
Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(10) / by Michael Summers & James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books )

 It's important to realize that this type of search wiil be successful only if the orbit of the planet is oriented so that the planet passes between its star and Earth. 


A planet whose orbital plane is perpendicular to that line of sight is invisible. 


Also, the satellite searched only a small segment of the sky---think of it as searching an area a couple of times bigger than a full moon.


Despite the limited nature of the search, however, Kepler found over 4,000 exoplanet systems in its four years of operation.  


Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(9)/ by Michael Summers & James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books )

 As the collection of hot Jupiters grew, astronomers began to wonder if 'any' system out there is like ours.  (8) より 


As it turned out, they need not have worried.


* need not「必要が無い」+ have worried「(実際に)心配した」


   (  need + worry「(今以降)心配する必要がある」)

The fact that we were finding hot Jupiters first was simply a result of the detection system available.


The situation changed with the launch of the Kepler satellite in 2009.


This incredible instrument basically searches for the small dimming of a star's light due to the passage of a planet across the star's face.



The First and The Last (8) / by Adolf Galland / 第二次世界大戦中のドイツ軍パイロットの手記 から

 We did not see much of the English in those days.


Occasionally we met a few Blenheims.

時折、私たちは、少数のブレンハイム(ブレニム)双発軽爆撃機 に遭遇した。  

The Belgians for the most flew antiquated Hurricanes, in which even more experienced pilots could have done little against our new ME-109E.


* could「可能性があった」+ have done「(実際に)おこなった」+ little

                  ( do「(今以降)おこなう」) 

We outstripped them in speed, in rate of climb, in armament, and above all in flying experience and training.



The First and The Last (7) / by Adolf Galland / 第二次大戦中のドイツ軍パイロットの手記から

 On the morning of May 12 when I flew in company with another plane over the front, our troops had already penetrated deep into Holland and Belgium.


During those first days of the campaign in the west, together with the 8th Flying Corps we gave fighter cover to the German advance at Maastricht.  



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870 -- 1945 (9) / by Paul Kennedy / 戦略と外交

 The Model  [1]  

   'Morality'  (2)

Reinforcing this idea of the fair and pacific settlement of disputes, and the disapproval of the use (and, often, the existence) of armed force, was the Cobdenite vision of the world being a harmonious community.  

* 紛争の公正で平和的な解決、 そして軍事力の使用(しして、しばしば、存在)を認めないこと  /  という考えの強化  /  は、世界は調和のとれた共同体であるという自由貿易主義的な見方だった。

*   the Cobdenite vision of the world being a harmonious community                                                                       s'        v'                         c'

International arbitration, the abjuration of war as an instrument of national policy except in cases of self-defence, the emphasis upon conciliation and compromise, combined to produce a climate in which it was necessary for statesmen, particularly those favouring action which might lead to hostilities, to justify their policy in moral terms.     

* 国際的な仲裁、自衛の場合を除いての国政の手段としての戦争の放棄、和解と妥協  /      

が一つになった  /  (これから)つくる  /「 政治家、特に敵意につながるかもしれない行動


事業存続マネジメント(8) / The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity より

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barnes

Business dependencies and vulnerabilities  (1)

Each business process depends on a number of critical elements.

* それぞれのビジネス・プロセスは、多くの極めて重要な要素に依存している。

In a business process a number of persons or departments are involved, who execute one or more activities and pass the resulting information on  to the next participant in the business process.

* ビジネス・プロセスには、多くの人員や部署が含まれており、それが一つ以上の職務をおこない、その結果得られた情報をビジネス・プロセスの中の次の当事者に伝達する。

A first dependency is human resources, where a minimum number is required  with the appropriate skills and knowledge to be able to execute the business activities.

* 最初の構成要素は人的資源であり、そこでは、ビジネス活動を遂行できるだけの適切な技能と知識を持つ、最小限の人数が要求される。


ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 (10)

 "Celtic Wicca"   by Jane Raeburn   より

ケルト人についての誤解 (4)

Celtic women were neither ancient feminist heroines nor chattel.

* ケルト人の女性は、古代の、男と対等だと考える女傑でもなければ、奴隷でもなかった。

New research is showing that the status of women in Celtic societies varied greatly from region to region.

*  新しい研究は、ケルト人の社会における女性の地位は、地方ごとに大きな多様性を持っ


We know women were sold into slavery, but so were men. 

* 私たちは、女性が売られて奴隷の立場になったことを知っているが、男性も同じだった。


We know women were allowed to own property in their own right in many areas.

* 私たちは、女性が、多くの地域で、自分の権利として、財産を持つことを許されていたこ


Occasionally we hear of a Celtic woman ruling a tribe and leading it into war. 

* ケルト人の女性が、部族を統治し、それを率いて戦争に参加したことを、私たちは時に耳


In their worship , Celtic tribes honored both goddesses and gods, often (but not always) associating goddesses with land and sea, and gods with trees, animals, and the sky.

* 彼らの礼拝においては、ケルト人の部族は、女神と神をともに崇拝し、しばしば(常にで



西欧中世のカオス的世界 (16) Medieval Europe by Martin Scott より

Belligerent in their way of life the Germans might be, but for so long as the internal condition of the Empire remained healthy the Roman legions proved quite capable of containing them.

* ゲルマン人は、彼らの生き方においては好戦的だったかもしれないが 、(ローマ)帝国の内部の状態が健全であり続けている限りは、ローマの軍団(レギオン / リージュン // 指揮に当る少数の騎馬兵 + 3,000~6,000人の歩兵 )がゲルマン人たちを完全に抑え込めることが明らかになった。  

In the middle of the third century an attempt by the Goths to invade the Empire had been defeated at the battle of Naissus (269), and, remaining in occupation of Dacia (much of modern Rumania), the Goths had caused no more trouble to Rome for nearly a century. 

*   an attempt< by the Goths >< to invade the Empire >

    **  to invade「(これから)進入する 」

* had been defeated 

  = had + been defeated( "be defeated"[受身の動詞の原形] の『過去分詞』)

* 三世紀の中頃、ゴート族によるローマ帝国への侵入の試みがナイススの戦い(269)で阻止され、(ローマ軍が)ダキア(ほぼ現在のルーマニア)を占領し続けたので、一世紀近くにわたって、ローマ帝国のそれ以上の問題にはならなかった。


東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況(4) China Between Empires ( by Mark Edward Lewis ) より

 * The Rise of the Great Families (1)


The fall of the Han led to what is often described as the aristocratic era of imperial China's history, in which a relatively small number of great families domonated the social and political spheres.  

* The fall of the Han    漢の崩壊 

* what is often described as the aristocratic era of imperial China's history


* in which(= what is often described・・・・・・of imperial China's history ) 

* a relatively small number of great families  比較的少数の豪族

* the social and political sphere  社会的かつ政治的な領域     

While this description is not entirely accurate, it is true that relative imperial weakness during this period helped some families to gain disproportionate influence at court and in the countryside.

* this description is not entirely accurate  


* relative imperial weakness during this period


* helped some families to gain disproportionate influence at court and in the         countryside


Although no family was able to dominate the court for more than a few generations, some families maintained a significant degree of influence for centuries and were recognized as social elites.

* no family was able to dominate the court for more than a few generations


* some families maintained a significant degree of influence for centuries and were recognized as social elites


More important than their own fate, however, these families transformed the definition of high status in China, and in so doing they changed forever the ralations between social elites and the court.  

* More important than their own fate  彼らの運命よりも重要なことだが 

* the definition of high status in Cnina 中国における高い地位の定義

*  in so doing    そうすることで

* the relations between social elite and the court 



Duel (6) Richard Matheson

 He started as the truck roared past him on the left, causing his car to shudder slightly.

