
ミノア人: ミノア交易帝国の発展(7) ”The Development of a Minoan Trading Empire"

 Minoans:  Life in Bronze Age Crete   by Rodney Castleden より          

ミノア人: 青銅器時代のクレタの生活

     The Minoans exported lead figurines to Kambos, bronze figurines to Agia Eirene and Phylakopi, gold cups to Sparta, and swords to Mycenae.


Rich gold, silver and bronze vessels and decorative ostrich eggs with faience mountings -- shades of Faberge -- were exported to Mycenae and Thera. 

豪華な金、銀、それに青銅の容器と、装飾を施され、ファイアンス焼きの台に据えられた、駝鳥の卵殻 -- ファベルジェ風の -- が、ミケーネとティーラへ輸出された。 

But above all the Minoans exported large quantities of decorartive, painted, and distinctively shaped pottery -- the finest pottery in the civilized world -- all over the Aegean region.

しかし、とりわけ、ミノア人は、大量の、装飾され、彩色された、独特の形状の陶器 -- 文明世界における、もっとも洗練された陶器 -- を、エーゲ海地方の一帯に輸出した。

The densest concentrations of Minoan produce were found in the Aegean islands, Argolis, Messenia and the Dodecanese. 


It is thought that some of the grave goods found in the shaft graves at Mycenae were Minoan imports. 


Significant levels of trading went on outside this inner area, and scattered finds of Minoans products have been made as far west as the Lipari Islands off the coast of Itary, as far north as Troy (stone lamps), and as far east as Egypt and Syria, where Minoan vases made of precious metal have been found.      


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