行は、加速されることもないし維持されることもないだろう  /  ロケットがそのあとに残してしまうかもしれない、燃料の爆発によって。

* would = will の『過去形』のカタチで、will よりも「実現性の弱い」ニュアンスを表す、『助動詞』の『現在形』

*   might = may の『過去形』のカタチで、may よりも「実現性の弱い」ニュアンスを表す、『助動詞』の『現在形』


To claim that it would be is to deny a fundamental law of dynamics.

* = To claim that it would be accelerated and maintained・・・ 


* To claim that it would be ( accelerated and maintained )   is   to deny a 

         S               s                                     v                        V    C

fundamental law of dynamics.



That professor Goddard, with his chair in Clark College and the countenancing of the Smithsonian Institution, does not know the relation of action to reaction, and of the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react -- to say that would be absurd.   

かのゴダード教授は、クラーク大学【 Massachusetts 】で講座を持ち、スミソニアン博物館の後援を受けているが、作用と反作用の関係を知らず、反作用の対象となる、真空よりもマシなものを持つ必要を知らない -- それを言うとすれば、言うことそのものが、馬鹿げているだろう。

* know(他動詞) the relation of action to reaction 

* know of(自動詞 + of)the need to have・・・

* to say が「(これから)言う」の意で、「(馬鹿馬鹿しくて言う気にもならないが、あえて)言うとすれば」というニュアンスを含むので、「馬鹿馬鹿しい」という気持ちが強ければ、

would は、will の『過去形』のカタチで、 will よりも「実現性の弱い」、というよりも、この場合は「実現するはずが無い」という、仮定に対する”反応”、を表します。 

To say that would be absurd.

 S                        V     C      

    v'     o'

Of course he only seems to lack the knowledge ladled out daily in high schools.  


東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況(12) China Between Empire by Mark Edward Lewis

 The Rise of the Great Families   ( 9 ) 


The Pursuit of Status among the Great Families   (8)


     Their decades in the political wilderness---which roughly corresponded to the reign of Emperor Ling ( 168--189 ), who allied with the eunuchs---nevertheless served to strengthen the alliance of the now powerless official bureaucracy and the influential landed families.       


New patterns of social organization at the local level flourished, and an increasingly self-conscious elite began to describe itself as the "pure stream" and the defender of  Confucian civilization against a corrupted court and a benighted ruler.

地域における新しい形式の社会組織が発生し、自己をしだいに強く意識するようになったエリートは、自身を、”清流” かつ腐敗した宮廷と暗愚な統治者に対抗する儒教文明の擁護者、と述べ始めた。

By asserting their superiority over the emperor himself in this way, the elite families of the late Eastern Han progressively separated the idea of authority from the fact of wealth or office, and in so doing created an ideological basis for the later claims to authority made by the great families of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.    

このようにして皇帝その人に対する自らの優位性を主張することにより、東漢【後漢】の後期のエリートのファミリーは、しだいに、権威の概念を、富や官僚としての役職という事実から切り離し、そうすることによって、権威に対する後の主張 [ 北朝および南朝の有力なファミリーによってなされた ]  にとってのイデオロギー的な基盤を創成した。


Duel( 14 ) Richard Matheson

     He eased up on the gas pedal, falling back to avoid the truck's exhaust. 


Now what?  he wondered.


He still had to make San Francisco on schedule.


Why in God's name hadn't he gone a little out of his way in the beginning, so he could have traveled by freeway?


This damned highway was two lane all the way.


     Impulsively, he sped into the eastbound lane again.


To his surprise, the truck driver did not pull over.


Instead, the driver stuck his left arm out and waved him on.


Mann started pushing down on the accelerator.


Suddenly, he let up on the pedal with a gasp and jerked the steering wheel around, raking back behind the truck so quickly that his car began to fishtail.


He was fighting to control its zigzag whipping when a blue convertible shot by him in the opposite lane.


Mann caught a momentary vision of the man inside it glaring at him. 





Moominland Midwinter( 24th ) ムーミンランドの真冬 by Tove Jansson 


The bewitched bathing house  ( 4 ) 


     Presently an angry head with tousled hair appeared in the hole he had bitten in  the wool.


'Are you all there, you!?!' said little My.

’そこにいるのは、あんただけなの、えっ!?!’ と、リトル・ミイは言いました。

'I'm not sure,' said the squirrel.

’さあ、どうなんだろう’ とリスは言いました。

'Now, you've waked me,' Little My continued severely.

’ところで、あんたは私の目を覚ましちゃったんだよ’ と、リトル・ミイは、きつい口調で続けました。

'And eaten half my-sleeping bag.     What's the great idea?' 

’それに、わたしの寝袋を、半分食べちゃって。 とんだ考えだけど、なんのつもり?’

     But the squirrel was so beside himself that he had forgotten his mattress again.


      Little my gave a snort and climbed out of the cardboard box. 


She closed the lid on her sister, who was still asleep, and went over and felt the snow with her paw.


     'So this is what it's like,' she said.

    ’へえ、これが雪のかんじなんだね、’ と、彼女は言いました。

'Funny ideas people get.'


She squeezed a snowball and hit the squirrel on the head with her first throw.


And then Little My stepped out from the cave to take possession of the winter. 



エゼキエルの宇宙船(14) The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich ( Bantam Books )

      Of course the finding of tangible debris possibly resulting from crashes or crash landings could become highlights of such research work.  


*  could = can よりも「実現性の弱い」ニュアンスの『助動詞』の『現在形』

     ( can の『過去形』could とは別 )

Many would even regard the finding of such debris as a prerequisite for admitting the existence of spaceships in prehistoric or early historic periods.  


