
Moominland Midwinter ( 19th ) ムーミンランドの真冬 by Tove Jansson

     Meanwhile Moomintroll was laboriously plodding along through the snow.  


He went down to the river.


It was the same river that used to scuttle, trnsparent and jolly, through Moomintroll's summer garden.


Now it looked quite unlike itself.


It was black and listless.


It also belonged to this new world in which he didn't feel at home.


     For safety's sake he looked at the bridge.


He looked at the mail box.


They tallied with memory.


He raised the lid a little, but there was no mail, except a withered leaf without a word on it.



エゼキエルの宇宙船 (9) The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich ( Bantam Books p. 3 )

The results obtained show us a space vehicle which beyond any doubt is not only technically feasible but in fact is very well designed to fulfill its functions and purpose.  


We are surprised to discover a technology that is in no way fantastic but even in its extreme aspects, lies almost within reach of our own capabilities of today, and which is therefore only slightly advanced beyond the present state of our technology.


Moreover, the results indicate a spaceship operated in conjunction with a mother spacecraft orbiting the earth.


     What remains fantastic is that such a spacecraft was a tangible reality more than 2500 years ago.  



The New Realities 新しい現実(8) Peter Drucker

     On the European Continent they almost immediately split into Marxist socialists and anti-semitic socialists.

     ヨーロッパ大陸では、( レッセ・フェールを主張したリベラルな運動が衰退して、行き場を失った)その人々が、間もなく分裂して、マルクス主義の社会主義者と反ユダヤの社会主義者になった。

Both were equally anti-capitalist, and hostile to free markets and 'bourgeois democracy' .


Anti-semitism appealed to the traditional anti-capitalists, the peasants and small tradesmen, rather than to the 'post-capitalist' industrial worker.


It was however as much  a rejection of "laissez-faire" and of the bourgeois ethos as was Marxism.


And like Marxist socialism it was defined from the beginning, and quite openly, as an engine of political integration and as an organizing principle for the conquest of political power.

そしてマルクス主義者の社会主義のように、反ユダヤ主義は、政治的な統合の推進力として、 また、政治権力を獲得するための組織的な原理として、当初から、きわめて公然と、定義されていた。


In fact, the first politician anywhere to put into effect a "socialist " programme and to expropriate the gas company, the electric-power company and the streetcar company, was not a Marxist but an anti-semitic socialist:  Karl Lueger, elected as Lord Mayor of Vienna in 1896.

実際に、あらゆる場所を見渡して、「社会主義者」のプログラムを実行し、ガス会社、電力会社、市電会社を公有化した最初の政治家は、マルクス主義者ではなく、反ユダヤ主義の社会主義者だった:  1896年にウィーン市長に選出されたカール・ルエーガーである。

 *「ギョエテとは 俺のことかと ゲーテ言い」という川柳があり、

Goethe ( o の「ウムラウト」の代用としての oe ) という綴りが題材になっていますが、  

 Lueger の ue は、u の「ウムラウト」の代用ではなく、本来の綴りだそうです。

And as Josef Stalin showed, some fifty years later, Marxism and anti-semitism can easily be combined.


Of course, Stalin was no longer quite sane towards the end of his life.


But it was not just paranoia that made Stalin embark in the 1940s on an anti-semitic campaign.


A master politician, he surely realized the failure of Marxism as a creed and reached for the anti-semitic alternative to rejuvenate a dying socialism and a paralysed Communist Party.  



Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星 (12) by Michael Summers & James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books pp. 6, 7 )

The new assortment of planets includes:


*  Super Earths----rocky planets several times the size of the Earth. There seems to be a lot of these out there.  


* Styrofoam worlds----planets so light that we cannot figure out why they don't collapse under their own gravity.


*  Diamond Planets----planets made of pure carbon , with diamond mantles and cores of liquid diamond, a material unknown on Earth. 


*  Multistar worlds----planets that circle up to four stars, systems that were supposed to be dynamically impossiple.  


* Hot Earths----worlds so close to their stars that their surface rocks are vaporized. When such a planet rotates, "snowflakes" made of solid rock fall from the sky.


