
ハンザ同盟の力(2) Forces of the Hanseatic League: 13th -- 15th centuries by David Nicolle ( Osprey )

 Historical Background (2)

It is sometimes said that the Slavic population of lands between the Elbe and the Baltic was 'sparse', yet archaeology points to a thriving culture from the 7th to 12th centuries.

エルベ川とバルト海の間の土地の人口は ’まばら’ だと、時に言われるが、考古学は、7世紀から12世紀にかけて繁栄した文化を示している。

Nor did the Elbe mark a clear linguistic frontier;  the region north of its lowest reaches was inhabited by Saxons and Frisians, whose neighbours were culturally related though, until the later 10th century, still pagan Danes.

また、エルベ川は、はっきりした言語的な境界を示さなかった;  その最も下流の地域の北の領域は、サクソン人とフリジア人 [ その隣人は、文化的に近縁だが、10世紀後半まで異教徒であったデーン人だった ] が住み着いていた。

The pagan Slav Obodrites had, in fact, been given the lands immediately north of the lower Elbe by Charlemagne in AD 804, following the Christian Emperor's deportation of the existing Saxon population.

異教徒のスラヴ・オボドリート族は、事実、エルベ川下流のすぐ北の土地を、与えられていた  /  シャルルマーニュによって、/  キリスト教徒の皇帝の、それまで居たサクソン人の全住民の追放の後に。

Since then, Obodrites and associated tribes living closest to the Elbe had been annexing other Slavic tribes.




ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流(17) Celtic Wicca by Jane Raeburn  

 So What Do We Know?  (5)

     Brigid was equally popular, if not more so.

  ブリギッドは、同じくらいに人気があった、/  より以上にそうだった、というわけではないにしても。

She appears in legend as a goddess of the land.


The Brigantes, the tribe who fought under her name, were known to the Romans as fierce warriors in defense of their territory, yet her attribute were primarily peaceful.


In Ireland, Brigid came to be associated with three areas of life:  healing, smithcraft, and poetry.  


Like many other peoples, the Celts considered the number three to be magical, and perceived many of their goddesses and gods as triples.  



In one legend, for example, Lugh was born as one of a set of triplets.  



西欧中世のカオス的世界〈23〉 Medieval Europe by Martin Lewis

For their administration they were largely dependent on cultured Romans, like Cassiodorus, who could be persuaded to accept service under them.

彼らの統治のために、彼らは、カッシオドルス【 the Ostrogoths(東ゴート王国)の Theodoric the Great(テオドリクス大王)に仕えた】 のような学識のあるローマ人達に大幅に依存した  /  その人たちは、彼らに仕えることを受け入れるよう、説得される可能性があった。

These officials were often moved to accept by their belief in the importance of carrying on Roman traditions so that one day the Empire might be fully restored.

これらの役人たちは、多くの場合、受け入れる気にさせられた  /  いつか、帝国が完全に再興されるために、ローマの伝統を維持することの重要性に対する彼らの信念、によって。

In language, religion, and ideas of government the barbarians had nothing to offer that was not palpably inferior to the Romans;  it is not surprising that in every case they learned much from those they had conquered. 

言語、宗教、統治の構想において、野蛮人は、ローマ人よりも明らかに劣ることはない、提供すべきものを、何一つ持っていなかった; あらゆる場合において、彼らが、自分たちが征服した人々から、多くを学んだことは、驚くに当たらない。 


ジブラルタルの岩へケーブルカーで(2) The Cable Car to the Rock of Gibraltar by Paul Theroux

 The Pillars of Hercules:  A Grand Tour of the Mediterranean より 

      ヘラクレスの柱: 地中海の大紀行

Most of them are swarthy and bilingual, speaking intelligible English, and Spanish with an Andalusian accent.


Mention Spain to them and they become very agitated, though they know that as sure as eggs are 'huevos' the British will eventually hand them to the King of Spain, just as they chucked Hong Kong into the horny hands of the dictator of China.   