* would = will よりも「実現性の弱い」ニュアンスの『助動詞』の『現在形』

     ( will の『過去形』wouldとは別 )

The similarity between this kind of skepticism and the "doubting Thomas" is quite limited, since in our case figures and technical know-how as well as literary and archaeological findings take the place of an act of faith.

このような懐疑的な姿勢と、”ただただ疑い深い人” の間の類似点は、きわめて限定されているが、それは、私たちの場合は、文学的かつ考古学的な発見物ばかりでなく、数字と技術ノウハウが、信仰に基づく行為に代るからである。

However, and beyond any personal attitudes, tangible findings would be of such decisive significance that a brief treatment of this question is appropriate.  


*   would = will の『過去形』のカタチを取って、will よりも「実現可能性が弱い」ニュアンスを表す『助動詞』の『現在形』

   ( will の『過去形』would とは別 )


危険(隕石・小惑星の衝突の)と背中合わせに暮らしている(5) "Living Dangerously" Risa Randall

Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe 

       ダーク・マターと恐龍: 宇宙の驚嘆すべき相互関連性 

     Bear in mind that the story of meteoroids is not solely about destruction.


Some good has also come from the many meteoroids and micrometeoroids that have rained down on the Earth.   


Meteorites---the remaining fragments of meteoroids on Earth---might have been a source of amino acids essential to life and also of its water---another key ingredient of existence as we know it.

隕石---地球上の、流星物質の断片的な残存物---は, 生命にとって決定的に重要なアミノ酸や、また、その水---もう一つの、私たちが知っているかたちの生存の、カギとなる要素---の源であったかもしれない。

* might have been

   = might【 may の過去形のカタチをとって、may よりも「実現可能性が弱い」ニュアンスを表す『助動詞』の『現在形』】

  + "have been"【「完了の動詞」の『原形』/  have は『完了の助動詞』の『原形』/

           「(might よりも時間的に前に)(~)だった」】

Certainly most of the metals we mine here come from extraterrestrial impacts.  


And one can argue that humans would not have emerged without the rapid rise to dominance of mammals that occurred after a meteoroid impact killed the terrestrial dinosaurs, which, I'll grant, is not always considered to have been a good thing.    


*  would (not) have emerged

  would= "without the raprd rise・・・" は、実際に発生した事実に反するので、would は『仮定の助動詞』であり、『仮定』の世界は、(現実の世界とは別の、)頭の中の世界なので、この場合、考えている筆者は、『現在』にいるので、この would は『仮定の助動詞』の『現在形』です。  

have emerged は、「発生したという”実績”を、”持つ”」という内容で、emerged は、遥かな昔に発生した”実績”なので、

would not have emerged で、「(現在において考えて、)出現しなかっただろう」という内容になります。

*  is (not always) considered to have been (a good thing)

     to have been は、「”(a good thing )だった”という”実績”を、”これから持つ”」という内容( "to" は ”これから到達する” )で、 "been" という”実績” は, 遠い昔に発生したので、

is not always considered to have been a good thing で、



The New Realities  新しい現実(13) Peter Drucker

     With the Dreyfus affair, 'totalitarianism' emerged fully fledged.

   ドレフュス事件に付随して、’全体主義’ が、完全に成長した姿で出現した。

 Within two years after Dreyfus had been falsely accused of having been a spy in German pay, everyone in France knew that he was innocent.    


Indeed, by that time the identity of the real spy was an open secret.


Yet the demand for Dreyfus's rehabilitation was met with 'who cares whether Dreyfus is innocent, what matters is the good of the army.'

しかし、ドレフュスの名誉回復への要求は、’ドレフュスが無実かどうかはどうでもいい、重要なのは軍隊にとっての利益だ’ との対応を受けた。

This is however the essence of totalitarianism:  the assertion that the collective, the party, the state, the Aryan race, is the absolute.

しかし、これが全体主義の本質である: 共同体、党、国家、アーリア人種が、絶対的なものである、という主張。

The assertion that the good of the army was 'truth', and the ultimate criterion, rallied French public opinion against Dreyfus.

軍隊にとっての利益が ’真実’ であり、究極の判断基準である、という主張が、フランスの世論を、ドレフュスと対立するかたちで、結集させた。


Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(17) by Michael Summers & James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books ) 

 What about Life?  (4)

     Yet even if we confine our attention to molecular-based life, the sheer number and variety of exoplanets suggest that we should be prepared for surprises, for patterns that we don't see on Earth.    


To mention just one example, Earth's pattern of natural selection and evolution is driven in part by the fact that plate tectonics is constantly shifting the geography of the planet, constantly changing ecosystems.


This means that organisms are constantly playing catch-up, constantly trying to adapt to new realities. 


It has been suggested, for example, that the development of upright posture and intelligence in early humans was driven by the drying up of rain forests in north-central Africa millions of years ago.   


* has been suggested 

 = has + "been suggested" [「受け身の動詞」be suggested(原形)の『過去分詞』]

We can ask, however, what evolution would look like on a world without a constantly changing surface.


* would = will よりも「実現性の弱い」助動詞の『現在形』

Would it come to a stop?


Would the progression in complexity we see in Earth's fossil record show up on such a world?


* would = will よりも「実現性の弱い」助動詞の『現在形』

Would intelligence and technology evolve?


* would = will の『過去形』のカタチをとって、will よりも「実現性が弱い」ことを表す『助動詞』の『現在形』

Somewhere out in the array of exoplanets are the answers to questions such as these.