* Rogue planets----planets wandering around unattached to stars.  It is possible that the majority of planets in the galaxy are of this type.



The First and the Last (10) by Adolf Galland 第二次大戦時のドイツ空軍パイロットの手記 ( Methuen & Co. Ltd, London )

      In the first days of June, 1937, General Franco's Navarre brigades broke through the 'iron ring of Bilbao', the Condor Legion participating in this victory.

1937年6月1日、(反乱軍側の)フランコ将軍のナヴァール旅団は、( ビルバオの防備施設である )「ビルバオの鉄の環」を突破し、(ドイツ軍の)コンドル軍団がこの勝利に加わった。 

     In order to relieve the pressure on this front, General Miaja, Commander-in-Chief of the Madrid Red Front, decided to launch an attack here with strong forces, and, when the Republicans achieved a break-through, immediately flung strong reinforcements into the breach, thus creating a critical situation.      


This gave me my greatest chance during this war.


As so often before when things looked bad for the Nationalists, the Condor Legion was called in to help.


We were transferred to Villa del Prado, near the breach, our forward base being only forty miles from Avila as the crow flies.


When my duties permitted, I now flew with the squadrons, and saw action for the first time with Oberstleutnant Harder's unit.



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870---1945 (11) by Paul Kennedy 戦略と外交  ( Fontana Press p. 17 )  

Any disruption of trade, whether by a temporary slump or, worse still, war, affected her economy more than those of her more protectionist neighbours.


This basic situation did not alter by the turn of the century, when such states as the USA and Germany were overtaking Britain industrially, for she still maintained her dominance in 'invisibles'; and this trade was even more vulnerable to the collapse of the world economy ( as was shown in 1929--33 ) than that in 'visibles', many of which could be disposed of domestically behind tariff walls.

この基本的な状況は、20世紀に入るまで変わらなかったが、この時、アメリカやドイツのような国々は、工業の分野では英国に追いつきつつあったものの、英国はまだ「目に見えない分野」では優位を保っていた。ただ、この産業は、世界経済の崩壊( 1929年-33年に表面化したような )に対しては、「目に見える分野」における産業よりも、悪影響を受けやすかったが、それは、「目に見える分野」の多くは、関税障壁に守られて国内問題として対処できたからである。

Most British statesmen were well aware that war would inevitably mean a reduction in exports, an increase in imports, a decrease in invisible earnings, and losses of manpower, shipping , etc.


The preservation of peace was, for an economy such as Britain's ( but not, say, for that of Nazi Germany ), a vital national interest.        

平和を維持することは、英国のもののような経済にとっては( 例えば、ナチス・ドイツのそれにとってではなく )、極めて重要な国家的利益だった。


事業存続マネジメント(10) The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity  

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barns

Business dependencies and vulnerabilities  (3) 



     To illustrate this, let's take the example of the replenishment cycle of a supermarket chain.


In this case there is a complex information flow that starts from the POS terminals in the shops. 


Each shop sends daily information on the local stock levels to the head office.


The information from all shops is consolidated and processed to issue orders to the  suppliers.


A second information flow provides input to the distribution centres, allowing them to plan the distribution to the shops.


For each group of products, there are different supply cycles and deadlines within this replenishment cycle.




ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 (12) Celtic Wicca by Jane Raeburn

What we do know about the Celts comes from three main sources.    


     The second source is the artifacts, ranging from tiny bronze statues to burial sites to the remains of buildings and temples, which have survived the centuries well enough to impart some information about the people who left them. 


Here, too, we have difficulties, for such evidence must always be incomplete.


For one thing, many of a culture's objects simply don't survive.


 Even when we find an object ( assuming the site hasn't been raked over by clumsy archaeologists of another century, or raided to make building materials for thrifty farmers ), there is often little information to tell us what it was for. 

或るものを見つけても( その場所が、別の時代の発掘技術の未熟な考古学者によって引っ掻き回されていたり、倹約家の農夫によって建築材料を作るために荒らされていたり、ということがないとしても)、それが何のためのものなのか、私たちが知らされることはほとんどない、ということがしばしばである。  

Was this bowl a sacred incense dish in an ancient temple, or a serving dish for turnips?


