
The New Realities 新しい現実(14) Peter Drucker

1873 -- 1973  (8)

Ten years later, Dreyfus was rehabilitated.


But by that time, Lenin had already defined 'truth' as whatever helps, strengthens, and advances the 'party' -- the definition on which all later totalitarian regimes have been based:  his own, Mussolini's, Hitler's, and Mao's.   

しかし、この時までに、すでにレーニンは ’真実’ を定義していた  / ’党’ を支援し、強化し、そして前進させるもののすべて、として -- 定義 [ その上に、すべての後の全体主義体制が基礎を置かれている: レーニン自身の、ムッソリーニの、そして毛沢東の ]    

     For one hundred years, following the Vienna stock market crash of 1873, government control of the economy and government direction of society were the 'progressive' causes.

  百年の間、1873年のウィーン株式市場大暴落に続く、経済の政府による制御と、社会の政府による方向づけは、’進歩を促す’ 原動力だった。

The great political debate was not over the welfare state.


It was between believers in a welfare state in which there are democratic and legal restraints on government and on its control of economy and society, and believers in totalitarianism, either of the Marxist or of the anti-semitic persuation, who preached  and practised absolute and unrestricted government power.   

それは、福祉国家 [ そこでは、政府と、政府の、経済と社会への制御に対する、民主的かつ法的な抑制が存在する ] の信奉者と、全体主義 [ 絶対的かつ無制限の政府の権力を説き、実践する、マルクス主義者と反ユダヤ主義の信念を持つ者の、いずれもの ] の信奉者の間に、存在した。


Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(18) by Michael Summers & James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books )

 What about life?  (5)

     There are deeper questions we can ask, too:  Does life really have to be based on molecular chemistry?

  もっと踏み込んだ問題を提起することもできる: 生命は、本当に、分子の化学反応に基づかなければならないのか、ということである。

Does it have to evolve according to the dictates of natural selection, as it does on Earth?


It has become a standard quip among scientists that life is like pornography---we can't define it, but we know it when we see it.


We argue that this may not be true and try to stretch our imaginations by suggesting the possibility of entities that are (arguably) alive but are not "like us." 

私たちは、このことが当たっていないかもしれないと主張し、生きていて(生きていると言えるかどうか、議論の余地はあるが)、しかし、”私たちとは違う” という実在物の可能性を示唆することによって、私たちの想像力を拡張しようとする。

In chapter 12, we suggest that, just as we needed a new paradigm to deal with exoplanets, we will need a new paradigm to deal with life---a paradigm that inevitably takes us away from the Goldilocks planet and toward something much richer and more exciting. 

第12章で、私たちは提案する  /  太陽系外惑星を扱うために、新しいパラダイム【思考の枠組み】を必要としたように、生命を扱うための新しいパラダイム---ゴルディロックス惑星【液体の水が存在できる温度の惑星】から私たちを必然的に引き離し、もっと豊かでもっとわくわくさせるものに私たちを向かわせるパラダイムを、私たちは必要とするだろう、ということを。


The First and the Last(16) Adolf Galland スペイン内戦・第二次大戦・ドイツ空軍飛行士の手記

                                                         ( Methuen & Co. Ltd,  London )

     Nevertheless, dog-fights with Curtisses and Ratas could not always be avoided, and each time it was a very alarming business.


On one occasion, when we were attacking enemy columns in the immediate vicinity of Llanes Airfield, which was still used by the Reds, we noticed much too late the Curtiss planes which had taken off from there to intercept us.


They managed to rout our formation, but instead of forming the well-tested defrensive circle, my pilots tried to escape individually along the narrow valleys of the Asturian plateau.


There was bound to be trouble.


I myself had two Curtisses on my tail, and soon, on one of the hills, I saw black smoke billowing up from a crashed plane. 



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870 -- 1945(17) 戦略と外交 by Paul Kennedy より

* The Model   [1]

* Domestic Situation (3)


To sum up, there were always such motives -- moral, economic, strategical and domestic -- operating in the public consciousness and prompting British governments from the mid-nineteenth century onwards to favour a foreign policy which was, with rare exceptions (e.g. 1878, 1911), pragmatic, conciliatory and reasonable.

