
The New Realities 新しい現実 (9) Peter Drucker

      From the beginning, that is from the 1880s on, Marxist and anti-semitic 'national' socialism were thus in parallel and competed with each other for the succession to 'bourgeois' liberalism.

当初から、つまり1880年代から、マルクス主義者と反ユダヤ’国家’社会主義は、こうして並行しており、’ブルジョワ’ リベラリズムの継承をめぐって互いに競った。

Before the 1873 crash two young men, Victor Adler and Georg von Schoenerer, had been the rising stars of Austrian liberalism, close allies and good friends.


Within five years, they had become bitter enemies.


Adler emerged as the Continent's most respected Marxist leader and Schoenerer founded the first anti-semitic political party.


What Adolf Hitler put into practice in Germany sixty years later was what he had imbibed from Schoenerer while a young drifter in Vienna in the years before World War 1.

  アドルフ・ヒトラーが、ドイツで、六十年後に実現させたものは  /  だった  /  彼が、ヴィエンナで、第一次世界大戦を控えた数年間に、若い放浪者だった間に、シェ―ネラーから吸収していたこと。


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