
東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況 (6) China Between Empires by Mark Edward Lewis

      First, access to office relied on a system of recommendations, and as a result it tended to be more a function of family wealth and prestige than of ability.


Writing in the late first century A.D., the scholar Wang Chong complained that people honored wealth and office rather than moral or intellectual attainments, and that wealthy families secured office for generations by recommending one another, while poor scholars were passed over. 


Hundreds of biographies preserved in the histories confirm that actual cases of upward social mobility were extremely rare, while important families were able to produce high officialholders for six or seven generations.


Over time, as the prestige of scholarly attainments increased and as more and more  would-be scholars competed with one another for a fixed number of positions, the chances for any given individual---especially one without family influence---fell even further.


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