概括すると、このような動機 -- 倫理的、経済的、戦略的そして国内的な -- < 人々の意識の中で影響を与え、/  歴代の英国政府に、十九世紀半ば以降、外交政策 [それは、稀な例外(例えば 1878年、1911年)はあるものの、現実的、宥和的そして合理的だった ]  を優先的に採用するように仕向けた > は、常に存在した。

* 1878年  ロシアの、エーゲ海までの南下を阻止するため、


* 1911年  辛亥革命に際して、清朝との外交関係を維持し、革命運動を阻止

It was a policy predicated upon the assumption that, provided national interests were not too deleteriously affected, the peaceful settlement of disputes was much more to Britain's advantage than recourse to war.     

それは、政策< 前提 [ 国益がそれほど損なわれないならば、争いの平和的な解決が、戦争に訴えるよりも遥かに英国の利益になる、という ] に立った > だった。

It was not merely in the 1930s, therefore, that 'Peace as National Interest' is a valid description of Britain's overall strategy.

したがって、’国益としての平和’ が、英国の全般的な戦略の妥当な表現である、というのは、1930年代に限ったことではなかった。


Starships 恒星間宇宙船(4) Michio Kaku / Physics of the Impossible ( Anchor Books ) より

 Catastrophes to Come (1)


Poet Robert Frost asked the question whether the Earth will end in fire or ice.


Using the laws of physics, we can reasonably predict how the world will end in the event of a natural catastrophe.


     On a scale of millennia, one danger to human civilization is the emergence of a new ice age.


The last ice age ended 10,000 years ago. 


When the next one arrives 10,000 to 20,000 years from now most of North America may be covered in half a mile of ice.


*  arrives = 次の氷河期が来るのは10,000年ないし20,000年後で、その意味では『未来』の事態ですが、

will は、本来、はっきりとはわからない事態を『推測』する『助動詞』なので、

この場合、『未来』の事態だからと will arrive とすると、氷河期が来るのかどうかはっきりしない、とうことになってしまいます。

氷河期がいずれ来ることは、これまでの地球の歴史から考えて、まず確実なので、「実現する可能性がある」うごきを表す『現在形』arrives が使われています。

Human civilization has flourished within the recent tiny interglacial period, when the Earth has been unusually warm, but such a cycle cannot last forever.





事業存続マネジメント(16) The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barnes

* Disaster can strike, within your organization as well(2)


* Unexpected events and incidents can become disasters(2)



  **   大きな出来事が events、それよりも小さな出来事が incidents で、それが被害をもたらすと disasters と認識されますが、自然災害から人為的な事故まで、内容も様々なので、特定の漢語に置き換えずに、外来語として表記しておきます。

 ちなみに、宇宙における様々な現象も events と呼ばれるので、内容は実に多様です。

     Imagine, for instance, an event in your neighbourhood (your industry park or in the city center) , that requires an evacuation of the whole area until the problem is solved, which could be hours or even days.


* could = 現在において、can よりも「実現性が弱い」ことを示唆 

Your computers will still run, your telephones will still ring, and your business infrastructure will be unharmed.


But you cannot use it.


You cannot answer the telephone.


You cannot enter the building.


Such circumstances can be disastrous in your business.





ハンザ同盟の力(3) Forces of the Hanseatic League: 13th -- 15th centuries by David Nicolle (Osprey)

 Historical Background (3)

     Several of these Slav tribes, together known as Wends, accepted the overlordship of Christian German emperors during the 10th century.


Although this brief accommodation collapsed with a Slav uprising in AD 983, by that time the Wendish Slavs included Christians, particularly amongst their aristocracies.  


Meanwhile, there were significant differences between the military traditions of the main populations of the south-western Baltic region.


To the south, Germany was now within the heavily armoured cavalry tradition of western Europe;  to the north, infantry still dominated warfare in Denmark;  and to the east, light cavalry traditions predominated in Slavic regions. 