* causing:   

        cause『他動詞』「A に B(to do) させる」

 →  causing = cause の doing (ここでは『現在分詞』)

   ** 『主語』は、『過去』から流れて来る「時間の流れ」に乗って、流れています。













     doing で表します。

    doing を使えば、 『主語』が「どんどんおこなっているうごき」




           doing (岸の上のカメラで写した映像のようなもの) は、「時間の流れ」の岸の上、


    『主語』は doing に手を添えることができません。

    つまり、doing は『主語』とつながらないので、doing は『主語』の「うごき」を



    そこで、「時間の流れ」の中の『主語』と外の doing の間にあってつなぐ機能のも

    のがあれば、『主語』と doing がつながって、doing が『主語』の「うごき」を表 



    doing は、「どんどんうごいている」"様子"を表すので、『形容詞』に似ています。


    『主語』 +  be  +『形容詞』


         『主語』 + be + doing 

          とつなげると、『主語』と doing が be を介してつながり、

    doing は『主語』の「うごき」を表せます。

   この仲介役の be が『助動詞』です。


   be doing となって、はじめて doing は『主語』に届くので、

   be doing はワンセットです。(「進行の動詞」)

   したがって、doing 単独では、

   文型の V のような、一人前の「うごき」ではありません。

   causing は、単独なので、一人前の V ではなく、

  「一人前のうごき」である roared を『副詞』のように説明します。(『分詞構文』)

* to shudder = → shudder「これから shudder  が実現する」 なので、

  causing his car to shudder slightly では、

  causing が his car に働きかけ、その働きかけを受けて shudder が発生します。



He watched the truck and trailer cut in abruptly for the westbound lane and frowned as he had to brake to maintain a safe distance behind it.

* had to brake:


     + to brake「これからブレーキをかけること」


* to maintain =「これから maintain を実現させるために」




What's with you? he thought.



Moominland Midwinter ( 16th ) ムーミンランドの真冬   by Tove Jansson 

Moomintroll read the letter several times, and suddenly he felt hungry. 

* he felt hungry                                                                                                         s   v      c



He went out in the kitchen.

* out in ~ =「~ の中へ」


It too was miles and miles under the earth as it were and looked dismally tidy and empty.

*  as it were:

        it were という単語の組合せは、「現実の世界」にはなく、






  as it were に so「そのように」 を補ってみると、

   as(「ように」)  it(状況) were(「仮定の世界の自動詞」『過去形』)(so)


  **  この were は、It too was・・・の was  が示す『過去』の文中に組み込まれている


    「仮定の世界」では、『現在形』も were です。

「(the drawing-room は deep under the earth のようでしたが、)台所もまた、何マイ



The larder was just as desolate.


He found nothing there, except a bottle of loganberry syrup that had fermented, and half a packet of dusty biscuits.  

* had fermented:

       had [『助動詞』・『過去形』「(これまでに ~ のうごきをした実績)を持っていた」

   +  fermented [『自動詞』・『過去分詞』




Moomintroll made himself comfortable under the kitchen table and began to chew.  

* to chew:

      to chew = → chew「(これから)噛むこと」


He read Snufkin's letter once more.

He stopped short when he caught sight of two small eyes that gleamed out at him from under the sink. 




エゼキエルの宇宙船 (6) The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich

    It would appear that Ezekiel sensed the truth rather early.

* would: 

  **     カタチのうえでは、『推測の助動詞』will の『過去形』ですが、




        この would は、「実現性の弱い世界」の『助動詞』の『現在形』です。

       **    would appear  は、appear よりも「実現性が弱い」ので、


* It = that・・・・・


As his encounters with spaceships extend over a span of twenty years, we are in a fortunate position to deal with repeated observations of a specific type of space vehicle rather than an isolated event.  

* to deal :  "to" = ”→”「(~)にたどり着く」なので、

       to deal は、「(これから)扱う」という意になります。

* repeated :


  →   repeated『他動詞』の『過去分詞(完了)』


  → repeated 『他動詞』の「過去分詞(結果・受動)」


* isolated:


  → isolated『他動詞』の『過去分詞(完了)』  


  → isolated『他動詞』の「過去分詞(結果・受動)」




   The prophet displays an extraordinary gift of observation in describing structure and functions of this type of spacecraft as well as the living beings and events immediately related to it. 

* describing:   

    in describing =in『前置詞』+ describing『他動詞』の『動名詞』「描写すること」

*  related:


  →  related『他動詞』の『過去分詞(完了)』


  →  related『他動詞』の「過去分詞(結果・受動)」    





The New Realities  新しい現実 (4) Peter F. Drucker

 Some time between 1965 and 1973 we passed over such a divide and entered 'the new century'.

*「1965年と1973年の間の或る時、私たちはそのような分岐点を通り過ぎ、’新しい世紀’ に入った」

We passed out of creeds, commitments, and alignments that had shaped politics for a century or two. 

*  creeds, commitments, and alignments [  that had shaped politics for a century or two ]

    **  had shaped :

      *  この組合せでは、had は『助動詞』、shaped は『過去分詞』です。

  *  had は『過去形』なので、「(ある動きをした実績)を持っていた」の意です。

      *  shape=『他動詞』「形成する」

         →  shaped「過去分詞(完了)」「(これまでに)形成してしまった(実績)」

  [ →  shaped 「過去分詞(結果・受動)」

         「(その結果)形成されてしまっている(状態の)」 ]

「私たちは、一世紀ないし二世紀にわたって政治を形作ってきた信条、約束、同盟関係を脱 却した」

We are in political "terra incognita" with few familiar landmarks to guide us.

* to guide:


  → to [ to A = → A  / A にたどり着こうとしている ] + guide

  →   to guide『不定詞』「(これから)guide にたどり着く」

  **  landmarks< to guiide us >

「私たちは、私たちを導いてくれる、知っている道標が殆ど無い、政治的な’未知の土地’ にいる」


No one except a mere handful of Stalinists believes any more in salvation by society  -- the faith which since the eighteenth-century Enlightenment had been the dominant force and main engine of politics. 

* No one ~ any more ~ 「だれも、もはや ~ ない」 

* believes...in ~「~ を信じる」

* the faith [ which since the eighteenth-century Enlightenment had been the dominant force and main engine of politics ]

    **  had been = had『助動詞・過去形』+ been『自動詞』『過去分詞』

  *  been「(これまで)(~)だった(実績)」」

  *  had been =「(過去の或る時点まで)(~)だった」



Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(8) Michael Summers and James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books )

 In any case, when this technique was used to search for exoplanets, the first positive results were the discovery of what came to be called hot Jupiters.

* was used to search for

  **  was =『助動詞』・『過去形』「(動きが ~ の状態)だった」

      **  used : 


  → used『他動詞』・『過去分詞(完了)』「(これまでに)使ってしまった実績」

  →   used『他動詞』・『過去分詞(結果・受動)』


   **  to search for :

               search for『句他動詞』『原形』「(~ )を探す」                     

   → to search for『句他動詞』・『不定詞』


* to be called:

  **   call『他動詞』「呼ぶ」 

   → called『他動詞』・『過去分詞(完了)』「呼んでしまった実績」

   →   called『他動詞』・『過去分詞(結果・受動)』


      ** be called = be『助動詞』・『原形』「(動きが ~ の状態)である」

                               + called「(いま)呼ばれてしまっている(状態の)」


  **   to be called =「受身の動詞の不定詞」「(これから)呼ばれる」

* what came to be called hot Jupiter


* 「いずれにせよ、この技術( 惑星の引力による恒星の小さな動きを探知することで、 

  惑星の存在を突き止める技術 ) が、太陽系外惑星を探すために使われたとき、最初の建


These are massive planets---typically several times larger than Jupiter---orbiting close to their stars, often closer to their stars than Mercury is to ours.

* orbiting :


    → orbiting『現在分詞』「(いま、もっか)公転している(状態の)」



But according to the paradigm that other solar systems should be like ours, this was impossible.

* should :

     **  shall『助動詞』「(大きな力の作用で) ~ するように導かれる」


     → 『過去形』で、「実現が不可能・困難」のニュアンスを表せます。

       ( 『仮定法』の原理 )

     → 「実現することはあり得ない」内容を表す『仮定法』のほか、


   この should は「実現の可能性が低い」場合です。



Gas giants such as Jupiter were supposed to form only far away from their star, not close in.

* was supposed to form

   **  were『助動詞』・『過去形』「(動きが ~ の状態)だった」 

    **  supposed :


 →   supposed『他動詞』・『過去分詞(完了)』「(これまでに)考えてしまった実績」

  →   supposed『他動詞』・『過去分詞(結果・受動)』


 **  to form『自動詞』・『不定詞』


* 「木星のような巨大ガス惑星は、その恒星に近い、星系の中心部の方ではなく、


Another surprise;  another failure of the paradigm.

* 「もう一つの驚き; パラダイムから外れた、もう一つの例」

As the collection of hot Jupiters grew, astronomers began to wonder if 'any' system out there is like ours.