The First and the Last(15) Adolf Galland スペイン内戦・第二次大戦・ドイツ空軍飛行士の手記

 The He 51, on the other hand, was clearly inferior both to the Curtiss and the Rata in speed and armament, as well as in manoeuvrability and rate of climb, i.e. inferior in almost every characteristic which goes to make up the quality of a fighter plane.  

一方、ハインケルHe 51【ドイツ製・複葉単座戦闘機】 は、カーティス【アメリカ製・Curtiss P-40 Warhawk・単葉単座戦闘機】とI-16【通称「ラタ(ねずみ)・ソ連製・単葉単座戦闘機】に対して、操縦性と上昇速度だけでなく、スピードと武装の両方においても、劣っていたが、言い換えると、戦闘機の品質の内容となるあらゆる項目の殆どにおいて、劣っていた。

That is why we had to avoid air combat with enemy planes as far as possible and to concentrate instead on ground targets.


From a flying point of view, this was most regrettable, since air combat after all gives the best proof of a fighter pilot's ability and skill.


We styled ourselves ironically the 'Narrow-gauge Fighters'.


Carrying out our orders made us sometimes feel like poachers who do not use their weapons decently, as true hunters do.


* as true hunters "do" = as true hunters "use their weapons decently"



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870--1945 (16) 戦略と外交 by Paul Kennedy 

 The Model [1]

Domestic Situation. (2)


Moreover, the electorate was ever more reluctant to deny itself social and economic reforms in deference to a large defence budget.


The declaration of war had, therefore, to be 'popular'.


In addition, the continuous need to introduce constitutional, social and economic reforms to reflect the changing demands and balance within this ever-widening body politic was seen by most politicians as being their most vital task if they wished to stay in office.    


All but a few concentrated upon home affairs and regarded foreign complications as distractions which had to be settled as expeditiously and painlessly as possible. 



Starships 恒星間宇宙船(3) Michio Kaku / Physics of the Impossible ( Anchor Books ) より

      To me this is one of the most sobering passages in the English language.


But Russell wrote this passage in an era when rocket ships were considered impossible.

しかし、ラッセルは、これを書いた  /  ロケットの宇宙船は不可能と考えられていた時代に。

Today the prospect of one day leaving the Earth is not so far-fetched.


Carl Sagan once said we should become a "two planet species."


Life on Earth is so precious, he said, that we should spread to at least one other inhabitable planet in case of a catastrophe.

地球の生命は、とても貴重なので、/ と彼は言った、/  だから、私たちは、大破局の場合に備えて、少なくとも一つの他の居住可能な惑星に広がって行けばよい。

The Earth moves in the middle of a "cosmic shooting gallery" of asteroids, comets, and other debris drifting near the orbit of the Earth, and a collision with any one of them could result in our demise.  

地球は、移動する  /  小惑星、彗星、それと他の、地球の軌道の近くを漂っているデブリで出来ている「宇宙の射撃場」の真っただ中を、 /  そして、これらのどれか一つとの衝突は、私たちの消滅という結果になり得る。  

*  could :   can の『過去形』のカタチを借りて can よりも「実現可能性」が弱いことを            表す『助動詞』の『現在形』です。




事業存続マネジメント(15) The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barnes 

Disaster can strike, within your organization as well 


Unexpected events and incidents can become disasters (1) 


When one thinks of disaster, such examples as fire, flood, terrorist action, hurricane and so on immediately come to mind.


Although there are regions where some of these threats are more real than elsewhere, the reality shows us that disasters come in a variety of guises.


It does not have to be a large-scale event to mean disaster for your company.


Neither does it have to be an event that causes extensive damage to the infrastructure.





ハンザ同盟の力(2) Forces of the Hanseatic League: 13th -- 15th centuries by David Nicolle ( Osprey )

 Historical Background (2)

It is sometimes said that the Slavic population of lands between the Elbe and the Baltic was 'sparse', yet archaeology points to a thriving culture from the 7th to 12th centuries.

エルベ川とバルト海の間の土地の人口は ’まばら’ だと、時に言われるが、考古学は、7世紀から12世紀にかけて繁栄した文化を示している。

Nor did the Elbe mark a clear linguistic frontier;  the region north of its lowest reaches was inhabited by Saxons and Frisians, whose neighbours were culturally related though, until the later 10th century, still pagan Danes.

また、エルベ川は、はっきりした言語的な境界を示さなかった;  その最も下流の地域の北の領域は、サクソン人とフリジア人 [ その隣人は、文化的に近縁だが、10世紀後半まで異教徒であったデーン人だった ] が住み着いていた。

The pagan Slav Obodrites had, in fact, been given the lands immediately north of the lower Elbe by Charlemagne in AD 804, following the Christian Emperor's deportation of the existing Saxon population.

異教徒のスラヴ・オボドリート族は、事実、エルベ川下流のすぐ北の土地を、与えられていた  /  シャルルマーニュによって、/  キリスト教徒の皇帝の、それまで居たサクソン人の全住民の追放の後に。

Since then, Obodrites and associated tribes living closest to the Elbe had been annexing other Slavic tribes.




ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流(17) Celtic Wicca by Jane Raeburn  

 So What Do We Know?  (5)

     Brigid was equally popular, if not more so.

  ブリギッドは、同じくらいに人気があった、/  より以上にそうだった、というわけではないにしても。

She appears in legend as a goddess of the land.


The Brigantes, the tribe who fought under her name, were known to the Romans as fierce warriors in defense of their territory, yet her attribute were primarily peaceful.


In Ireland, Brigid came to be associated with three areas of life:  healing, smithcraft, and poetry.  


Like many other peoples, the Celts considered the number three to be magical, and perceived many of their goddesses and gods as triples.  



In one legend, for example, Lugh was born as one of a set of triplets.  



