
西欧中世のカオス的世界(24) Medieval Europe by Martin Lewis

      The second factor was that in one very real sense Rome remained unconquered.


Constantine had shifted the capital of the Empire to the new city of Constantinople (330), and this city was not taken by the barbarian tribes.


Indeed throughout the Middle Ages it was to remain a large city even by modern standards;  at no stage before the twelfth century had it less than half a million inhabitants, and for much of the time it probably numbered around the million mark. 

事実、中世を通して、コンスタンティノープルは、現代の基準で見ても大きな都市であり続けることになった; 十二世までのどの段階においても、コンスタンティノープルの住民は、五十万を割ることはなかったし、その期間の大部分で、おそらくは百万人前後を数えていた。

The West never had anything to compare with this.


Moreover the Byzantine Empire deliberately preserved Roman traditions and methods of government for the whole long course of its history.


It was natural therefore that the collapse of the Empire in the West should seem not to be the collapse of the Roman Empire, but merely the temporary loss of its western provinces.  



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