
Moominland Midwinter ( 10th )

 They always slept from November to April, because such was the custom of their 

forefathers, and Moomins stick to tradition.


Everybody had a good meal of pineneedles in their stomachs, just as their ancestors 

used to have, and beside their beds they had hopefully laid out everything likely to 

be needed in early spring.

* use to have = used to have (a good meal of pineneedles in their stomachs)

*  had laid out = had「持っていた」+ laid out「配置した(という実績)」


* to be needed   

  be needed = be「(動きが~の状態)である」

  +  needed「(必要としてしまった結果、いま)必要とされてしまっている(状態の)」

  to be needed = to(これから~へ到達する)+ be needed



Spades, burning-glasses and films, wind-gauges and the like.


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