西欧中世のカオス的世界〈23〉 Medieval Europe by Martin Lewis

For their administration they were largely dependent on cultured Romans, like Cassiodorus, who could be persuaded to accept service under them.

彼らの統治のために、彼らは、カッシオドルス【 the Ostrogoths(東ゴート王国)の Theodoric the Great(テオドリクス大王)に仕えた】 のような学識のあるローマ人達に大幅に依存した  /  その人たちは、彼らに仕えることを受け入れるよう、説得される可能性があった。

These officials were often moved to accept by their belief in the importance of carrying on Roman traditions so that one day the Empire might be fully restored.

これらの役人たちは、多くの場合、受け入れる気にさせられた  /  いつか、帝国が完全に再興されるために、ローマの伝統を維持することの重要性に対する彼らの信念、によって。

In language, religion, and ideas of government the barbarians had nothing to offer that was not palpably inferior to the Romans;  it is not surprising that in every case they learned much from those they had conquered. 

言語、宗教、統治の構想において、野蛮人は、ローマ人よりも明らかに劣ることはない、提供すべきものを、何一つ持っていなかった; あらゆる場合において、彼らが、自分たちが征服した人々から、多くを学んだことは、驚くに当たらない。 


ジブラルタルの岩へケーブルカーで(2) The Cable Car to the Rock of Gibraltar by Paul Theroux

 The Pillars of Hercules:  A Grand Tour of the Mediterranean より 

      ヘラクレスの柱: 地中海の大紀行

Most of them are swarthy and bilingual, speaking intelligible English, and Spanish with an Andalusian accent.


Mention Spain to them and they become very agitated, though they know that as sure as eggs are 'huevos' the British will eventually hand them to the King of Spain, just as they chucked Hong Kong into the horny hands of the dictator of China.   

彼らにスペインのことを言うと、彼らはひどく興奮する、/  彼らは知っているが、「(英語の)エッグが(スペイン語の)”ウエボス”であるほどに当然のこととして、英国人は最終的には、彼らをスペイン国王に引き渡すだろう、/  ちょうど英国人が、香港をチャイナの独裁者のごわごわとした手に投げ渡したように、ということ 」、を。

     The Rock apes of Gibraltar are Barbary macaques, the only native apes in Europe.   


The apes are still resident, and have lived there longer than most Gibraltarian families.



ミノア人: ミノア交易帝国の発展(5)"The Development of a Minoan Trading Empire"

 Minoans:  Life in Bronze Age Crete   by Rodney Castleden より


     One of the most remarkable colonies was the one closest to Knossos, Akrotiri on  the island of Thera.


Spyridon Marinatos emphasized the Cycladic features of the settlement there, but many of the finds are more typically Minoan:  the house plans are not dissimilar to those of at Tylissos, with typically Minoan pier-and-door partitions, lustral areas, and minoan pottery forms in local ware. 

スピリドン・マリナトス【ギリシャ / ミノア文明とミケーネ文明を専門とした考古学者】は、そこの入植地のキクラデス文明の特徴を強調した、/  しかし、発見されたものの多くは、より典型的にミノア風であった:  家のつくりは、ティリソスの家々のつくりに似ていて、典型的にミノア風の、柱のように機能する壁と戸から成る仕切り、(宗教的な意味の)清めの場があり、そして、地域の陶器製作場のミノア風の陶器の形式。


Akrotiri was built in about 1550 BC and is likely to have been a Minoan foundation.


* is likely +  to have been 「(~)だったようだ」

      is likely +  to be  「(~)であるようだ 」


  to have been は、to be よりも時間的に前の動きです。

It developed its own distinctively 'Theran' artistic spirit, which was a development from the Minoan, while remaining in close and continual contact with Crete.  


The frescoes, for example, show many elements that are borrowed from Minoan Crete, but handled in a way that turns them into distinctively Theran compositions.

たとえば、フレスコ画は、示している  /  多くの要素 [ それらは、ミノア文明時代のクレタ島から伝わったが、はっきりとテラ風の創作物になるように、扱われている ]、を。




火星への旅(1) How to get to Mars by Andrew May

 Destination Mars:  The Story of Our Quest to Conquer the Red Planet

   目的地 火星: 赤い惑星を征服しようとする私たちの探究の物語

Rocket science (1)

At the start of the 20th century, the idea that a rocket could be used to travel to another planet was very much the stuff of science fiction.  

20世紀の初頭では、考え [ ロケットが、他の惑星へ行くために使用され得る ] は、まったくのSFの題材だった。

The American engineer Robert Goddard was among the few people who took the subject seriously.

アメリカの技術者ロバート・ゴダードは、数少ない人々 [ この主題を真剣に受け止めた ] のうちの一人だった。

His writings on extraterrestrial rocketry tended to meet with ridicule -- not because of any supposed problems with his engineering designs, but for a much more fundamental reason.

地球外のロケット工学についての彼の著作は、嘲笑を受けがちだった -- 彼の工学的な構想についての、なんらかの想定される問題の故にではなく、はるかにより根本的な理由のために。

According to the popular view at that time, the use of rockets beyond the Earth's atmosphere was a scientific impossibility.  



東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況 (11) China Between Empires by Mark Edward Lewis

The Rise of the Graet Families  ( 8 ) 


The Pursuit of Status among the Great Families  (7) 


      In the short term, however, the partisan pure critique movement met disaster when the eunuch party triumphed at court in 166.

  短期間で、しかし、党派的な清義運動は、壊滅に至った  /  宦官派が、166年に、宮廷で勝利したときに。

The death of Emperor Huan in 167 led to a brief resurgence of the anti-eunuch party, who had secured the regency, but a eunuch 'cou d'dtat' in 168 led to execution of the regent and the imprisonment of large numbers of the anti-eunuch party, more than a hundred of whom died in prison.   

