Of course the finding of tangible debris possibly resulting from crashes or crash landings could become highlights of such research work.
* could = can よりも「実現性の弱い」ニュアンスの『助動詞』の『現在形』
( can の『過去形』could とは別 )
Many would even regard the finding of such debris as a prerequisite for admitting the existence of spaceships in prehistoric or early historic periods.
* would = will よりも「実現性の弱い」ニュアンスの『助動詞』の『現在形』
( will の『過去形』wouldとは別 )
The similarity between this kind of skepticism and the "doubting Thomas" is quite limited, since in our case figures and technical know-how as well as literary and archaeological findings take the place of an act of faith.
このような懐疑的な姿勢と、”ただただ疑い深い人” の間の類似点は、きわめて限定されているが、それは、私たちの場合は、文学的かつ考古学的な発見物ばかりでなく、数字と技術ノウハウが、信仰に基づく行為に代るからである。
However, and beyond any personal attitudes, tangible findings would be of such decisive significance that a brief treatment of this question is appropriate.
* would = will の『過去形』のカタチを取って、will よりも「実現可能性が弱い」ニュアンスを表す『助動詞』の『現在形』
( will の『過去形』would とは別 )
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