南方では、ゲルマン人が、この時点で、西ヨーロッパの重装甲の騎兵の伝統に従っていた;  北方では、デンマークで、歩兵が依然として戦争の主役だった; そして東方では、軽騎兵の伝統が、スラブ地方で支配的だった。


ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流(18) Celtic Wicca by Jane Raeburn

 So what do we know?  (6) 

     Lugh and Brigid were among the best-known Celtic deities, but they were by no means the only ones.


Historians have found the names of hundreds of Celtic goddesses and gods.


Many of their names are recorded only once, or only within a small area.


Celtic worshipers believed each place, each river, each mountain had its own divine spirit, often a goddess.


Other deities were associated with the sun, moon, sky, animals, plants, or skills.





西欧中世のカオス的世界(24) Medieval Europe by Martin Lewis

      The second factor was that in one very real sense Rome remained unconquered.


Constantine had shifted the capital of the Empire to the new city of Constantinople (330), and this city was not taken by the barbarian tribes.


Indeed throughout the Middle Ages it was to remain a large city even by modern standards;  at no stage before the twelfth century had it less than half a million inhabitants, and for much of the time it probably numbered around the million mark. 

事実、中世を通して、コンスタンティノープルは、現代の基準で見ても大きな都市であり続けることになった; 十二世までのどの段階においても、コンスタンティノープルの住民は、五十万を割ることはなかったし、その期間の大部分で、おそらくは百万人前後を数えていた。

The West never had anything to compare with this.


Moreover the Byzantine Empire deliberately preserved Roman traditions and methods of government for the whole long course of its history.


It was natural therefore that the collapse of the Empire in the West should seem not to be the collapse of the Roman Empire, but merely the temporary loss of its western provinces.  



ジブラルタルの岩へケーブルカーで〈3〉 The Cable Car to the Rock of Gibraltar by Paul Theroux

     There is a social order among the ape tribes, as well as ape rituals that are bizzare enough to be human.


Somewhere in the recesses of this rock that looks like a mountain range there is said to be a secret mortuary established by the apes;  ape funerals, ape mourning, ape burials.

この岩は連山のように見えるのだが、その引っ込んでいる幾つかの所のどこかに、類人猿たちによって設けられた、秘密の葬儀の場があると言われている; 類人猿の葬式、類人猿の服喪、類人猿の埋葬。  

The apes are well established, but disadvantaged --  unemployed, unwaged, destitute welfare recipients.  

この類人猿たちは、ちゃんとした立場を与えられているが、恵まれてはいない -- 職が無く、賃金が支払われず、わずかな福祉の恩恵を受けている。

The municipal government allocates money to feed them. 



ミノア人: ミノア交易帝国の発展(6)"The Development of a Minoan Trading Empire"

 Minoans:  Life in Bronze Age Crete       by Rodney Castleden   より

ミノア人: 青銅器時代のクレタの生活

     We can speculate from the handful of known Minoan colonies that there were probably several more, possibly on the mainland of Greece itself. 


The status of Mycenae at this time was almost certainly politically independent of the Minoans, but culturally and artistically Mycenae was strongly influenced by them.


Possibly the idea of the tholos tomb was exported to Mycenae from Crete.


The Minoans were, in a very real sense, the Americans of the bronze age Aegean, exporting style and tone as much as products.  


火星への旅(3) How to get to Mars by Andrew May

 Destination Mars:  The Story of Our Quest to conquer the Red Planet

     目的地 火星: 赤い惑星を征服しようとする私たちの探究の物語

Rocket Science (3)

The New York Times was wrong -- and 49 years later, with Apollo 11 en route to the Moon, the newspaper issued a belated correction: 

ザ・ニューヨーク・タイムズは、間違っていた -- そして49年後に、アポロ11号が月へ向かっている最中に、この新聞は、遅ればせながらの訂正の記事を出した:

     Further investigation and experimentation have confirmed the findings of Issac Newton in the 17th Century and it is now definitely established that a rocket can function in a vaccuum as well as in an atmosphere .

