
ハンザ同盟の力(3) Forces of the Hanseatic League: 13th -- 15th centuries by David Nicolle (Osprey)

 Historical Background (3)

     Several of these Slav tribes, together known as Wends, accepted the overlordship of Christian German emperors during the 10th century.


Although this brief accommodation collapsed with a Slav uprising in AD 983, by that time the Wendish Slavs included Christians, particularly amongst their aristocracies.  


Meanwhile, there were significant differences between the military traditions of the main populations of the south-western Baltic region.


To the south, Germany was now within the heavily armoured cavalry tradition of western Europe;  to the north, infantry still dominated warfare in Denmark;  and to the east, light cavalry traditions predominated in Slavic regions. 

南方では、ゲルマン人が、この時点で、西ヨーロッパの重装甲の騎兵の伝統に従っていた;  北方では、デンマークで、歩兵が依然として戦争の主役だった; そして東方では、軽騎兵の伝統が、スラブ地方で支配的だった。

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