
危険(隕石・小惑星の衝突の)と背中合わせに暮らしている(4) "Living Dangerously" Risa Randall

 Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe

         ダーク・マターと恐龍: 宇宙の驚嘆すべき相互関連性    

     As is essential to the survival of life, the big meteoroid hit rate is currently much lower, and has been since the bombardment episode ended. 


Even the recent impact in Siberia caught by dash-cams and videoa---the Chelyabinsk meteoroid that burned brightly in the sky and on You Tube---was only about twenty meters across.

シベリアにおける最近の衝突 [ ダッシュボード・カメラやビデオで捉えられている ] --- チェリャビンスク・メテオロイド [ 空でもユー・チューブでも明るく燃えた ] は、直径二十メートルに過ぎなかった。

The only recent encounter of an object as big as was envisioned by my friend was the 1994 event in which Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9's mile-sized fragments crashed into jupiter.

唯一の最近の遭遇 [ 私の友人によって想像された大きさの物体の ] は、1994年の出来事 [そこでは、シューメーカー・レヴィ第9彗星の、一マイルの大きさの破片が、木星に突入した ] だった。   

The initial object was bigger still--- probably a few miles across before it broke into pieces.


Some indication of the damage that mile-wide fragments can create was the dark cloud as big as the Earth that we could observe on Jupiter's surface.  


Twenty meters is big but a mile across is another thing altogether.



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