
Moominland Midwinter ( 21st ) ムーミンランドの真冬 by Tove jansson

 The bewitched bathing-house ( 1 )


Down by the sea, farther to the west, a young squirrel was skipping aimlessly about in the snow.

( Lonely Mountains の麓の、標高の高いところから ) 下って行った海のそばの、ずっと西で、若いリスが、跳ねていました  / 目的も無く  /  あちこちと、雪の中を。  

He was quite a foolish little squirrel who liked to think of himself as 'the squirrel with the marvellous tail'.  

彼は、とてもそそっかしい、小さなリスでした  /  彼は、自分のことを、’見事な尾のあるリス’  と考えるのが好きでした。    

     As a matter of fact, he never thought at all about anything for very long.

   事実、彼は、まったく考えませんでした  /  どんなことについても  /  あまり長い間は。

Mostly he just had a feeling about things.


His latest feeling was that his mattress in the nest was getting knobbly, and so he had gone out to look for a new one.


     Now and again he mumbled:  'A mattress,' to keep himself from forgetting what he was looking for.   

     ときどき、彼はつぶやきました: ’マットレス’、自分が何を探しているのか、自分に忘れさせないでおくために。

 He forgot things very easily.


     The squirrel went skipping this way and that, in among the trees and out on the ice, he stuck his nose in the snow and pondered, looked up at the sky and shook his head and skipped along again. 

     リスは、跳ねまわりました  /  こっちへ、あっちへ、と  /  こちらの、樹々の中から、あちらの、氷の上へ、と  /  彼は、鼻を雪に突っ込み、そして考え、 空を見上げ、頭を振り、また、飛び跳ねて行きました・


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