Science can give us educational guesses, but few facts are solid.


     Third, we have some written records from the beginning of the Christian era.


These records ( particularly the ones from Ireland, which never knew Roman rule ) offer us some picture of Celtic society's values and laws.  

これらの記録( とくに、アイルランドのものは、アイルランドがローマ人によって支配されなかったので )は、ケルト人の社会の価値観と法律についての、ある程度の概観を伝えてくれる。

They come from a society that was largely Christian, and it is difficult to make assumptions about Celtic religion based on these sources.



西欧中世のカオス的世界 (18) Medieval Europe ( by Martin Scott )

     The Romans who confronted them were unfitted by the very success of the Roman peace itself for a supreme military effort.


Nor were the emperors of those decades, shadowy figures like Arcadius and Honorius, fitted to give leadership in years of crisis.


The next hundred years saw a constant succession of barbarian invasions.


The Visigoths under Alaric reached Rome to sack it in 410, and the withdrawal of the legions for the unsuccessful defence of the capital had merely opened the floodgates for the northern tribes, Alans and Vandals and the like, to pour into the Empire.


By the time of the depoisition of the last Roman Emperor of the West in 476, the whole western Empire had become a battlefield of warring German tribes.



東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況 (6) China Between Empires by Mark Edward Lewis

      First, access to office relied on a system of recommendations, and as a result it tended to be more a function of family wealth and prestige than of ability.


Writing in the late first century A.D., the scholar Wang Chong complained that people honored wealth and office rather than moral or intellectual attainments, and that wealthy families secured office for generations by recommending one another, while poor scholars were passed over. 


Hundreds of biographies preserved in the histories confirm that actual cases of upward social mobility were extremely rare, while important families were able to produce high officialholders for six or seven generations.


Over time, as the prestige of scholarly attainments increased and as more and more  would-be scholars competed with one another for a fixed number of positions, the chances for any given individual---especially one without family influence---fell even further.



Duel(8) Richard Matheson

     Mann checked his speedpmeter.


He was holding steady at 55 miles an hour, as he invariably did when he drove without thinking on the open highway.


The truck driver must have done a good 70 to pass him so quickly.


That seemed a little odd.


Weren't truck drivers supposed to be a cautious lot?


     He grimaced at the smell of the truck's exhaust and looked at the vertical pipe to the left of the cab.


It was spewing smoke, which clouded darkly back across the trailer.


Christ, he thought.



With all the furor about air pollution, why do they keep allowing that sort of thing on the highways?


     He scowled at the constant fumes.


    They'd make him nauseated in a little while, he knew.


He couldn't lag back here like this.


Either he slowed down or he passed the truck again.


He'd gotten a late start.


Keeping it at 55 all the way, he'd just about make his afternoon appointment.   


No, he'd have to pass.


     Depressing the gas pedal, he eased his car toward the opposite lane.


No sign of anything ahead.


Traffic on this route seemed almost nonexistent today.


He pushed down harder on the accelerator and steered all the way into the eastbound lane.



Moominland Midwinter  ( 18th ) ムーミンランドの真冬 by Tove Jansson

      A wave of cold air received him.


     He lost his breath, slipped and rolled over the edge.


     And so Moomintroll was helplessly thrown out in a strange and dangerous world and dropped to his ears in the first snowdrift of his experience.


It felt unpleasantly prickly to his velvet skin, but at the same time his snout caught a new smell.


It was a more serious smell than any he had felt before, and slightly frightening.


But it made him wide awake and greatly interested.


     The valley was enveloped in a kind of grey twilight.


It also wasn't green any longer, it was white.


Everything that had once moved had become immobile.


There were no living sounds.


Everything angular was now rounded.


     'This is snow,' Moomintroll whispered to himself.


'I've heard about it from Mother, and it's called snow.' 


     Without Moomintroll knowing a thing about it, at that moment his velvet skin decided to start growing woollier. 


It decided to become, by and by, a coat of fur for winter use.


That would take some time, but at least the decision was made. 


And that's always a good thing.