*  began to wonder :

     **  began『他動詞』・『過去形』『(~)を始めた」

     **  to wonder = 『他動詞』・『不定詞』「(これから)wonder が実現する」




The First and The Last ( 6 ) / by Adolf Galland / WW2 のドイツ軍パイロットの手記から

 On January 10, a Luftwaffe major flew from Muenster to Bonn, carrying with him the entire plan of operations for the offensive in the west.

*   a Luftwaffe major  ルフトヴァッフェ(ドイツ空軍)少佐

* carrying = carry『他動詞』「持ち運ぶ」の『現在分詞』


  flew を「副詞的に」説明 (分詞構文)

*「1月10日、あるドイツ空軍少佐が飛行した  /  ミュンスターからボンへ  /  西部におけ


In bad weather he was blown off his course and made a forced landing on Belgian soil.

* was blown :

      was〚助動詞・過去形』「(動きが ~ の状態)だった」

  + blown『他動詞(blow)』・『過去分詞』



* forced = force『他動詞』「強制する」






He did not manage to destroy the documents in time and they fell into the hands of the Allies. 

*manage to destroy :

   manage「なんとか ~ する」+ to destroy「(これから)破棄する」 


A new plan had to be worked out which after a further delay caused by bad weather was finally put into execution on May 10, 1940. 

*  had to be worked out :

       had + to be worked out 

  = had「持っていた」

   + to be worked out

             **  worked out 

       work out『他動詞』「考案する」の『過去分詞』



             **  be worked out = 

                   be『助動詞』・『原形』「(動きが ~ の状態)である」

       + worked out

      =「受身の動詞」be worked out『原形』       


     **  to be worked out =「受身の動詞の不定詞」


    ** had「持っていた」

      + to be worked out「(これから)考案されるべきだという状況」 


 * caused :


     →  caused 『他動詞』・『過去分詞』



* was put into:

       put into『句他動詞』「(~ )に入れる」

 → put into『過去分詞』



  **  was put into 

          = was「~ だった」 +  「入れられてしまっている(状態の)」


*「新しい計画が考案されなければならなかった  /  それは、悪天候が原因となった更なる遅


Strategy and Diplomacy 1870 -- 1945 (8) / by Paul Kennedy / 戦略と外交

The  Model  [1]

'Appeasement' in the above sense has been a particularly British form of diplomacy since the middle of the nineteenth century, and was rooted in the following distinguishable, although often interconnected, motives.  

* 「上記の意味における宥和政策」

* has been:

      has『助動詞』「( ~ した実績)を持っている」

   + been『自動詞』・『過去分詞』「(これまで)~ だった実績」

  =「(これまでずっと)~ であり続けてきている」

* 「特にイギリス的な外交のかたち」

*  was rooted:


 →   rooted『他動詞』・『過去分詞』 




    was rooted:

      was『助動詞』「(動きが ~ の状態)だった」+ rooted『他動詞』・『過去分詞』


* interconnected:


 → interconnected『他動詞』・『過去分詞(完了)』 


   →   interconnected『他動詞』・『過去分詞(結果・受動)』




'Morality'  (1)

The application of the concepts of 'justice' and 'morality' to politics has been prominent in British thought from the time of the evangelical movement onwards and , although receiving many a setback and much criticism from cynics, remained a strong feature among the formative political elements.   

* 「’正義’ と ’道徳性’ の概念を政治に持ち込むこと」

* the evangelical movement   福音主義に基づく人道的な運動

* receiving = receive『他動詞』の『現在分詞』


has been prominent「ずっと、目立つ状態が続いてきている」に対する「副詞的な」説明 



* remained:

     has remaind のセットなので、

 『自動詞』remain「~ のままである」の『過去分詞』

  「(これまで)(~ で)あり続けてきた実績」



「クジラ構文」 A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.  のメカニズム

1.no more 

      no は強い否定で、more を否定しています。

  「 ~ 以上ということは、まったくない」

2.a fish を補うと、

  A whale is no more a fish than a horse is ( a fish )  となって、

 「 馬が魚であるよりも(より高い程度に)クジラが魚であるということは、まったくない」


      no more の no が否定しているのは、more です。


 「クジラも魚ではない」の否定の内容は、 no によるものではありません。 


  a horse is (a fish )  から来ています。

  a horse is ( a fish )  は、明らかに間違いだとわかる内容だからです。










 S V no more A than B

の B に、「明らかに非常識な内容」を持って来て、

「非常識な B よりも高い程度に A が成り立つことはない」、

「非常識な B が成り立たないのと同様に、A も成り立たない」 


次は、”Jurassic Park” の作者である Michael Crichton が、

Harvard Medical School(ハーヴァード大学医学大学院)で、初めて anatomy (解剖学)

の講義を受けた時、教授が学生たちに語った言葉です。( "Travels" より )

You can no more become a good doctor 

                                       without a thorough understanding of anatomy

than you can become a good mechanic without opening the hood of a car.








事業存続マネジメント(7) / The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity

 Edited by Andrew Hiles  and  Peter Barnes

Vulnerability of today's business organizations  ( 7th )


Integrated organization 


Each business organization always consists of three components.


*  Business processes---how products or services are delivered to the clients


*  Participants---who participate in the execution of the business process


*  Infrastructure and resources ---used in the execution of the business process


These elements of the organization are integrated through information flows.


Because of the high level of integration of business operations and information flows, it is difficult to separate any of these elements from the others. 


It is these elements together that allow an organization to execute its business operations.

*  It [ that allow an organization to execute its business  operations ] is these elements together.  (強調構文)


Also, when you think about how you will bring about the resumption of business after disaster, you cannot separate any of the elements of the organization from the others.



For instance, if you consider only IT, or just a single department, then you will probably not achieve business resumption, because you are overlooking the integration of dependencies throughout the organization. 



ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 (9) 

 "Celtic Wicca"    by Jane raeburn  より

ケルト人についての誤解 (3)

The Romans did not stamp out the Celtic religion.

* ローマ人は、ケルトの宗教を根絶やしにはしなかった。

While some Druids were executed for their anti-Roman political and military activities, the conquering Romans left intact the religions of ordinary people, requiring only that local leaders pay token homage to the cult of the emperor's family.    

* were executed:

       **  were『助動詞』・『過去形』「(~の状態)だった」

       **  executed:


   → executed『過去分詞(完了)』「(これまでに)処刑してしまった実績」

   → executed『過去分詞(結果・受動)』


     → 「処刑された」

* conquering:


    → conquering『現在分詞』「(いま、もっか)征服しつつある(状態の)」

* the conquering Romans left intact the religions of ordinary people

  = the conquering Romans left the religions of ordinary people intact                            S        V            O                                     C    

  **  intact「そのままの状態で」                

      **  O が長いので、OとC を入れ替え

* requiring:


  →  requiring『現在分詞』「(いま、もっか)要求している(状態で)」

  **  be(『助動詞』) + requiring は、「進行を表す動詞」ですが、

    requiing 単独では、一人前の動詞ではないので、

    left を説明する補助的なはたらきをしています(『分詞構文』)。

 /  pay token homage   集団としての敬意を払う 

  /  the cult of the emperor's family    (ローマの)皇帝家の新しい宗教(キリスト教)    

Indeed, there is considerable evidence that during the centuries of Roman occupation, practitioners of Celtic and Roman religion learned from one another, resulting in the blending of certain ideas and deities.

* considerable evidence [ that・・・・・and deities ]

* resulting in :

      result in「(~)の結果になる」

 →  resulting in「その結果、・・・となった」( learned を説明)  

/ practitioners of Celtic and Roman religion   ケルトとローマの宗教に従事する人々   

/  the blending of certain ideas and deities   或る部分の考えや神々の混じり合い

Celtic religion was superseded by Christianity, not by the Roman gods.

* superseded : 


→  superseded『過去分詞(完了)』「(これまでに)とって代ってしまった実績」

→  superseded『過去分詞(結果・受動)』



* ケルトの宗教は、キリスト教にとって代られたのであって、(キリスト教の前の多神教の時代の)ローマの神々にとって代られたのではなかった。


西欧中世のカオス的世界(15) / Medieval Europe by Martin Scott より

 The Romans had long known of the Germanic tribes who lay beyond the frontiers of the empire.

* had known of :


  + known of『句他動詞』の『過去分詞』「(これまでに)(~)を知ってしまった実績」

* the Germanic tribes [ who(= the Germanic tribes) lay / beyond the frontiers of the empire ] 


As early as the first century Tacitus had made a systematic attempt to describe the nature and customs of these neighbours of the Empire whose lands stretched from the shores of the Baltic to the banks of the Danube.   

