
エゼキエルの宇宙船(15) The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich ( Bantam Books )

      For the time being, archaeology is the only source of relevant information.


Its primary field of activity is in the areas of human settlements. 


On the other hand, as we know from our own experience, the chances of a crash or a crash landing in or close to a settlement are extremely low.


But even in the event of such an unlikely occurrence the debris would have been very quickly removed and the damaged buildings restored.


It is true that small pieces of metal from the body of the spaceship or possibly parts of some electronic equipment could be found in the soil, assuming favorable corrosion conditions. 

宇宙船の船体の一部だった金属の小さな破片や、おそらくはなんらかの電子装置の部品が、土の中で見つけられる可能性は、わずかながら、ある、/  風化しにくい条件があれば  /  ということは言える。  

However, the probability of an archaeologist going to work with spade, hammer and brush on the exact spot of the crash is many times smaller than the chance of the crash itself.


Accordingly, one can scarcely hope, for the time being, to find such traces of a crash within the limits of human settlements. 


However, truly scientific archaeology is still but a few decades old...




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