
ミノア人: ミノア交易帝国の発展 (3)"The Development of a Minoan Trading Empire"

 Minoans:  Life in Bronze Age Crete      by Rodney Castleden より

     There were important trading links between Crete and its neighbours in the neolithic and early bronze age.

  重要な交易のつながりが、存在した  /  クレタ島とその近隣の諸地域との間に  /  新石器時代と初期青銅器時代に。

During the First Temple Period, between 1900 and 1700 BC, the Minoans were exporting their distinctive pottery and stone vessels to Egypt and the Near East as well as to islands in the Aegean, but there was a massive expansion of trade after the temples were rebuilt.

第一寺院期の間、1900BC から1700BC にかけて、/  ミノア人は、輸出していた  /  彼らの、独特の陶器と石の容器、を  /  エーゲ海の諸島に、だけでなく、エジプトと中東に、も、 /  しかし、寺院が再建された後に、交易の広範囲な拡大があった。

The main thrust of colonial development seems to have followed in the wake of this major rebuilding programme, in the period between 1650 and 1500 BC.

植民地の開発の主要な推進は、辿ったように見える  /  この主要な再建計画の経路を  /  1650BC と 1500BC の間の時期に。

* seems to have followed:

      seems「見える、思える」+ to have followed [ to(これから) + have followed「辿ってしまった」)


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