* had made:

      had「持っていた」+ made「(これまでに)作ってしまった実績」

*  to describe =「(これから) describe に到達するための」

* the Empire [ whose(= the Empire's ) lands stretched / from the shores of the Baltic / to the banks of the Danube ]

/  早くも紀元一世紀には、タキトゥスは、おこなってしまっていた / 記述するための体系的な試み  /  その土地がバルト海の岸からダニューブ川の河畔まで広がっていた帝国の / これらの隣人の性質と習慣を 


Divided by geography into several tribes, such as the Saxons and the Franks in the north and the Goths farther east, these two main branches of the Teutonic race did not differ significantly in their customs.

* Divided:


 → divided『過去分詞(完了)』「(これまでに)分割してしまった実績」

 →   divided『他動詞(結果・受動)』「(その結果、いま)分割されてしまっている(状態の)」

/  地勢によって幾つかの部族に分割されていたが /  北方のサクソンやフランク、遥か東方のゴートのような /  チュートン族のこれら二つの主要な分派は、その習慣においては、大きく違ってはいなかった  


東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況(3) China Between Empires ( by Mark Edward Lewis ) より

 But a second and more important reason for preferring the rubric of "north and south" is that major changes associated with this geographical division in many ways define the historical significance of this period.

* for(前置詞)+ preferring 

  → prefer『他動詞』「好む」の『動名詞』「好むこと」  

/ the rubic of "north and south"  ”南北”という呼称

* associated : 


 →  associated『過去分詞(完了)』「(これまでに)結びつけてしまった」

 →  associated『過去分詞(結果・受動)』「(いま)結びつけられてしまっている(状態の)」

/ that major changes< "associated" with this geographical division in many ways >  define the historical significance of this period



The southward  migration of a large percentage of the Han population, and the cultural innovation elicited by their encounter with an unfamiliar landscape and distinct peoples, led to a divergence of the south from the culture of the north.

* elicited:


→ elicited『過去分詞(完了)』「(これまでに)引き出してしまった」

→   elicited『過去分詞(結果・受動)』「(いま)引き出されてしまっている(状態の)」

/  漢の人口の大きな割合の南方への移住  

/  目新しい風景と全く異なった人々との出会いによって引き出された、文化的な革新

/  北方の文化からの南方の分岐につながった

While the name "Northern and Southern Dynasties" acknowledges that fact of political division, it also suggests the expansion and diversification  of the Chinese cultural sphere during this seminal epoch in the history of imperial China.

/  ”南北朝”の名称が、政治的な分断という事実を認める一方で

/  ”南北朝”の名称は、同時に、王朝によって支配される中国の歴史における、新しい時代を準備するこの時期の、中国文化圏の拡大と多様化を示唆している

Duel (5) Richard Matheson

Hours of driving yet before he'd reach San Francisco. 

* he' d reach = he would reach


Three days of  hotel sleeping and restaurant eating, hoped-for contacts and likely disappointments.

* hoped-for :

hope for ~ 『句他動詞』「(~)を期待する」

→『過去分詞(完了)』hoped for「(これまでに)期待してしまった」   

→『過去分詞(結果・受動)』hoped for「(その結果、いま)期待されてしまっている(状態の)」

 /  三日間、ホテルで寝てレストランで食べて、希望した接触をして、たぶんがっかりして。

He sighed; then, reaching out impulsively, he switched on the radio.

* reaching out :  reach out「手を伸ばす」

→ reaching out『現在分詞』「(いま、もっか)手を伸ばしている(状態で)」 

 switched を説明。

/ 彼は溜息をついた;それからふと思いついて手を伸ばし、ラジオのスウィッチを入れた。 

He revolved the turning knob until he found a station playing soft, innocuous music.

/  turning knob  回転式の調節用ツマミ  

 /  a station playing soft, innocuous music

* playing:  play『他動詞』の『現在分詞』



He hummed along with it, eyes almost out of focus on the road ahead.

/ hummed along with it   音楽に合わせてずっとハミングした  

* eyes (being) almost "out of focus" on the road ahead                                                  s'     ( v' )                  c'

   名詞 + doing  は、一人前の S + V ではないので、

 hummed を説明する、補助的な立場・役割です。

/  out of focus「目の焦点を合わせずに、ぼんやりと」

Moominland Midwinter ( 15th )

 Moomintroll pricked his ears and listened long. 


Then he lit the night-light and padded along to the chest of drawers to read Snufkin's spring letter.

*padded・・・to read :  "to" が「(~)へ辿り着く」の意なので、padded の後で read が実現します。    


It lay, as usual, under the little meerschaum tram, and it was very much like the other spring letters that Snufkin had left behind when he went off to the South each year in October.

* had left・・・went :  


     + left「(これまでに)置いて行ってしまった、という実績」『過去分詞』


had left は went『過去形』 よりも前に実現しています:「 手紙を置いて、それから出発した」 /

meerschaum tram   ミアシャム(海泡石)のトロッコ / 

the other spring letters [ that(= the other spring letters ) Snufkin had left behimd / when he went off / to the South / each year / in October ]

It began with the word 'Cheerio' in his big round hand.

Cheerio じゃあね  /  in his big round hand   彼の大きな丸っこい文字で

The letter itself was short:


Sleep well and keep your pecker up.

First warm spring day you'll have me here again.

Don't start the dam building without me.


keep your pecker(嘴) up   (長い冬だけど)元気でいてね   /   

you'll have me here again   僕は君の所へ戻って来るよ  /  

the dam building   ダム造り


エゼキエルの宇宙船(5) The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich

 Thus striving for objectivity, I am presenting engineering proof of the technical soundness and reality of the spaceships described by Ezekiel, as well as of the related events and procedures. 

striving for objectivity   客観性を求めて努力しているので( am presenting  を説明)  /  engineering proof of the technical soundness   技術的にちゃんとしたものであることの工学的な証明 /  reality of the spaceships< described by Ezekiel >   エゼキエルによって記述されている宇宙船の現実性

Lacking any applicable experience as he did, Ezekiel often had to resort to figurative descriptions to be able to report at all that he had seen.

Lacking any applicable experience (記述のために)応用できる経験がなにも無かったので /   as he did(= lacked any applicable experience  )   彼が実際に、応用できる経験を何も持っていなかったように /   resort to figurative descriptions   比喩的な表現に頼る /  report at all [ that he had seen ]   彼が見てきた全てについて報告する

Such figurative description is confusing and mysterious so long as one knows nothing of the underlying reality. 

the underlying reality  わかりにくい表現の下に隠されている現実 

However,  when we penetrate these pictures, we see immediately a surprisingly clear report, free of contradictions.

penetrate these pictures   わかりにくい表面の記述の下に記されているものを読み取って   /   free of contradictions 矛盾の無い

One is then able to also recognize, so to speak, direct and uncoded parts of the report and to comprehend their significance.

uncoded   (暗号が解読されたように)明快になった  


The New Realities  新しい現実 (3) Peter F. Drucker

 History too knows such divides.

They also tend to be unspectacular and are rarely much noticed at the time. 

But once these divides have been crossed, the social and political landscape changes.

Social and political climate is different and so is social and political language.

'There are new realities.'







事業存続マネジメント (6) / The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity より

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barnes

Vulnerability of today’s business organizations  ( 6th )


The business organizations of today  ( 2nd )   

Although in many organizations there is still a division into departments with a formal hierarchy, the actual business operations are typically organized and executed across departments, through these business processes, which are driven by information flows.

多くの組織では、今でも、形式的な上下関係のある諸部門への分割があるが、実際の事業活動は、一般的に諸部門を横断して組織され、実行される  /  情報の流れによって動かされる、これらの事業プロセスを通して。  

Exoplanets  太陽系外惑星 (7th) Michael Summers and James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books )

 by Michael Summers and James Trefil

If the pulsar planets were the first surprise, the detection of planets circling normal stars was the next.


The technique originally available for exoplanet detection involved measuring the small motion of the star ascribable to the gravitational pull of its planet.


Such a technique is best at detecting large planets---those capable of exerting strong gravitational pulls on their star.  


Someone observing our own solar system with this technique, for example, would see the effects of Jupiter before he or she (or it) saw the effects of Earth. 


Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星( 6th ) / パルサー星系(2) Michael Summers and James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books )

The titanic explosion blows huge amounts of material out into space, and you would expect that any planet unfortunate enough to be in orbit around such a star would be completely destroyed.