紀元167年の桓帝【宦官の協力を得て統治】の死は、短期間の反宦官派の復活につながった、/  反宦官派は、尚書【皇帝の秘書役】の位を得た、/  しかし、168年の宦官によるクーデターは、尚書の処刑と多数の反宦官派の人々の投獄につながり、そのうちの百人以上が獄で死亡した。   

A "proscription of factions" banning anti-eunuch partisans from holding office lasted until the Yellow Turban rebellion in 184. 



Duel ( 13 ) Richard Matheson

     Mann could not allow himself to accept what apparently had taken place. 


It had to be a coincidence.


The truck driver couldn't have blocked his way on purpose. 


* cound not have blocked:

      could [can の過去形]  +  have blocked [「完了の動詞」の『原形』]

  have blocked は、could よりも前に実現した「うごき」です。

He waited for more than a minute, then flicked down the turn-indicator lever to make his intentions perfectly clear and, depressing the accelerator pedal, steered again into the eastbound lane. 


     Immediately, the truck shifted, barring his way.


     "Jesus Christ!" Mann was astounded.


This was unbelievable.


He'd never seen such a thing in twenty-six years of driving.


He returned to the westbound lane, shaking his head as the truck swung back in  front of him. 



Moominland Midwinter ( 23rd ) ムーミンランドの真冬 by Tove Jansson 


 The bewitched bathing-house  ( 3 ) 


     It was warm, and it seemed to be filled with something soft and nice.


Suddenly the squirrel remembered his mattress.


His small, sharp teeth cut into the soft stuffing and pulled out a flock of wool.



     He pulled out one flock after the other;  he soon had his arms full of wool and was working hard with all four paws.

  彼は、一房また一房と引き出しました; 彼は、すぐに両腕を羊毛で一杯にして、四つの足裏のすべてを使って懸命にほぐしていました。

He felt extremely pleased and happy.


     Then all at once someone was trying to bite the squirrel in the leg. 


 Like a streak of lightning he whizzed out of the box, then hesitated for a moment and decided to feel more curious than scared.  




エゼキエルの宇宙船 (13)The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich ( Bantam Books )

The latter point is significant since we must assume that an extraterrestrial civilization too will have developed oncepts of values and therefore will know financing problems.

後者のポイント【財政という条件】は、重要である  /  我々は、地球外文明もまた、価値という概念を発達させたと考えなければならず、したがって財政の問題を知っていると思われるからである。

 This notion, combined with the reality of the spaceships actually seen by the prophet, makes it appear unthinkable that their operation could have been concentrated on one single man.

この【財政の】観念は、預言者【エゼキエル】によって実際に目撃された宇宙船の現実と結びつけられると、それを”考えられない”と思わせる  / 【それ】 彼らのオペレーションが、一人の男に集中された可能性があるということ。  

*  could have been concentrated:

     could [ can よりも弱い実現可能性・助動詞・現在形 ]

      + have been concentrated [ have + been concentrated ]

     **  been concentrated [ 受身の動詞 be concentrated(原形)の過去分詞 ]

               **  have been concentrated [ ”受身の完了の動詞” の原形 ]

One is compelled to draw the inevitable conclusion that such missions must have encompassed a broader span in terms of their distribution in time and geographical locations.  

人は、不可避的な結論を引き出さざるを得ない  / 【結論】そのようなミッションは、時間の分配の意味でも、地理的な位置の意味でも、より広い範囲を扱ったに違いない。

*  must have encompassed: 

     must + have encompassed [ 完了の動詞・原形「カバーしてしまっている」]

Evidence of such a scattering would provide a broad basis for the knowledge of extraterrestrial visits.


* would:   will よりも弱い実現可能性・推量の助動詞・現在形

Research toward this objective will hopefully become the joint goal of archaeologists, linguists, 'and' engineers, working in close cooperation.  

この目的に対する調査は、うまくいけば、緊密な協力関係のもとにはたらく考古学者たち、言語学者たち、’加えて’ エンジニアたちの、共同の目標になるだろう。    

*  will:  強い実現可能性・推量の助動詞・現在形



危険(隕石・小惑星の衝突の)と背中合わせに暮らしている(4) "Living Dangerously" Risa Randall

 Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe

         ダーク・マターと恐龍: 宇宙の驚嘆すべき相互関連性    

     As is essential to the survival of life, the big meteoroid hit rate is currently much lower, and has been since the bombardment episode ended. 


Even the recent impact in Siberia caught by dash-cams and videoa---the Chelyabinsk meteoroid that burned brightly in the sky and on You Tube---was only about twenty meters across.

シベリアにおける最近の衝突 [ ダッシュボード・カメラやビデオで捉えられている ] --- チェリャビンスク・メテオロイド [ 空でもユー・チューブでも明るく燃えた ] は、直径二十メートルに過ぎなかった。

The only recent encounter of an object as big as was envisioned by my friend was the 1994 event in which Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9's mile-sized fragments crashed into jupiter.

唯一の最近の遭遇 [ 私の友人によって想像された大きさの物体の ] は、1994年の出来事 [そこでは、シューメーカー・レヴィ第9彗星の、一マイルの大きさの破片が、木星に突入した ] だった。   

The initial object was bigger still--- probably a few miles across before it broke into pieces.


Some indication of the damage that mile-wide fragments can create was the dark cloud as big as the Earth that we could observe on Jupiter's surface.  


Twenty meters is big but a mile across is another thing altogether.




The New Realities 新しい現実 (12) Peter Drucker

     By the mid 1890s anti-semitism, too, had become a major political force.


