
Moominland Midwinter ( 15th )

 Moomintroll pricked his ears and listened long. 


Then he lit the night-light and padded along to the chest of drawers to read Snufkin's spring letter.

*padded・・・to read :  "to" が「(~)へ辿り着く」の意なので、padded の後で read が実現します。    


It lay, as usual, under the little meerschaum tram, and it was very much like the other spring letters that Snufkin had left behind when he went off to the South each year in October.

* had left・・・went :  


     + left「(これまでに)置いて行ってしまった、という実績」『過去分詞』


had left は went『過去形』 よりも前に実現しています:「 手紙を置いて、それから出発した」 /

meerschaum tram   ミアシャム(海泡石)のトロッコ / 

the other spring letters [ that(= the other spring letters ) Snufkin had left behimd / when he went off / to the South / each year / in October ]

It began with the word 'Cheerio' in his big round hand.

Cheerio じゃあね  /  in his big round hand   彼の大きな丸っこい文字で

The letter itself was short:


Sleep well and keep your pecker up.

First warm spring day you'll have me here again.

Don't start the dam building without me.


keep your pecker(嘴) up   (長い冬だけど)元気でいてね   /   

you'll have me here again   僕は君の所へ戻って来るよ  /  

the dam building   ダム造り

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