
西欧中世のカオス的世界(19) Medieval Europe / by Martin Scott

      The collapse of the western Roman Empire in the fifth century A.D. seemes to be one of the obvious turning points of history.


Yet to contemporaries the deposition of the miserable puppet Romulus Augustulus in 476 had no such importance. 


For five hundred years, a longer time than separates us from Bosworth Field, Rome had given comparative peace, law, and stability to much of modern Europe, and not to Europe alone.


The Roman world had been centred on the Mediterranean, and her sway had covered the whole of the north African coast from the Pillars of Hercules to Alexandria and all the countries of the eastern Mediterranean.


To all these lands the Roman legions on the frontiers had given protection and a period of peace the like of which they were never to know again.


The Roman law and the Latin language had given unity, and the Roman roads had given a system of communications not to be bettered until the enghteenth century.


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