
東アジア大陸・南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況 (1)

 China between Empires:  the Northern and Southern Dynasties 

                                       by Mark Edward Lewis   より

* 「ヨーロッパ」という国は存在せず、「ヨーロッパ」が地中海北岸以北の地域を指すように、「中国」という国も存在してきませんでしたが、モンゴル高原の南、チベット高原の東の、幾つもの王朝が興亡してきた地域の名称として、ここでは「中国」を用いています。

Native accounts of Chinese history prefer to focus on times of unity and military power, and as a consequence thay slight the four centuries after the Han state collapsed at the hands of religious rebels and regional warlords.


The relegation of this period to secondary status is reflected in the absence of any conventionally agreed upon name.


Following the traditional practice of periodization by dynasties, modern Chinese scholars call this the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties. 


Western scholars have suggested alternatives such as the Age of Disunion or the  early Medieval period---but the former assumes that Chinese unity under a single regime was the normal state of affairs, which it was not, and the latter imposes a Western templates on Chinese history.    


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