
Strategy and Diplomacy 1870--1945 (15) 戦略と外交  by Paul Kennedy

Domestic situation. (1) 

The steady extension of the franchise from 1867 onwards made politicians increasingly aware of the factor of 'public opinion', whether expressed by mass-circulation papers and interest-groups or by electoral results; and although the public could be excited  upon a point of national honour and moral wrong, it was generally recognized as disliking wars, especially expensive ones, and as being a brake upon a belligerent foreign policy. 

1867年以降の参政権の着実な拡張は、政治家に、次第に気付かせた  /  '世論’というファクターに、/  発行部数が多い新聞と利益団体あるいは選挙結果、のいずれによって表されるものであろうと; /  


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