
The New Realities 新しい現実 (12) Peter Drucker

     By the mid 1890s anti-semitism, too, had become a major political force.


In 1894 Captain Alfred Dreyfus was convicted in France as a spy on trumped-up charges.


The Dreyfus trial triggered an explosion of anti-semitism, of whicn the pro-Nazi Vichy government of World War 2 was the direct descendant.

ドレフュス裁判は、反ユダヤ主義の盛り上がりを誘発した、 /  その反ユダヤ主義の、第二次世界大戦のナチ支持のヴィシー政府は、直接の後継者だった。

In 1895 the Court Preacher of the German Emperor, Adolf Stoecker, founded a socialist and anti-semitic party in Berlin in an open bid to mobilize the country's 'anti-capitalists'.

1895年に、ドイツ皇帝の宮廷説教者、アドルフ・シュテッカーは、社会主義かつ反ユダヤ主義の政党を、ベルリンで、国内の ’反資本主義者’ を堂々と動員するために、設立した。 

And, a year later, as already said, the Austrians selected the first anti-semite to high political office as Lord Mayor of Vienna.     


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