Yet here these planets are, where no planet ought to be.



ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 (8)/ ケルト人についての誤解(2)

 "Celtic Wicca"   by Jane Raeburn より

There are no ancient Druid manuscripts. 


Anywhere. Ever. 


Anybody who claims he or she has access to one is, at best, projecting a religious belief as historical reality.


The priests of Celtic religion banned the writing of sacred knowledge, and instead transmitted their history, poetry, and faith through a memorized oral tradition that required many year's training.  


The First and The Last (5) / by Adolf Galland / WW2 のドイツ軍パイロットの手記から

 I commanded all three squadrons of our wing in turn for a fortnight while the respective commanders were on leave.

There were continuous take-off alarms---false ones, of course, because the ominous siren wail or control tower orders that sent us zooming into the air, consuming considerable amounts of material and fuel, were usually based on errors or illusions.

One radar report of a mass approach of enemy aircraft, for example, turned out to be a flight of birds.


私は、私たちの飛行隊の、全部で三つの飛行中隊を指揮していた  /  二週間交代で  /  個々の指揮官が休暇をとっていた間。

絶えず離陸アラームがあった---もちろん誤報だが  /  不気味なサイレンの響きとコントロール・タワーの指令  [ それは私たちを空中へ急上昇させ、かなりの量の物資と燃料を消費させた ]  は、錯誤や見間違いに、たいていは基づいていたからだった。  



東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況 (2)

 China between Empires:  The Northern and Southern Dynasties   より

                                       by Mark Edward Lewis     

   While acknowledging its limits, I have adopted a modified Chinese name--the Northern and Southern Dynasties--for two reasons. 


First, this designation simplifies the native terminology by recognizing that the political world during these four centuries was defined by a split between the drainage basins of China's two major rivers.

第一に、この名称は中国本来の用語を簡素化してくれる  /  この四世紀の間の政治的世界が、中国の二つの大河の流域の間の分裂によって定義づけられることを、認識することによって。

During the so-called Wei period--better known as the Three Kingdoms--China was devided between one state that ruled Yellow river valley in the North and two that partitioned the Yantzi valley in the south.


The subsequent Jin period united China only for three decades, followed by a century of renewed division between the yellow River and the Yangzi.  



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870-1945 (7th)/ by Paul Kennedy / 戦略と外交

 It is in essence a 'positive' policy, based upon certain optimistic assumptions about man's inherent reasonableness, as was clearly the case when executed by Gladstone in the 1880s or Lloyd George in 1919, but it also contained that 'negative' element, the fear and horror of conflict, which came increasingly to the fore in the 1930s and caused the word itself to take on a fully pejorative meaning.

Indeed, until Munich or thereabouts, it may be said that the term 'appeasement' was a perfectly respectable one, and that the changed meaning of the word was concomitant with the final collapse of the original policy.          

宥和政策は、本質的に ’前向きな’ 政策である  /  人間に本来備わっている理性的な判断力についてのある種の楽観的な推定に立脚した  / 1880年代においてグラッドストーン、1919年にロイド・ジョージによって用いられたように  /  しかし宥和政策は、’後ろ向きな’ 要素も持っていた  /  衝突の恐れと恐怖  /  それは、1930年代に表面化し、宥和政策という言葉そのものが全面的に軽蔑的な意味を持つようになる原因となった。       

確かに、ミュンヘン一揆(1923年)の前後までは、次のように主張されることもあり得た  /  ’宥和政策’ という用語は、申し分なく敬意を払われる用語で、この言葉の変化してしまった意味は、言葉のもとになった政策の最終的な破綻に付随したものだった、と。


西欧中世のカオス的世界 (14)

 The Background (2nd)

At the same time the gradual infiltration of the tribes from beyond the northern and eastern frontiers of the Empire had inevitably altered its whole structure.

The tribesmen had come not to destroy Rome but to enjoy her, but if they tried hard to be Romans they had ended by making something very different out of the old Roman Empire.

Some understanding of these three forces is necessary before the history of the Middle Ages can make sense.    





エゼキエルの宇宙船 (4) The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich

    The result of a search is not equally significant or convincing to everyone.

The degree of intellectual conflict varies accordingly.

The fervor of a controversy depends on the severity of such conflicts.

But the deliberate application of objectivity softens the conflict and allows the controversy to become a discussion, a dialogue.

    It may also lead to understanding!







Duel (4th) Richard Matheson

The highway ahead was straight now.

Mann drifted into a reverie, the sunlight on his arm and lap.

He wondered what Ruth was doing.

The kid, of course, were in school and would be for hours yet.

Maybe Ruth  was shopping; Thursday was the day she usually went.

Mann visualized her in the supermarket, putting various items into the basket cart.

He wished he were with her instead of starting on another sales trip.





おそらくルースは買い物をしているだろう; 木曜日は、たいていは彼女が出かける日だった。 



* He wished he were with her

  were ; 現実には一人で旅をしているのに、 Ruth と一緒だったら、という、



       『仮定』の『自動詞』の『現在形』も were です。


The New Realities 新しい現実(2) Peter F. Drucker

 But some passes are different.

They are true divides.

They often are neither high nor spectacular.

The Brenner is the lowest and gentlest of the passes across the Alps.

Yet from earliest times it has marked the border between Mediterranean and Nordic cultures.

The Delaware water gap, some 70 miles west of New York City, is not even a real pass;  yet it still divides the eastern seaboard and mid-America.






デラウェア・ウォーター・ギャップは、ニュー・ヨーク市の70マイルほど西方だが、本物の峠ですらない;  しかしそれでも、これは東海岸と中部アメリカを分けているのである。

* 富山平野を東西に二分する「呉羽丘陵」も、標高は低いものの、かつては西日本、東日本の言葉や文化の分水嶺とされ、たとえば正月の餅は、西はちぎって丸めた丸餅、東は板状に延ばしてから切った切り餅、と異なっていたそうです。


Moominland Midwinter / Tove Jansson (14th)

 At dawn the snowdrift on the roof began to move.

It went slithering down a bit, then it resolutely coasted over the roof edge and sat down with a soft thump.

   Now all the windows were buried, and only a weak, grey light found its way inside.

The drawing-room looked more unreal than ever, as if it were deep under the earth. 





* as if it "were" deep under the earth

      were:  『仮定』の『自動詞』の『過去形』 

事業存続マネジメント (5)

 THe Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity 

          (  Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter   )        より


Vulnerability of today's business organization     ( 5th )


The Business organizations of today     ( 1st )


Driven by short cycle times,  increased pressure to cut costs and increase efficiency and customer orientation, today's organizations are organized around business processes to a greater extent than ever before.   

To deliver a product or a service to a customer, a chain of activities has to be performed.

This chain of activities is called a business process. 




Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星 ( 5th ) / パルサー星系 (1) Michael Summers and James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books ) 


The new planets, which are indubitably there, turned out to be circling the wrong kind of star, a kind of star called a pulsar.

Pulsars are small, unbelievably dense, rapidly rotating masses of matter left when a large star explodes in a supernova.

These supernova events mark the end of the line in the evolution of some tipe of stars. 


パルサーは、小さく、信じられないほど密度が高く、高速で自転しているかたまり  /  超新星爆発で大きな星が爆発する時に後に残される物質の。


ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流(7) / ケルト人についての誤解(1) 

 "Celtic Wicca"   by Jane Raeburn   より


(1)    The Celts did not build Stonehenge. 

It and many other stone circles, burial mounds, and 'menhirs'(standing stones) were erected before the Celtic era, by Neolithic and Bronze Age people whose purpose and worship remain mysterious.

There's no evidence that such sites were ever used ritually by Celtic priests.  


ストーン・ヘンジや他のストーン・サークル、土墳、’メンヒル’(立っている石)は、ケルト人の時代より前に立てられた  /  その目的や礼拝は謎のままの、新石器時代や青銅器時代の人々によって。   



The First and The Last / 第二次世界大戦のドイツ軍パイロットの手記から (4)

 Adolf Galland began his aeronautical career at 17, flying gliders on the Borkenberge, a heath near Westerholt.


In 1932, after a successful tour of gliding, Galland was admitted to an airline pilot training school in Brunswick.


Joining the then-unofficial Luftwaffe, he was secretly trained in Italy in 1933.


Although a crash during a training flight in Germany severly injured one eye, Galland managed to memorize an eye chart, pass a physical examination, and continue flying.