エゼキエルの宇宙船 (8) The Spaceship of Ezekiel / by Josef F. Blumrich

      Ezekiel also speaks of the commanders of the spaceship;  he hears them talk, he observes their movements;  on one occasion he witnesses a peculiar event involving the participation of a ground crew summoned by the commander.

エゼキエルは、宇宙船の指揮者たちについても語っている; 彼は、彼らが話すのを聞き、彼らの動きを観察し、或る時は、その指揮者に呼び集められた地上要員が参加した、奇妙な活動を目撃している。

He takes part himself in flights in these spaceships;  two flights take him to temples whose location and significance are still unsolved mysteries.

彼は、自身で、これらの宇宙船に乗って飛行する; 二度の飛行で、その位置や重要性が今だに解明されていない謎である寺院に、連れていかれる。

     The key to the clear understanding of Ezekiel's report lies in a very careful analysis of his description of the components of the spacecraft and of their function, carried out in the light of today's knowledge of spacecraft and rocket technology.


This method proved successful very quickly.



Further and increasingly detailed investigations and comparisons have shown that Ezekiel's descriptions are amazingly accurate.


The amount and accuracy of detail reflected in his record lead to the conclusion that  he must have possessed extraordinary gifts of observation and an almost photographic memory.   


This made it possible not only to develop a simple sketch, but also to express dimensions, weights, and capabilities in figures.



Thus, for the first time, it became possible to free an ancient report on spaceships from its disguising pictures and transpose it into the language of engineers.


This breakthrough made it further possible to interpret occurrences which had seemed to have no real meaning.


The New Realities 新しい現実 (7) Peter Drucker  

    1873 --- 1973   (1) 

     The last such divide was crossed exactly a century earlier, in 1873.


In its economic impact that year's crash on the Vienna stock market was a non-event.


All it did was to set off short-lived stock market panics in Frankfurt, London, Paris, and New York.


Eighteen months later the economy throughout the entire western world had however fully recovered.      


     But politically the crash on a fairly obscure stock exchange marked the end of the liberal era, the end of the one hundred years in which 'laissez-faire' was the dominant political creed.

しかし、政治的には、かなり不透明な証券取引の暴落は、自由な時代の終焉、’(自律的な調整機能に任せて、介入をしないという)自由放任’ が支配的な政治信条だった百年間の終了、を明確にした。

That century had began in 1776 with its 'Wealth of Nations' by Adam Smith. 


Within ten years after 1873, the great liberal parties that had marched under the banners of "progress" and "enlightenment" all over the West were in retreat and disarray.

1873年から十年経たないうちに、西側全域で ”進歩” と ”啓蒙” の横断幕のもとに行進した、大勢力の自由を信奉した政党が、後退し、混乱した。

They never recovered. 



Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(11) by Michael Summers & James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books p. 6 ) )

Talk about surprises!


The first surprise that came from the Kepler satellite was the sheer number of exoplanets out there.


Extrapolating from the small volume that Kepler searched to the entire galaxy, astronomers quickly realized that the Milky Way must contain more planets than stars.


Far from being a rare event, in other words, the formation of planetary system seems to be pretty much norm.


Like the butterfly collector in our example, we are having to adjust to the notion that the universe is a lot more complex and diverse than we imagined.   

*  are having to adjust 

     have to adjust よりも、適応しなけらばならない、という事情が、切迫しています。


After that initial shock, surprises continued to emerge.


As we refined our detection techniques, all sorts of new and strange worlds began to show up.


Hot Jupiters faded into the background and a complex array of planets came into sight.


The First and The Last (9) by Adolf Galland 第二次大戦時のドイツ空軍パイロットの手記 ( Methuen & Co. Ltd , London )

 A long and tedious train journey across the northern part of Spain brought me to my destination, Vittoria.


I certainly did not show any enthusiasm when, on reporting to the wing commander of my wing, I received the order to take charge of maintenance.


Our task was to repair and improve ground installations, assemble the planes which arrived from Germany, run them in and take them up on test flights, provide spare parts and tools, as well as maintain the vehicle.


Originally the bomber squadrons flew Ju 52s while the fighter squadrons were equipped with He 51s. 

