
エゼキエルの宇宙船(5) The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich

 Thus striving for objectivity, I am presenting engineering proof of the technical soundness and reality of the spaceships described by Ezekiel, as well as of the related events and procedures. 

striving for objectivity   客観性を求めて努力しているので( am presenting  を説明)  /  engineering proof of the technical soundness   技術的にちゃんとしたものであることの工学的な証明 /  reality of the spaceships< described by Ezekiel >   エゼキエルによって記述されている宇宙船の現実性

Lacking any applicable experience as he did, Ezekiel often had to resort to figurative descriptions to be able to report at all that he had seen.

Lacking any applicable experience (記述のために)応用できる経験がなにも無かったので /   as he did(= lacked any applicable experience  )   彼が実際に、応用できる経験を何も持っていなかったように /   resort to figurative descriptions   比喩的な表現に頼る /  report at all [ that he had seen ]   彼が見てきた全てについて報告する

Such figurative description is confusing and mysterious so long as one knows nothing of the underlying reality. 

the underlying reality  わかりにくい表現の下に隠されている現実 

However,  when we penetrate these pictures, we see immediately a surprisingly clear report, free of contradictions.

penetrate these pictures   わかりにくい表面の記述の下に記されているものを読み取って   /   free of contradictions 矛盾の無い

One is then able to also recognize, so to speak, direct and uncoded parts of the report and to comprehend their significance.

uncoded   (暗号が解読されたように)明快になった  

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