東アジア大陸・南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況 (1)

 China between Empires:  the Northern and Southern Dynasties 

                                       by Mark Edward Lewis   より

* 「ヨーロッパ」という国は存在せず、「ヨーロッパ」が地中海北岸以北の地域を指すように、「中国」という国も存在してきませんでしたが、モンゴル高原の南、チベット高原の東の、幾つもの王朝が興亡してきた地域の名称として、ここでは「中国」を用いています。

Native accounts of Chinese history prefer to focus on times of unity and military power, and as a consequence thay slight the four centuries after the Han state collapsed at the hands of religious rebels and regional warlords.


The relegation of this period to secondary status is reflected in the absence of any conventionally agreed upon name.


Following the traditional practice of periodization by dynasties, modern Chinese scholars call this the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties. 


Western scholars have suggested alternatives such as the Age of Disunion or the  early Medieval period---but the former assumes that Chinese unity under a single regime was the normal state of affairs, which it was not, and the latter imposes a Western templates on Chinese history.    



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870 - 1945 / by Paul Kennedy / 戦略と外交 (6th)

Throughout this paper, 'appeasement' will be held to mean 'the policy of settling international (or, for that matter, domestic) quarrels by admitting and satisfying grievances through rational negotiation and compromise, thereby avoiding the resort to an armed conflict which would be expensive, bloody, and possibly very dangerous'.

この論文のなかで、「宥和政策」は次の政策を意味すると考えられるだろう / 

「国際的な(さらには国内の)争いを鎮める政策 / 不満を認めて慰撫することによって / 



* will be held = will + be held(「受身の動詞」の「原形」)

* would be の would :「仮定の助動詞」の「現在形」


西欧中世のカオス的世界  (13)


”Medieval Europe”  / by Martin Scott  を、当面、参考にします。

The Background (1st) 

    Medieval Christendom was a blend of three great forces.


To the Greco-Roman world, politically unified since the first century B.C. in the Roman  Empire, had been added two vital modifications.


The Christian Church, at first apparently persecuted mystery religion from the eastern provinces, had taken its persecutor captive, and since the time of Constantine (306-337) had been the established religion of all civilized Europe.    


* unified:  unify「一つにする」の過去分詞(the Greco-Roman world の説明として、


   A を「(これまでに)一つにしてしまった」ので、

   A は「(いま)一つにされてしまっている(状態の)」

* had been added

   **   added:  add「付け加える」の過去分詞(been に接続しているので)

   A を「(これまでに)付け加えてしまった」ので、

   A は「(いま)付け加えられてしまっている(状態の)」

   **   been:  be の過去分詞 

          been added:  「受身の動詞」 be added(原形)の「過去分詞」

          been added が一体で、「受身の動詞」の「過去分詞」です。        


          been:  added(過去分詞) と接続しているので、

                             『「受身の助動詞」be の過去分詞』です。

  **  had:  過去分詞 been added と接続しているので、


      **   had(助動詞)+ been added(過去分詞)   という構成で、



*  persecuted:  persecute「迫害する」の過去分詞(mystery religion from the eastern         provinces に付いて、形容詞のように使われているので」

   A を「(これまでに)迫害してしまった」ので、

   A は「(いま)弱害されてしまっている(状態の)」

* established:  establish「認める」の過去分詞(religion を、形容詞のように説明) 

  A を「(これまでに)認めてしまった」ので、

  A は「(いま)認められてしまっている(状態の)」

*  civilized:  civilize「文明化する」の過去分詞(Europe を、形容詞のように説明)

  A を「(これまでに)文明化してしまった」ので、

  A は「(いま)文明化されてしまっている(状態の)」


Moominland Midwinter / Tove Jansson ( 13th )

ムーミンランドの真冬 (13)

     All at once Moomintroll felt frightened and stopped short in the warm darkness beside the streak of moonlight.

He was so terribly lonely. 



    "Mother!  Wake up!"  Moomintroll shouted.

"All the world's got lost!"

He went back and pulled at her quilt.

 「母さん! 起きて!」とムーミントロールは叫びました。



    But Moominmamma didn't wake up.

For a moment her dreams of summer became uneasy and troubled, but she wasn't able to open her eyes. 

Moomintroll curled up on her bed-mat, and the long winter night went on.




* frightened:  frighten 「こわがらせる」の過去分詞

    これまでに Aを「こわがらせてしまった」ので、

      いま、A は「こわがっている」

* has got lost

   **  lost:  lose「見失う」の過去分詞

     これまでに A を「見失ってしまった」ので、

     いま A は「見失われてしまっている(状態)」

   **  got:  has に接続 → この got は「過去分詞」


   **  has  「(~の動きをした実績)を持っている」

   **  has got lost   


* troubled:  trouble「悩ませる」の過去分詞

   これまでに A を「悩ませてしまった」ので、

   いま A は「悩まされてしまっている(状態)」


Duel by  Richard Matheson (3rd)

 デュエル(対決)  (3)

    At the bottom of the hill, he crossed a concrete bridge and, glancing to the right, saw a dry stream bed strewn with rocks and gravel.

As the car moved off the bridge, he saw a trailer park set back from the highway to his right.

How can anyone live out here? he thought.

 His shifting gaze caught sight of a pet cemetery ahead and he smiled.

Maybe those people in the trailers wanted to be close to the graves of their dogs and cats.

* glancing:    saw(過去形)を基準に、「(過去の時に)眺めていたら」

* strewn :  strew「撒き散らす」の過去分詞

   A を「(これまでに)撒き散らしてしまった」から、

   A は「(いま)撒き散らされてしまっている」

* set back:  A を「(これまでに)後退させてしまった」から、



* shifting:   shift「移動する」→ shifting「移動しつつある」 

* wanted to be close to ~: wanted「欲しかった」

             + to be close to ~「(これから)~ の近くにいること」



こんな街から離れたところに住める人がいるんだろうか? と彼は思った。




ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流  (6)


 "Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood"  ( by Merkin Stone  )


    As part of our exploration of the nature of the Goddess among the Celtic people, those whom we know best from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany today, we must first be aware of the vast geographical areas that the Celts once inhabited, and of the great number of quite separate tribes that formed the group we refer to as the Celts.  


In the third century B.C., large numbers of Celts were spread across Europe, from the mouths of the Danube in Roumania to the western coastlines of France. 


The Classical Greeks referred to the Celts as Keltoi; the Romans knew them as Galli or Gauls.

古典時代のギリシャ人は、ケルト人を Keltoi と呼んだ; ローマ人は、彼らをGalli とか Gauls と呼んだ。

Galicia in Poland, and Galicia in Spain, were once Gallic/Celtic area.

ポーランドの Galicia と スペインの Galicia は、かつては、Galliic / Celtic の地域だった。

Perhaps most surprising is the evidence of Celtic tribes living in Turkey, forming the nation/ state of Galatia, so well known from St. Paul's epistle to them in the New Testament.      

ケルト人の部族がトルコに住み、Galatia の国民 / 国家をつくっていたことは、新約聖書にある、その人々への聖パウロからの手紙によってよく知られているが、その事実の証拠は、もっとも驚くべきものだろう。


事業存続マネジメント (4)

 The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management

                        Edited by  Andrew Hiles & Peter Barnes

Vulnerability of today's business organizations   ( 4th )


Business organizations:  who should plan for business continuity? ( 3rd )

事業体: 誰が事業の継続性を計画すればいいのでしょうか?   

As all these organizations are equally at risk from the effects of a disaster that interrupts their operations, they should consider Business Continuity Management if they are to optimize their chances of successful resumption of business following an interruption.


*  are to optimize = are(助動詞・現在形「(動きが ~ の状態)である」)

   + to optimize(他動詞・不定詞「(これから)最大化しようとしている(状態の)」



エゼキエルの宇宙船 The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich ( 3rd )

 1.The Siituation    ( 2nd )

   Genuine search requires objectivity.

The latter cannot exist without mental flexibility, since none of us is objective by nature.

We all have opinions, the roots of which are spread out far and often are hidden in darkness.

To have an opinion is both our right and our duty.

To change this opinion becomes an intellectual obligation if the opinion proves incompatible with the result of the search.

Such a situation is a challenge that we cannot evade and therefore a conflict that becomes the touchstone of our objectivity and intellectual maturity.







Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星 ( 4th ) by Michael Summers and James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books ) 

 ( 3rd ) から、内容的に続きます。

     This attitude changed quickly when astronomers discovered that, far from being an inconsequential pile of rubble, the Kuiper belt is actually home to an incredible variety of planets. 

