
火星への旅(4) How to get to Mars     by Andrew May

Destination Mars:  The story of our quest to conquer the Red Planet 

Rocket Science (4)

The reference to Newton is crucial.


To a good approximation, everything you need to know about the science of space travel can be found in a book he wrote in 1687 -- 'Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica', or 'Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy'.

宇宙旅行の科学について知る必要のある、あらゆることは、彼が1687年に書いた本 -- '自然哲学の数学的諸原理’ -- に見出され得る、と言ってよい。 

As well as his famous law of gravity, the book contains Newton's laws of motion. 


In essence, all three of these laws are statements of the same basic principle -- the conservation of momentum.

本質的に、これらの三つの法則のすべては、同じ基本的な原則 -- モメンタム(運動量)の保存 -- の表明である。

     The momentum of an object is defined as its mass multiplied by its velocity.


For most objects mass is more or less constant, so momentum is essentially proportional to velocity.


You know what speed your car is doing, so who cares about its momentum? 


Unfortunately, things are more complicated when it comes to rockets.


 They're constantly 'losing mはass' -- that's the very principle on which they work. 

ロケットは、絶えず ’質量を失いつつある’ -- それは、ロケットが、それによって機能する、まさにその原理である。

So we really do have to talk about a rocket's momentum -- its (variable) speed times its (variable) mass.

したがって、私たちがロケットのモメンタム -- ロケットの(変化し得る)スピードでロケットの(変化し得る)質量を乗ずる -- について語ることの必要性は、実に大きい。


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