
ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 (16) Celtic Wicca by Jane Raeburn

 So What Do We Know?  (4)

     Lugh and Brigid offer a good introduction to two common archetypes of Celtic religion .


He is a young god, associated with the sun, and while he is often credited with contributing to great victories, his chief attribute is brain rather than brawn.


In Wales, later legends refer to him as Lleu Llaw Gyffes ( Llew of the skillful Hand );  the Irish manuscript 'Cath MagTuired' calls him Lug Lamhfhada ( "Long Hand" ), for his throwing ability, but also credits him with many other skills.

ウェールズでは、後の伝説は、彼を Lleu Llaw Gyffes ( 巧みな手の Llew ) と言う; アイルランドの文献である ’Cath Mag Tuired【マグ・トゥレドの戦い】' は、彼を Lug Lamhfhada (”長い手”)と呼び、それは彼の投げる能力のためであるが、彼には、また、他にも多くの技術があるとしている。  

He is a god of the tribe, and his blessings make people's lives easier.  




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