
ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 (12) Celtic Wicca by Jane Raeburn

What we do know about the Celts comes from three main sources.    


     The second source is the artifacts, ranging from tiny bronze statues to burial sites to the remains of buildings and temples, which have survived the centuries well enough to impart some information about the people who left them. 


Here, too, we have difficulties, for such evidence must always be incomplete.


For one thing, many of a culture's objects simply don't survive.


 Even when we find an object ( assuming the site hasn't been raked over by clumsy archaeologists of another century, or raided to make building materials for thrifty farmers ), there is often little information to tell us what it was for. 

或るものを見つけても( その場所が、別の時代の発掘技術の未熟な考古学者によって引っ掻き回されていたり、倹約家の農夫によって建築材料を作るために荒らされていたり、ということがないとしても)、それが何のためのものなのか、私たちが知らされることはほとんどない、ということがしばしばである。  

Was this bowl a sacred incense dish in an ancient temple, or a serving dish for turnips?


Science can give us educational guesses, but few facts are solid.


     Third, we have some written records from the beginning of the Christian era.


These records ( particularly the ones from Ireland, which never knew Roman rule ) offer us some picture of Celtic society's values and laws.  

これらの記録( とくに、アイルランドのものは、アイルランドがローマ人によって支配されなかったので )は、ケルト人の社会の価値観と法律についての、ある程度の概観を伝えてくれる。

They come from a society that was largely Christian, and it is difficult to make assumptions about Celtic religion based on these sources.


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