The career of the emperor Justinian in the sixth century must have strengthened the belief in the probable reconquest of the lost provinces by Roman legions, and in the West it must have been hoped that reconquest would be followed by the transfer of the capital back again to its proper home in Rome.
* must + have strengthened(「完了の動詞」の原形 )
* must + have been hoped(「受け身の完了の動詞」の原形 )
** have(完了の助動詞・原形)+ been hoped(「受け身の動詞」の過去分詞 )
* would + be followed(「受け身の動詞」の原形 )
** would「未来を推測する助動詞( will )」 の過去形
It was only the almost complete severance of communications between eastern and western Europe brought about by the Muslim invasions of the seventh century which made it obvious that if there was to be an empire in the West at all it would have to be a purely Western Empire; Byzantium was powerless to help or hinder the process.
西方に帝国がともかく存在するようになるとすれば、それは純粋に西方の帝国になるはずである [ ビザンティン帝国には、東方の帝国による西方の帝国の再建の過程を助けたり妨げたりする力は、無かった ] ということを明らかにしたのは、七世紀のイスラム教徒の侵入によってもたらされた、東方ヨーロッパと西方ヨーロッパの間の交流の、ほぼ完全な遮断で、それが唯一のものだった。
* It [ which made it obvious ・・・the process ] was only the almost・・・ of the seventh century.
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