当初は、爆撃機飛行中隊はユンカース52sを運用し、一方、戦闘機飛行中隊はハインケル51s を装備していた。


On my arrival the first and second wings had just been fitted out with Me 109s, which had proved their superiority against the strongest international competition.


In addition to the Ju 52s, He 111s and Do 17s were in action during the course of the war. 



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870 - 1945 ( 10 ) by Paul Kennedy 戦略と外交 ( Fontana Press p. 17 ) 

  The Model   [ 1 ] 

'Economics'   ( 1)

As the so-called 'workshop of the world', mid-Victorian Britain was at the centre of a global economic system, importing raw materials and foodstuffs, exporting manufactured goods and coal, financing overseas developments, and providing services as a shipper, insurer and commodity-dealer.   

いわゆる’世界の工場’ として、ヴィクトリア朝中期の英国は、グローバルな経済システムの中心にあって、原料と食糧を輸入し、工業製品と石炭を輸出し、海外での開発に融資し、運送業者、保険業者、コモディティの取扱者としてのサーヴィスを提供した。

She had by this stage abandoned her previously successful mercantilist policy in favour of one based upon the calculation that Britain would gain the predominant share of an unlimited and ever-increasing world wealth through the free interchange of goods.   

英国は、この段階までに、英国のかつては成功した、重商主義的な政策を放棄していた / 英国は、際限なく膨張していく世界の富の支配的なシェアを、商品の自由な交換を通して獲得するだろう、という計算に基づいた政策を支持して。 

While this had many economic advantages, it also meant that she was, more than most other countries, a 'hostage' to the international boom.

この政策には多くの経済的な利点があったが、同時に、英国が、ほとんどの他の国々よりも、国際的な経済活動の急拡大の ’人質’ であることを意味した。

Any disruption of trade, whether by a temporary slump or, worse still, war, affected her economy more than those of her more protectionist neighbours.


事業存続マネジメント (9)  The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity  

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barnes 

Business dependencies and vulnerabilities     (2)


Other dependencies are resources and infrastructure elements.


These can be logistical resources, utilities, office infrastructure, manufacturing infrastructure, information technology or financial resources. 


Examples of logistical resources are loading and stocking areas, transport facilities, weighbridges and so on.


The extent to which business operations depend on these critical items means that there is a higher vulnerability to  business interruptions.


These vulnerabilities include for instance single points of failures in the IT architecture and network.


When such a component becomes unavailable, many or all of the critical information flows to support business operations are interrupted.   



ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 (11)

 "Celtic Wicca"    by Jane Raeburn   より

What we do know about the Celts comes from three main source. 


One is the writings of Greeks and Romans who visited Celtic lands or encountered Celtic people as traders or slaves.

一つは、ギリシャ人とローマ人の著作で  /  彼らは、ケルト人の土地を訪れたり、交易者や奴隷としてのケルトの人々と遭遇した。

These sources pose problems for the serious student, for such writers often wanted to portray the Celts as strange and barbaric people, the better to justify making war with them. 

これらの情報源は、真摯な研究者に問題をもたらす  /  なぜかと言うと、そのような著作者は、ケルト人を奇妙で野蛮な人々として描写したがったからである  /  ケルト人と戦争することを、より巧みに正当化するために。  

In other cases, they wanted to depict the Celts as "noble savages," downplaying Celtic sophistication in an effort to contrast Celtic nobility with decadent Greek and Roman society. 

他の場合には、彼らはケルト人を"高貴な野蛮人"として描きたがって  /  ケルト人の文化面を控え目に扱った  /  ケルト人の気高さを、ギリシャ、ローマの堕落した社会となんとか対比させようとして。

Even well-meaning writers ended up telling fantastic tales simply because they were strangers in language and culture to the people they tried to portray.

良かれと思って書いた人々でさえも、非現実的な物語を語る結果になった  / 著述者が、言語や文化の面で、描写しようとした人々にとっては異邦人だった、という単純な理由から。   



西欧中世のカオス的世界 (17) Medieval Europe ( by Martin Scott ) より

 But it only required a weakness within the Empire itself, or pressure upon the Goths in their turn from the East, for the danger of Gothic invasion to be renewed.