Some of these planets are the size of Pluto, and some even have moons. 

Today, some astronomers estimate that dozens of planets may be lurking out there, a number that completely dwarfs the familiar inner group that includes Earth.

Even before we left the solar system, in other words, the simple paradigm of "nine planets orbiting the Sun" was breaking down. 

Instead of being a lonely, demoted outsider, Pluto became the beginning of a previously unknown collection of worlds.







* nine planets:   

  Pluto は、1930年に、アメリカの Clyde William Tombaugh によって発見されたため、2006年に planet から格下げされて dwarf planet になったときは、アメリカの天文学者の中には、冥王星の外側で冥王星クラスの惑星が次々に発見され、冥王星を惑星としておくといずれ惑星の数が膨大になることが予想されるので、惑星の定義を変えなければならない、という理屈は理解できるものの、感情的には受け入れ難い、という人も多かったようで、本書の著者も、別の箇所で、降格を "silliness" と言っていますが、「9番目の惑星ではなくなったが、その外側のもっと大きな惑星の世界の、最初のメンバーになった」という言葉に、冥王星に対するアメリカの天文学者の、格別な想いが感じられます。

* may be lurking = may(助動詞・現在形) +  be lurking(進行の動詞・原形)





Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星 ( 3rd ) by Michael Summers and James Trefil

  Pluto is actually the gateway to a whole new part of the solar system.

Called the Kuiper belt after the Dutch astronomer Gerald Kuiper (1903--73), who suggested its existence in 1951, this is a flat disk of material that extends out beyond Pluto.

We have known about the belt for a long time, but it was usually considered a kind of afterthought to the inner planets.   

Indeed, one of the authors of the book you are holding ( James Trefil) once compared it to a scrap pile left at a construction site after the important building was done.



この新しい領域は、1951年に冥王星の存在を示唆したオランダの天文学者 Gerald Kuiper に因んでカイパー・ベルトと呼ばれ、冥王星の向こうに広がる、物質の平らな円盤である。


いい例だが、あなたが手に取っているこの本の著者の一人 (James Trefil) は、かつて、カイパー・ベルトを、本命の建物が完成された後の、建設現場の瓦礫の山、に例えたのである。

Strategy and Diplomacy 1870--1945 / by Paul Kennedy (5th )

 The Tradition of Appeasement in British Foreign Plolicy, 1865--1939

英国の外交政策における宥和の伝統  (5)

To maintain such an argument a great deal depends, as it always has done, upon the meaning of the very word 'appeasement'.


It may well be, as Professor Medlicott has urged, that the term is so contentious that it would be simpler to avoid its use altogether; but the fact remains that, since it has proved impracticable to banish the expression, the only alternative open to us is to define its meaning as clearly as possible.     

メドリコット教授 ( William Norton Medlicott ) が推奨してきているように、この用語は論争の種になりがちだから一切の使用を避けることがより簡単である、とも言える;


* it would be simpler to avoid its use altogether

       to avoid「(これから)避ける」が、内容的に『仮定』なので、 

    would は『仮定』の『助動詞』の『現在形』です。


エゼキエルの宇宙船 The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich(2)

 1.  The Situation     (1st)

This book is the result of a search.

A search is like a question and as such provides as yet no clue to the relationship of the searcher to the object of his search.

The person who asks must not necessarily believe in the existence of whatever he is inquiring about: he primarily looks for either a confirmation or a negation.    



問いを発する者は、自らが究めようとするものが何であれ、その存在を、必ずしも確信しなければならないということはない: 極めようとする者は、なによりも、確証か、あるいは否定を、探し求めるのである。 


DUEL  by Richard Matheson ( 2nd )

 デュエル(対決)   (2)

    He paid no attention to the details of the truck.

As he drew behind it on the grade, he edged his car toward the opposite lane.

The road ahead had blind curves and he didn't try to pass until the truck had crossed the ridge.      

He waited until it started around a left curve on the downgrade, then, seeing that the  way was clear, pressed down on the accelerator pedal and steered his car into the eastbound lane.  

He waited until he could see the truck front in his rearview mirror before he turned back into the proper lane.






    Mann looked across the countryside ahead.

There were ranges of mountains as far as he could see and, all around him, rolling green hills.  

He whistled softly as the car sped down the winding grade, its tires making crisp sounds on the pavement.   





事業存続マネジメント (3)

    The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management 

                                    Edited by  Andrew Hires & Peter Barns

Vulnerability of today's business organizations     ( 3rd )


Business organizations:  Who should plan for business continuity?    ( 3rd )

事業体: 誰が事業の継続を計画すればいいのでしょうか?

   As all these organizations are equally at risk from the  effects of a disaster that interrupts  their operations, they should consider  Business Continuity Mangagement if they are to optimize their chances of successful resumption of business following an interruption.  



Moominland Midwinter / by Tove Jansson ( 12th )

    He looked at the moonlight and the ice-ferns on the window. 

He listened to the humming of the stove in the cellar and felt more and more awake and astonished.

Finally he rose and padded over to Moominmamma's bed. 




   He pulled at her ear very cautiously, but she didn't awake.

She just curled into an uninterested ball.



  "If not even Mother wakes up it's no use trying the others," Moomintroll thought and went along by himself on a round through the unfamiliar and mysterious house. 

All the clocks had stopped ages ago, and a fine coat of dust covered everything.

On the drawing-room table still stood the soup-tureen with pine-needles left over from November. 

And inside its gauze dress the cut-glass chandelier was softly jingling to itself. 





Exoplanets  太陽系外惑星 ( 2nd ) by Michael Summers and James Trefil

  If the only kind of butterfly you had ever seen was a monarch, it would be reasonable to assume that all butterflies have to be big and orange and migrate to a particular spot in California every year.


Confronted with a cabbage butterfly---small, white, and nonmigratory---you might understandably be confused.


Some of your scientific colleagues might even argue that what you were seeing wasn't a butterfly at all, but a kind of beetle.


Eventually, though, you would begin to explore a little more and find that the discovery of the cabbage butterfly was just the beginning of a journey into a world of amazing complexity and diversity, and that there were thousands of different kinds of butterflies in nature.


You would realize that your original paradigm---the notion that there was only one kind of butterfly---was simply wrong and that it had blinded you to the true complexity of the living world.



ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 / "Celtic Wicca" Jane Raeburn (5)

 Overview of Celtic Religion  /  ケルト人の宗教の概観 (4)

    Though the Celts didn't leave written records of their lives and beliefs, they were far from "primitive."  

They left behind evidence of a complex and effective social order, a distinctive style of decoration and artwork, and highly evolved beliefs.

The values of creativity, passion, beauty, and honor, combined with the enduring mysteries of their existence, have endowed Celtic civilization with an irresistible appeal. 

* written = write「書く」『他動詞』の『過去分詞』なので、


「(これまでに)書いてしまった」は「実績」なので、have written という使い方になりますが、ここでは単独なので、「書かれている」の意味になります。

同じように、evolved は「発展させられている」、combined は「結びつけられている」ということになります。

* endowed = endow「与える」『他動詞』の『過去分詞』なので、


という内容で、have endowed という使い方なので、この endowed は、「(これまでに)与えてしまった」の意になります。 

ケルト人は、残さなかったが / 彼らの生活と信仰の書かれた記録を /、彼らは、いわゆる未開人ではまったくなかった。 

彼らは後に残した / 複雑で効率的な社会秩序、装飾と工芸の独特の様式、高度につくり上げられた信仰の証拠を。

その価値 // 独創性、情熱、美、自尊心の / 彼らの暮らしぶりの絶えることのない謎と結びつけられた  // は、ケルト文明に抗えない魅力を与えてきている。   


Strategy and Diplomacy 1870--1945  戦略と外交 ( 4th )

 It is the purpose of this paper, on the other hand, to argue that the real origins of this policy must be traced much further back, to the middle of the nineteenth century, and that the nature of British foreign policy did not greatly alter in its overall framework from that time until 1939; that there is, in fact, a British model of 'appeasement' whose operation is detectable for some seventy-five years or so before  Munich、and that it was only after that particular crisis that this model finally broke down.


