* The Rise of the Great Families (10)
* The Pursuit of Status among the Great Families (9)
This new self-consciousness of the elite as a distinct group manifested itself in several forms.
First, its members increasingly arrogated to themselves the right to praise and blame members of society, which in theory was the sole prerogative of the ruler.
まず、グループの構成員は、社会の成員を賞賛したり非難したりする権利 [ それは、理論上は、統治権者の唯一の特権だったが ] が自らのものであると、次第に主張するようになった。
Groups of country-level officials with no imperial standing joined together to set up engraved steles ( upright commemorative stones ) honoring local worthies for their scholarly attainments or their moral conduct.
王朝の政府に役職を持たない地方官の諸グループは、結束して、碑文が刻まれた石碑( 垂直に建てられた、記念のための石 )を設置して、地方の名士を、その学問的な功績や道徳的なおこないの故に、顕彰した。
These inscriptions reveal how the local elite internalized the ideal of the Confucian gentleman in their self-image.
Important also were funerary shrines, exemplified by the offering shrines of Wu Liang.
As the cardinal Confucian virtue of filiality assumed crucial importance in the Eastern Han, the staging of lavish funerals and the erection of elaborate mortuary shrines for continued offerings became a major mechanism for asserting one's gentlemanly qualities before one's peers.
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