During the second half of the fourth century these two circumstances coincided.


From the steppes of central Asia the savage armies of the Huns came came forth across Russia to throw the eastern neighbours of Rome into confusion.


By 376 the Visigoths were crossing the Danube to seek the protection of Rome, and when this was not everywhere freely granted they took up arms against their hosts, and at Adrianople (378) the emperor Valens died at the head of an imperial army. 


The Goths had come to stay. 



東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況(5) China Between Empires  ( by Mark Edward Lewis より)

The Rise of the Great Families (2)

The Pursuit of Status among the Great Families  (1)

By the middle of the second century A.D., the Han upper class consisted of families of wealthy large-scale landlords who generally espoused--with greater or lesser sincerity--Confucian values and learning and condsidered themselves gentlemen.  

二世紀の中頃までに、漢の上流階層は構成された  /  複数の、富裕で規模の大きな地主の一族によっで  /  彼らは、思いの深さには差があっても、儒学の価値観と学問を採用し、自分たちを君子(くんし)であると考えていた。

The individual with scholarly or literary attainments garnered prestige in his local community and might earn income as a teacher or a government official, and in some cases an appointment to the Grand Academy.

学術や文学を極めた人々は、周囲の共同体において名声を得て、教師や政府の役人として収入を得ることもあり得た / そして、太学(たいがく)に地位を得ることもあった。

However, several obstacles confronted men aspiring to these careers. 



Duel  (7)   Richard Matheson

 He eyed the truck with cursory disapproval.

彼は、トラックをじっと見た / ちらっと頭に浮かんだ、いまいましい思いで。

It was a huge gasoline tanker pulling a tank trailer, each of them having six pairs of wheels.

それは、タンク・トレーラーと牽引している、巨大なガソリン・タンカーで / それぞれの車両が、六軸のホイールを備えていた。

He could see that it was not a new rig but was dented and in need of renovation, its tanks painted a cheap-looking  silvery color.

彼には、見て分かったが / それは新しいトラックではなく、凹みがあって、改装が必要だった / そのタンクは、安っぽく見える銀白色に塗られていた。 

Mann wondered if the driver had done the painting himself.

マンは考えた / ドライバーが、この塗装を自分でおこなったのだろうか、と。

His gaze shifted from the word FLAMMABLE printed across the back of the trailer tank, red letters on a white background, to the parallel reflector lines painted in red across the bottom of the tank to the massive rubber flaps swaying behind the rear  tires, then back up again.

彼が見つめる対象は移っていった / トレーラーのタンクの後部に、端から端までプリントされている「可燃」の言葉から /  白地に赤い文字で / タンクの下部を横断して赤く塗られている,反射効果のある平行線へ / リア・タイアの後ろで揺れている、大きなゴム製のフラップへ / それから、また上部へ戻った。

The reflector lines looked as though they'd been clumsily applied with a stencil.


The driver must be an independent trucker, he decided, and not too affluent a one, from the looks of his outfit.

ドライバーは個人営業のトラッカーにちがいない / と、彼は判断した / そして、それほど資金的には余裕があるわけではないトラッカー / 彼の事業道具から見ると。 

He glanced at the trailer's license plate.


It was a California issue.




Moominland Midwinter ( 17th ) ムーミンランドの真冬 by Tove Jansson

    He stared back, and the kitchen was silent as before.

* 彼は見返しましたが、キッチンは前のように静かでした。

Then the  eyes disappered.

* それからその目は消えました。

    'Wait,' Moomintroll shouted, anxiously.

* 「待ってよ!」とムーミントロールは、会いたくて叫びました。

He crept towards the sink, softly calling all the while: 

'Come out, won't you?   Don't be afraid!   I'm good.   Come back...'

* 彼はシンクまで這って行き、その間もずっと、そっと呼びかけていました。

  「出て来たら? 怖がらないで! 何もしないよ。 戻って来てよ...」

    But whoever it was that lived under the sink didn't come back.