In 1894 Captain Alfred Dreyfus was convicted in France as a spy on trumped-up charges.


The Dreyfus trial triggered an explosion of anti-semitism, of whicn the pro-Nazi Vichy government of World War 2 was the direct descendant.

ドレフュス裁判は、反ユダヤ主義の盛り上がりを誘発した、 /  その反ユダヤ主義の、第二次世界大戦のナチ支持のヴィシー政府は、直接の後継者だった。

In 1895 the Court Preacher of the German Emperor, Adolf Stoecker, founded a socialist and anti-semitic party in Berlin in an open bid to mobilize the country's 'anti-capitalists'.

1895年に、ドイツ皇帝の宮廷説教者、アドルフ・シュテッカーは、社会主義かつ反ユダヤ主義の政党を、ベルリンで、国内の ’反資本主義者’ を堂々と動員するために、設立した。 

And, a year later, as already said, the Austrians selected the first anti-semite to high political office as Lord Mayor of Vienna.     



Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(16) by Michael Summers & James Trefil (Smithsonian Books)   

What abou Life?   (3) 

     The prevailing paradigm is that any life we find out there will be carbon based and will operate in a way similar to that of life on Earth, although not necessarily with the same molecules.


If life is based on molecular chemistry, as it is on Earth, there will have to be some molecular mechanism that plays the same role as DNA in passing genetic information from one generation to the next.

もし生命が、地球上の生命がそうであるように、分子化学を基礎としていれば、なんらかの分子メカニズム [ それは、遺伝情報を、ある世代から次の世代へ伝達するという、DNAと同じ役割を果たす ] が存在しなければならないだろう。

Such a molecule will have to be large and complex, and, so the argument goes, it will have to involve carbon chains.

そのような分子は、大きくて複雑でなければならないだろう、/  そして、さらに言えば、分子は、カーボン・チェーンを含まなければならないだろう。

Carbon chemistry proceeds most quickly in liquid water, and this explains why we are searching for the Goldirocks planet.





The First and the Last (14) Adolf Galland スペイン内戦・第二次大戦時ドイツ空軍飛行士の手記

 The clear division between combat and offensive aircraft only resulted from experience gathered during the latter half of the Spanish War, and this development was just beginning at the time I took over the 'Mickey Mouse' squadron, the only one still equipped with the old He 51, the other two having switched over to Me 109s.

戦闘機と攻撃機の明確な区別は、スペイン内戦の後半において収集された経験があって、初めて結果的に出来たものだった  /  そして、この進化は、私が ’ミッキー・マウス’ 飛行中隊  /  依然として、旧式のハインケル 51【ハインケル社製の単座・複葉戦闘機】を配備されていた唯一の飛行中隊、/  他の二つの飛行中隊は、メッサ―シュミット 109s に切り替えられていた、/  を引き継いだ時に、ちょうど始まっていた。  

The latter were mainly intended to combat the numerous Curtiss and Rata fighters, either as lone wolves or when escorting bomber formations.

メッサーシュミット 109s は、数の多いのカーチス【アメリカ製】やラタ【”ネズミ” ソ連製の I-16】などの戦闘機と戦うことを主に意図されていた、/  単機で戦う戦闘機として、あるいは爆撃機の編隊の護衛として。

The Me 109 was definitely superior to them and shot down a great number, the record for 'kills' being held by Lieutenant Harder, until eventually Moelders topped his figure.  

メッサ―シュミット 109s は、それらに対して、はっきりと優位に立っていて、多数を撃墜した、/  ”撃墜” の最多記録は、ハルダー少尉に保持されていた、/  最終的に、メルダーが、彼の数字を超えたときまで。

* being held:  

「受身の動詞」be held(原形)の『現在分詞』「保持されている」が、

"shot down" への説明として、『副詞』のように使われています。



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870--1945 (15) 戦略と外交  by Paul Kennedy

Domestic situation. (1) 

The steady extension of the franchise from 1867 onwards made politicians increasingly aware of the factor of 'public opinion', whether expressed by mass-circulation papers and interest-groups or by electoral results; and although the public could be excited  upon a point of national honour and moral wrong, it was generally recognized as disliking wars, especially expensive ones, and as being a brake upon a belligerent foreign policy. 

1867年以降の参政権の着実な拡張は、政治家に、次第に気付かせた  /  '世論’というファクターに、/  発行部数が多い新聞と利益団体あるいは選挙結果、のいずれによって表されるものであろうと; /  



Starships 恒星間宇宙船(2)Michio Kaku / Physics of the Impossible (Anchor Books) より

     This calamity will take place within the next five billion years.


On such a cosmic time scale, the rise and fall of human civilizations are but tiny ripples.


One day we must leave the Earth or die.


So how will humanity, our descendants, cope when conditions on Earth become intolerable?

したがって、どのようにして人類、つまり私たちの子孫は、対処するのだろうか  /  地球上の状態が、耐え難くなるときに?

     Mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russell once lamented "that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought or feeling, can preserve a life beyond the grave;  that all the labors of the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system;  and the whole temple of Man's achievement must inevitably be buried beneath the debris of a universe in ruins..."        

  数学者で哲学者だったバートランド・ラッセルは、かつて、嘆いた  /  "火も、英雄的な行為も、集中した思考と感情も、墓から出て生き延びることはできない;  幾つもの時代の全ての営為も、全ての献身も、全ての閃きも、全ての輝くような人間の天才も、太陽系の壮大な終末の中で絶滅に至る運命にある;  そして、人間が成し遂げたもの全ての神殿は、荒廃した宇宙のデブリの下に埋められることを避け得ない...”、と。




事業存続マネジメント(14) The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barnes

Vulnerability of today's business organizations 


External dependencies (2)


     The business activities that provide customer service extend beyond the company boundaries.

