
ミノア人: ミノア交易帝国の発展(1)

Minoans: Life in Bronze Age Crete    /  by Rodney Castleden

The Development of a Minoan Trading Empire   

In Greece, the tradition was well established by the fifth century BC that Minos, king of Crete, had ruled the Aegean Sea and its islands.


     The earliest ruler known to have possessed a fleet was Minos.


      He made himself master of the Greek waters and subjugated the Cyclades by expelling the Carians and establishing his sons in control of the new settlements founded in their place:  and naturally, for the safer conveyance of his revenues, he did all he could to suppress piracy.    ( Thucydides, 1  )

       彼は、ギリシャの海域の主人となり、カリア人を放逐し、自分の息子たちを、カリア人に取って代って設けられた新しい入植地の管理者としたことにより、キクラデス諸島を服属させた:そして当然ながら、歳入をより安全に運ぶため、海賊行為を抑え込むためになし得る、あらゆることをおこなった。  ( トゥキュディデス 1 )

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