*  whoever it [ that lived under the sink ] was

*  でも、シンクの下に住んでいたのが誰であれ、その子は引き返して来ませんでした。

Moomintroll laid out a string of biscuit crumbs on the floor and poured out a little puddle of loganberry syrup.

* ムーミントロールはビスケットのかけらを床に一列に並べ、少量のローガンベリーのシロップを注ぎました。    

    When he came back to the drawing-room the crystals in the ceiling greeted him with a melancholy jingle.

* 彼が応接間に戻ってくると、天井のクリスタルが彼を迎えてチリンチリンと憂鬱な音をたてました。

     'I' m off,' Moomintroll said sternly to the chandelier.

* 「僕は行くよ」とムーミントロールはシャンデリアにきっぱりと言いました。

'I'm tired of you all, and I'm going south to meet Snufkin.'

* 「僕は君たちみんなに飽きちゃった。スナフキンに会いに南へ行くよ」

He went to the front door and tried to open it, but it had frozen fast.    

*  彼は玄関のドアへ行き、開けようとしましたが、ドアは固く凍り付いていました。  

    He ran whining from window to window and tried them all, but they all stuck hard.

 * 彼はせわしく息をしながら窓から窓へ走り、そのすべてを試しましたが、すべてがしっかりと固着していました。 

And so the lonely Moomintroll rushed up to the attic, managed to lift the chimney-sweep's hatch, and clambered out on to the roof.

* それで寂しさに襲われたムーミントロールは屋根裏部屋に駆け上がり、なんとか煙突掃除用のハッチを持ち上げて、屋根に這い出ました。


エゼキエルの宇宙船 (7) The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich

 Ezekiel begins his book with the description of the final phase of a spaceship's descent from a circular orbit to the earth and of its subsequent landing. 

* エゼキエルは、彼の書物を、円軌道から地上への宇宙船の降下とそれに続く着陸という、


This narrative is accompanied by a description of the main parts of the spacecraft.  

* この物語には、この宇宙船の主要なパーツの記述が伴っている。

Remarkable is that in describing his last encounter with a spaceship, he explicitly stresses its apparent identity with the one he had seen twenty years earlier.

* 宇宙船との彼の最後の遭遇を記述するなかで、彼は、彼が二十年前に見た宇宙船との、その外見上の同一性を、はっきりと強調しているが、これは注目すべきことである。                                                   



The New Realities 新しい現実(6) Peter Drucker

  The last of the colonial empires, Russia, has entered the final phase of decolonization.  

* 植民地を持つ帝国諸国の中の最後の国、ロシアが、植民地を手放すという最終的な局面に入っている。

Whatever succeeds it is unlikely to be either 'Russian' or 'Empire'. 

* その後に続くものが何であれ、(植民地を手放した)ロシアは、「ロシア的」でも「帝国」でもあり得ない。

  And after 300 or more years in which armaments were 'productive' and worked as instruments of policy, they have become 'counterproductive':  an economic drain if not economically crippling;  treacherous as a tool of politics;  and -- the most important and least expected change -- impotent militarily.  

* そして、300年以上にわたって、武力が 「生産的」であったし政策の手段として機能したが、その武力が「生産を阻害するように」なっている; 経済を破綻させるまでのことはないにしても、経済的な浪費にはなる; 政治の道具としては、意に反する結果をもたらす; そして -- もっとも重要で、もっとも予想されていなかった変化は -- 軍事的に無力になっていることである。

  These are the main realities to be discussed in this first part of the book.

*  to be discussed = to + be discussed

           =「(~)にたどり着く」 + 「論議される」

* これらは、この本のこの最初の部分で、これから論議される主要な現実である。


The New Realities 新しい現実 (5) Peter F. Drucker 

 But the one effective political counterforce is also spent:  political integration in and through 'interest blocs'. 

* is spend = 「受身の動詞」be spend(原形)の『現在形』 


It was America's own contribution to the art and practice of politics, fashioned first by Mark Hanna at the very end of the last century and then perfected, forty years later, by Franklin D. Roosevelt in the New Deal.    

*  fashioned = 『他動詞・過去分詞(受動)』


*  perfected = 『他動詞・過去分詞(受動)』