  ビジネス活動 [ カスタマー・サービスを提供する ] は、会社の境界を越えて、拡がっている。

The concept of "extended enterprise" is very applicable.


This means---again---that you are dependent on elements that are beyond your immediate control.


You will have to handle the consequences to your business when they become unavailable.

あなたは、あなたのビジネスに対する影響に対処しなければならない   /   それらの要素を利用できなくなるときに。       

     These external dependencies are very critical for any company participating in a supply chain.

  これらの外部への依存は、決定的に重要である  /  サプライ・チェーンに加わっている、どの会社にとっても。      


These companies are for instance particularly dependent on a number of external information flows.


Examples are order-entry and delivery notes, reception of invoices, payments to and from the bank, and ability to ship.



     Companies are also dependent on the execution of business activities outside their own organization.


This is especially true with the increased level of outsourcing and business partnerships.


Examples are transport, distribution, packaging and financial services.


Although these external companies are responsible for their own Business Continuity Management to resume their business, you are responsible for managing the impact on your business operations of a disaster within these companies.   

これらの外部の会社は、そのビジネスを再開するために、それ自身の事業継続マネジメントに責任を負うが、// あなたは責任を負う  /  これらの会社の間の災害の、あなたのビジネス活動に対する衝撃を処理すること、に対して。



ハンザ同盟の力(1)Forces of the Hanseatic League: 13th -- 15th centuries by David Nicolle (Osprey)

 Historical Background (1)


Rivalry between Germanic - and Slavic-speaking peoples was a feature of the south-western coasts of the Baltic Sea during the centuries preceding the emergence of the Hanseatic League in the mid-13th century.

ゲルマン語を話す人々とスラヴ語を話す人々の間の競合関係は、バルティック海の南西沿岸の特徴だった  /  13世紀半ばのハンザ同盟の出現の前の、数世紀の間。

* preceding   『前置詞』として使われているようです。

         ただ、precede から派生する preceding は、


   preceding は、一応は、precede『他動詞』


the centuries< preceding (~)>「(~)に先行する数世紀」の説明関係になります。   

 ただ、concern から派生した concerning『現在分詞』が、「(~)に関する」という意味


 preceding も、いずれは、「(~)の前の」という『前置詞』とみなされるようになるか


Quite who lived where before and during the early medieval Age of Migrations, and from then until the appearance of written sources around the 9th and 10th centuries, remains a complex and still sensitive issue.

いったい誰が、どこで暮らしていたのか  /  大移動の中世初期の間とその前に、/  そして、それ以降、書かれた情報源の、9世紀と10世紀あたりの出現まで、/  は, 複雑な、そして今だに微妙な問題のままである。

     As German-speaking peoples expanded into what is now north-eastern Germany during the Middle Ages they absorbed the existing Slav-speaking populations, with little expulsion once these conquests were consolidated.   

  ゲルマン語を話す人々が拡散して、現在、北東ドイツであるところに進出したとき  /  中世の間に  //  彼らは、そこにいたスラヴ語を話す住民を吸収した、 /  これらの征服が安定すると、追放はほとんどおこなわれなかった。   

West of the River Elbe, the Saxons had been conquered  and forcibly converted to Christianity by Charlemagne in the late 8th century.

エルベ川の西では、サクソン人が征服されていて、強制的にキリスト教に改宗させられていた  /  シャルルマ-ニュによって  /  8世紀後半に。

This process was accompanied by the establishment of towns as trading and administrative centres, and at least two of these would later join the Hanseatic League.   

このプロセスは、町 [ 交易および行政のセンターとしての ] の成立が伴われており、少なくとも、これらのうちの二つは、後にハンザ同盟に加わることになった。


ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 (16) Celtic Wicca by Jane Raeburn

 So What Do We Know?  (4)

     Lugh and Brigid offer a good introduction to two common archetypes of Celtic religion .


He is a young god, associated with the sun, and while he is often credited with contributing to great victories, his chief attribute is brain rather than brawn.


In Wales, later legends refer to him as Lleu Llaw Gyffes ( Llew of the skillful Hand );  the Irish manuscript 'Cath MagTuired' calls him Lug Lamhfhada ( "Long Hand" ), for his throwing ability, but also credits him with many other skills.

ウェールズでは、後の伝説は、彼を Lleu Llaw Gyffes ( 巧みな手の Llew ) と言う; アイルランドの文献である ’Cath Mag Tuired【マグ・トゥレドの戦い】' は、彼を Lug Lamhfhada (”長い手”)と呼び、それは彼の投げる能力のためであるが、彼には、また、他にも多くの技術があるとしている。  

He is a god of the tribe, and his blessings make people's lives easier.  





西欧中世のカオス的世界 (22) Medieval Europe by Martin Scott

     It is not surprising that the idea of the Empire was an unconscionable time in dying in men's minds, but two other factors helped its persistence for a thousand years. 

それは、驚くべきことではない  /  帝国という概念が、もうふさわしくない時期だった、ということが  /  人々の頭の中で滅びつつあって  //  しかし、二つの他の要素が、一千年に及ぶ帝国の存続に役立った。

The first was that, until the time of the Muslim invasions of the seventh century, it was not challenged by any other idea of a world order.

第一は、/  七世紀のイスラム教徒の侵入の時まで、ローマ帝国が、いかなる他の世界秩序の思想からも挑戦されたことがなかった、ということである。

The Germanic tribes who came first as unwelcome guests and later as conquerors to the Roman lands in the west were essentially local and tribal in their ideas, and had no conception of how to administer the lands to which they had come except in so far as they could adapt for themselves Roman ideas and methods.    