一方でこのレポートの目指すところは、以下のことを主張することである  / すなわち、 この宥和政策の本当の始まりは、もっと過去へ、十九世紀の中ごろまで遡らなければならないこと  /  英国の外交政策の性格は、その全体的な枠組みにおいて、その時から1939年まで、大きくは変わっていないこと  /  実際に英国の宥和政策のモデルがあり、それが機能していたことは、ミュンヘン一揆までのおよそ七十五年間、検証が可能であること  /  そのモデルがついに機能不全になったのは、まさにその危機の後になって漸くであったこと、である。 


エゼキエルの宇宙船  The Spaceships of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich  (1)


I wrote this book after reading 'Chariots of the Gods' by Erich von Daeniken. 

    I began to read von Daeniken with the condescending attitude of someone  who knows beforehand that the conclusions presented can by no means be correct.  

However, von Daeniken quotes, among other things, passages from the  Book of Ezekiel, whose vague technical information he thinks is a description of a spacecraft.

With that he touches on a field very familiar to me, since I have spent the greater part  of my professional life with design and analysis of aircraft and rockets.

So I decided to use the statements of the prophet to refute von Daeniken and to prove the fallacy of his allegations. 

   Seldom has a total defeat been so rewarding, so fascinating, and so delightful!          

                     Josef F. Blumrich









DUEL by Richard Matheson ( 1st )

 デュエル (対決) (1)


   He was heading west, en route to San Francisco.  

It was Thursday and unseasonably hot for April.  

He had his suitcoat off, his tie removed and shirt collar opened, his sleeve cuffs folded back.    

There was sunlight on his left arm and on part of his lap.

He could feel the heat of it through his dark trousers as he drove along the two-lane highway.

For the past twenty minutes, he had not seen another vehicle going in either direction.

   Then he saw the truck ahead, moving up a curving grade between two high gren hills.

He heard the grinding strain of its motor and saw a double shadow on the road.

The truck was pulling a trailer. 












Strategy and Diplomacy  1870ー1945 / British World Policy: The Larger Trends  (3rd)

 戦略と外交   / 英国の世界政策: 大局的な流れ    ( 3 )

   by Paul Kennedy          Fontana Press    ( p. 15 )

   ; others, with more sense of the positive  side of 'appeasement',  have focused upon the attitude of the British government and public towards Germany during and after the Versailles settlement; while Mr Gilbert, going a little further back in time, has argued that 'appeasement was born' at the moment of the British declaration of war in 1914. 

   Few, if any, commentators have suggested that one should seek the beginning of 'appeasement' before that event, however.

* Mr Gilbert

"On 4 August 1914, following Germany 's invasion of France and Selgium, Britain declared war on Germany....On that day, amids the anguished cries of 'Why?', appeasement was born." 


"The Roots of Appeasement"    by Sir Martin Gilbert   ( Morton College, Oxford )  


Martin Gilbert は、もう少し時間をさかのぼって、1914年に英国が宣戦布告したときに「宥和施策は誕生した」、と主張してきている。




ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 / "Celtic Wicca" Jane Raeburn (4)

 Overview of Celtic Religion  /  ケルト人の宗教の概観   (3)

   For instance, who were the Celts?

   We first hear the term from a Greek writer, Polybius, and the Greek and Roman writers of the sixth through first centuries B.C.E. mention variously Keltoi, Galatae, and Celtae.

   The people they refer to were the resident populations of Gaul (roughly where France is today)and the British Isles.

   Today's scholars use the word "Celtic" to refer to people who spoke (but did not write) variants of a common language and spread their culture across Europe in the Bronze and Iron Ages.

   While most people today use the word ”Celtic” to refer only to the British Isle4s, many of the important Celtic archaeological sites are located in what are now France, Germany, and Spain. 


* B.C.E     

 B.C ( Before Christ / キリスト前 ) , A.D ( Anno Domini /  主の年 ) は、 キリスト教の世界観に基づく表記法なので、多様な宗教的背景を持つ人々の間でも抵抗を感じずに使えるように、

B.C.E( Before Common Era  /  共通紀元前 )、 

C.E ( Common Era  /  共通紀元 )

という表記( 表示内容は、 B.C、 A.D と同じ )に移行しつつあるようです。

 著者は、キリスト教伝来前の古代ヨーロッパにおける、多神教・女神信仰の性格の強い "Wicca and Pagan religion" に関わる年代表記では、B.C.E の方がふさわしいと考えて、これを採用しています。

 たとえば、Celts とはどういう人たちだったのでしょうか?

 私たちは、最初に、ギリシア人の著述家ポリビアスからこの用語を伝えられ、紀元前6世紀から1世紀にかけてのギリシア、ローマの著述家たちは、Keltoi、Galatae、Celtae と様々に言及しています。

 彼らが語る人々は、Gaul( おおよそ、現在、フランスがあるところ )と the British Isles に住んだ人々でした。 

 今日の学者は、様々に変化した共通言語を話し(書くことはしませんでしたが)、青銅器時代と鉄器時代に、ヨーロッパを跨いでその文化を広めた人々を指すために、”Celtic” を用いています。

 ほとんどの人々が、今日では、"Celtic" の語を、the British Iles を示すためにのみ用いていますが、重要なケルト人の考古学的遺跡の多くは、今日、フランス、ドイツ、スペインになっているところに位置しています。

Moominland Midwinter ( 11th )

   The silence was deep and expectant.

   Every now and then somebody sighed and curled deeper down under the quilt.

   The streak of moonlight wandered from rocking-chair to dwaring-room table, crawled over the brass knobs of the bed end and shone straight in Moomintroll's face.

   And now something happened that had never happened before, not since the first Moomin took to his hibernating den. 

   Moomintroll awoke and found that he couldn't go back to sleep again.

*  that (= something ) had never happened before

   had「持っていた」+ happened「(これまでに)起ったことがある、という実績」

= 過去を起点に「(これまでに)起ったことがあった」







Strategy and Diplomacy 1870---1945 British World Policy: The Larger Trends ( 2nd )

 戦略と外交 1870--1945

英国の世界政策: 大局的な流れ

    by Paul Kennedy      Fontana Press  ( p. 15 )

  Some have traced its roots to the failure< to prevent Japanese aggression 

in 1931 or Italy's attack upon Abyssinia in 1935 >; 

* have traced

  =have「持っている」+ traced「(これまでに)さかのぼってしまった(実績)」


* to prevent = to「~へ到達する」+ prevent





ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 / "Celtic Wicca" Jane Raeburn  (3)

 Overview of Celtic Religion


People of varying credentials have interpreted them in many different ways.


And even  the most eminent historians often disagree on important points.


So please don't take this brief overview as the One Great Truth.


Read the evidence for yourself.


The answer to your question may well be "We're not quite sure." 



Moominland Midwinter ( 10th )

 They always slept from November to April, because such was the custom of their 

forefathers, and Moomins stick to tradition.


Everybody had a good meal of pineneedles in their stomachs, just as their ancestors 

used to have, and beside their beds they had hopefully laid out everything likely to 

be needed in early spring.

* use to have = used to have (a good meal of pineneedles in their stomachs)

*  had laid out = had「持っていた」+ laid out「配置した(という実績)」


* to be needed   

  be needed = be「(動きが~の状態)である」

  +  needed「(必要としてしまった結果、いま)必要とされてしまっている(状態の)」

  to be needed = to(これから~へ到達する)+ be needed



Spades, burning-glasses and films, wind-gauges and the like.


事業存続マネジメント (2) The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management より

 Vulnerability of today's business organization 

今日の事業体の脆弱性 (2)

Business organizations: who should plan for business continuity?

事業体: 誰が事業存続の計画をたてればよいのでしょうか? (2)

  Examples of  such business organizations include manufacturers,  distribution 

companies,  sales organizations,  transport organizations such as railroads or 

airlines, utility companies such as electricity production and distribution , water, gas 

and telecommunications, and community services such as tax services, justice, 

emergency services, government, and so on. 


Although not all these organizations are established to make profit, they all provide 

some service  to somebody else, and  have all built an operational structure to 

enable them to do so.


In the context of this chapter, they are all called business organizations.



事業存続マネジメント(1)  The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management より

 Vulnerability of today's business organizations 

今日の事業体の脆弱性 (1)

Business orgnizations:  who should plan for bisuiness continuity?(1)

事業体: 誰が事業存続の計画をたてればよいのでしょうか?

 By ”bisiness organizations”、we do not only mean commercial organizations 

that manufacture and sell products or which provide, for instance, financial services. 

 A business  organization in this context is any organization that provide services or 

goods, either to individual customers, to other business organizations, or to the 