  さらなる研究と実験は、アイザック・ニュートンの17世紀の発見の正しさを確認しており、/  ロケットが、大気の中だけでなく、真空においても機能し得ることは、現在では、はっきりと証明されている。

*  it = that a rocket can function・・・atmosphere

The Times regrets the error.   



火星への旅(2) How to get to Mars by Andrew May

 Destination Mars:  The Story of Our Quest to Conquer the Red Planet

     目的地 火星: 赤い惑星を征服しようとする私たちの探究の物語

Rocket Science (2)

The most famous version of this argument appeared in a New York Times rditorial in January 1920:


After the rocket quits our air and really starts on its longer journey, its flight would be neither accelerated nor maintained by the explosion of the charges it then might have left.

ロケットが私たちの空気から抜け出て、その【大気圏内の飛行に比べて】より長い旅に、本当に踏み出すと、ロケットの飛行は、加速されることもないし維持されることもないだろう  /  ロケットがそのあとに残してしまうかもしれない、燃料の爆発によって。

* would = will の『過去形』のカタチで、will よりも「実現性の弱い」ニュアンスを表す、『助動詞』の『現在形』

*   might = may の『過去形』のカタチで、may よりも「実現性の弱い」ニュアンスを表す、『助動詞』の『現在形』


To claim that it would be is to deny a fundamental law of dynamics.

* = To claim that it would be accelerated and maintained・・・ 


* To claim that it would be ( accelerated and maintained )   is   to deny a 

         S               s                                     v                        V    C

fundamental law of dynamics.



That professor Goddard, with his chair in Clark College and the countenancing of the Smithsonian Institution, does not know the relation of action to reaction, and of the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react -- to say that would be absurd.   

かのゴダード教授は、クラーク大学【 Massachusetts 】で講座を持ち、スミソニアン博物館の後援を受けているが、作用と反作用の関係を知らず、反作用の対象となる、真空よりもマシなものを持つ必要を知らない -- それを言うとすれば、言うことそのものが、馬鹿げているだろう。

* know(他動詞) the relation of action to reaction 

* know of(自動詞 + of)the need to have・・・

* to say が「(これから)言う」の意で、「(馬鹿馬鹿しくて言う気にもならないが、あえて)言うとすれば」というニュアンスを含むので、「馬鹿馬鹿しい」という気持ちが強ければ、

would は、will の『過去形』のカタチで、 will よりも「実現性の弱い」、というよりも、この場合は「実現するはずが無い」という、仮定に対する”反応”、を表します。 

To say that would be absurd.

 S                        V     C      

    v'     o'

Of course he only seems to lack the knowledge ladled out daily in high schools.  


東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況(12) China Between Empire by Mark Edward Lewis

 The Rise of the Great Families   ( 9 ) 


The Pursuit of Status among the Great Families   (8)


     Their decades in the political wilderness---which roughly corresponded to the reign of Emperor Ling ( 168--189 ), who allied with the eunuchs---nevertheless served to strengthen the alliance of the now powerless official bureaucracy and the influential landed families.       


New patterns of social organization at the local level flourished, and an increasingly self-conscious elite began to describe itself as the "pure stream" and the defender of  Confucian civilization against a corrupted court and a benighted ruler.

地域における新しい形式の社会組織が発生し、自己をしだいに強く意識するようになったエリートは、自身を、”清流” かつ腐敗した宮廷と暗愚な統治者に対抗する儒教文明の擁護者、と述べ始めた。

By asserting their superiority over the emperor himself in this way, the elite families of the late Eastern Han progressively separated the idea of authority from the fact of wealth or office, and in so doing created an ideological basis for the later claims to authority made by the great families of the Northern and Southern Dynasties.    

このようにして皇帝その人に対する自らの優位性を主張することにより、東漢【後漢】の後期のエリートのファミリーは、しだいに、権威の概念を、富や官僚としての役職という事実から切り離し、そうすることによって、権威に対する後の主張 [ 北朝および南朝の有力なファミリーによってなされた ]  にとってのイデオロギー的な基盤を創成した。