ゲルマン人の諸部族 [ 彼らは、やって来た  /  最初は、歓迎されざる来客として、後には、ローマの領域の西部に対する征服者として ] は、その思想において、本質的に、地域的で部族的だった、//  そして、領土 [ そこへ自分たちがやって来た ] をどのように統治するかの、なんの抱負も持ってはいなかった  /  自分たちにできる範囲で、自分たちのために、ローマの思想と方法を適応させる、ということを除いては。


ジブラルタルの岩へケーブルカーで(1)The Cable Car to the Rock of Gibraltar by Paul Theroux  

 The Pillars of Hercules:  A Grand Tour of the Mediterranean より

People here in Western civilization say that tourists are no different from apes, but on the Rock of Gibraltar, one of the Pillars of Hercules, I saw both tourists and apes together, and I learned to tell them apart.

ここ西洋文明の中の人々は、言う  /  旅行者は類人猿と少しも違わない、と、 /  しかし、ジブラルタルの岩、つまりヘラクレスの(二本の)柱のうちの一つ、の上で、私は、旅行者と類人猿の両方を一緒に見た、/ そして、私は、彼らを区別できるようになった。

I had traveled past clumps of runty stunted trees and ugly houses to the heights of the Rock in a metal box suspended by a cable.

私は、移動してきた  /  低くいじけた木々の木立と不格好な家々を過ぎて、岩の高所まで  /  ケーブルで吊るされた金属の箱に入って。

Gibraltar is just a conspicuous pile of limestone, to which distance lends enchantments; a very small number of people cling to its lower slopes.  

ジブラルタルは、積み重なった石灰岩が目につくだけに過ぎないが、それに、距離が魔法をかけている; ごく少数の人々が、その下方の斜面にしがみついている。


ミノア人: ミノア交易帝国の発展 (4) ”The Development of a Minoan Trading Empire”

Minoans: Life in Bronze Age Crete    by Rodney Castleden   より ]

     The colonial development manifested itself in three ways:  the spread of Minoan artistic and cultural influences, the diffusion of exported Minoan products, and the establishment of Minoan settlements beyond the Cretan shore. 

  植民地の発展は、三つのかたちで、現れた: ミノアの芸術的な、そして文化的な影響の広がり、輸入されたミノアの産物の拡散、それにクレタ島から海を渡ったミノアの入植地の成立。

Naturally, there has been controversy concerning the status of these Minoan settlements, but they are identifiable by their coastal location, irregular street plan, Minoan style of architecture, Minoan burial customs, Minoan shapes worked in local pottery wares ( and thus not imported from Crete ), and Minoan religious ritual.  

当然のことに、議論 [ これらのミノアの入植地の状態についての ] はずっと存在している //  しかし、入植地は、それとわかる  /  海岸部に位置すること、不規則な街路のつくり、ミノア風の建築、ミノアの埋葬習慣、その地域の陶器類に用いられているミノアの形態( したがって、クレタ島から輸入されてはいない )、そして、ミノアの宗教的儀式、によって。   


東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況 (10) China Between Empires by Mark Edward Lewis

The Rise of the Great Families  ( 7 ) 


The Pursuit of Status among the Great Families  (6)


 The pure critique movement was notable in that it provided the earliest organized form for an empire-wide elite resistance to the power of the court. 

清義運動は、注目に値した  / それが、宮廷の権力に対しての、帝国全域にわたるエリートの抵抗に、最初期の組織化された形態、を提供した、ということにおいて。 

Moreover, in its denunciation of the character of the eunuchs and the emperor, it established the assessment of personality as a central component of politics.

さらに、その非難 [ 宦官と皇帝の徳性の ] において、清義運動は、人格の評価を、政治の中心的な構成部分として、確立した。

This became especially important in the wake of the collapse of the Han.


The movement also pushed many high literati of officials, who had previously based their claims to superiority on advocacy of universal values over mere local concerns, to increasingly identify themselves with the regional interests of influential landed families.

この運動は、また、多くの、高度の学識を備えた官僚、/ [ 彼らは、以前は、彼らの優位性の主張の根拠を、単なる地域的な関心を超えた、普遍的な価値の提唱、においていた ]、/  に、地方の利益 [ 影響力を持っていた、大土地を所有する、複数の有力者一族の ]  に、彼ら(官僚)自身を、次第に、一体視するように促した。       

All of these late-Han developments were crucial in shaping the definition of elites that would predominate during the Northern and Southern Dynasties.    

これらの漢の後半の発展の全ては、決定的だった  /  エリート [(南北朝時代の)北朝と南朝の時期に支配的になった ] の定義を形成することにおいて。   



Duel(12) Richard Matheson

      His scowl deepeded as the odor of the truck's exhaust reached his nostrils again.

  彼の不快の表情は、険しくなった  /  トラックの排気ガスの臭いが、彼の鼻腔に再び届いたときに。

Irritably, he cranked up the window on his left.


Damn it, was he going to have to breathe that crap all the way to San Francisco?  


He couldn't afford to slow down.


He had to meet Forbes at a quarter after three and that was that. 


     He looked ahead.


At least there was no traffic complicating matters.


Mann pressed down on the accelerator pedal, drawing close behind the truck.


When the highway curved enough to the left to give him a completely open view of the route ahead, he jarred down on the pedal, steering out into the opposite lane. 


     The truck edged over, blocking his way.


     For several moments, all Mann could do was stare at it in blank confusion.


Then, with a startled noise, he braked, returning to the proper lane.


The truck moved back in front of him.