彼らにスペインのことを言うと、彼らはひどく興奮する、/  彼らは知っているが、「(英語の)エッグが(スペイン語の)”ウエボス”であるほどに当然のこととして、英国人は最終的には、彼らをスペイン国王に引き渡すだろう、/  ちょうど英国人が、香港をチャイナの独裁者のごわごわとした手に投げ渡したように、ということ 」、を。

     The Rock apes of Gibraltar are Barbary macaques, the only native apes in Europe.   


The apes are still resident, and have lived there longer than most Gibraltarian families.



ミノア人: ミノア交易帝国の発展(5)"The Development of a Minoan Trading Empire"

 Minoans:  Life in Bronze Age Crete   by Rodney Castleden より


     One of the most remarkable colonies was the one closest to Knossos, Akrotiri on  the island of Thera.


Spyridon Marinatos emphasized the Cycladic features of the settlement there, but many of the finds are more typically Minoan:  the house plans are not dissimilar to those of at Tylissos, with typically Minoan pier-and-door partitions, lustral areas, and minoan pottery forms in local ware. 

スピリドン・マリナトス【ギリシャ / ミノア文明とミケーネ文明を専門とした考古学者】は、そこの入植地のキクラデス文明の特徴を強調した、/  しかし、発見されたものの多くは、より典型的にミノア風であった:  家のつくりは、ティリソスの家々のつくりに似ていて、典型的にミノア風の、柱のように機能する壁と戸から成る仕切り、(宗教的な意味の)清めの場があり、そして、地域の陶器製作場のミノア風の陶器の形式。


Akrotiri was built in about 1550 BC and is likely to have been a Minoan foundation.


* is likely +  to have been 「(~)だったようだ」

      is likely +  to be  「(~)であるようだ 」


  to have been は、to be よりも時間的に前の動きです。

It developed its own distinctively 'Theran' artistic spirit, which was a development from the Minoan, while remaining in close and continual contact with Crete.  


The frescoes, for example, show many elements that are borrowed from Minoan Crete, but handled in a way that turns them into distinctively Theran compositions.

たとえば、フレスコ画は、示している  /  多くの要素 [ それらは、ミノア文明時代のクレタ島から伝わったが、はっきりとテラ風の創作物になるように、扱われている ]、を。




火星への旅(1) How to get to Mars by Andrew May

 Destination Mars:  The Story of Our Quest to Conquer the Red Planet

   目的地 火星: 赤い惑星を征服しようとする私たちの探究の物語

Rocket science (1)

At the start of the 20th century, the idea that a rocket could be used to travel to another planet was very much the stuff of science fiction.  

20世紀の初頭では、考え [ ロケットが、他の惑星へ行くために使用され得る ] は、まったくのSFの題材だった。

The American engineer Robert Goddard was among the few people who took the subject seriously.

アメリカの技術者ロバート・ゴダードは、数少ない人々 [ この主題を真剣に受け止めた ] のうちの一人だった。

His writings on extraterrestrial rocketry tended to meet with ridicule -- not because of any supposed problems with his engineering designs, but for a much more fundamental reason.

地球外のロケット工学についての彼の著作は、嘲笑を受けがちだった -- 彼の工学的な構想についての、なんらかの想定される問題の故にではなく、はるかにより根本的な理由のために。

According to the popular view at that time, the use of rockets beyond the Earth's atmosphere was a scientific impossibility.  



東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況 (11) China Between Empires by Mark Edward Lewis

The Rise of the Graet Families  ( 8 ) 


The Pursuit of Status among the Great Families  (7) 


      In the short term, however, the partisan pure critique movement met disaster when the eunuch party triumphed at court in 166.

  短期間で、しかし、党派的な清義運動は、壊滅に至った  /  宦官派が、166年に、宮廷で勝利したときに。

The death of Emperor Huan in 167 led to a brief resurgence of the anti-eunuch party, who had secured the regency, but a eunuch 'cou d'dtat' in 168 led to execution of the regent and the imprisonment of large numbers of the anti-eunuch party, more than a hundred of whom died in prison.   

紀元167年の桓帝【宦官の協力を得て統治】の死は、短期間の反宦官派の復活につながった、/  反宦官派は、尚書【皇帝の秘書役】の位を得た、/  しかし、168年の宦官によるクーデターは、尚書の処刑と多数の反宦官派の人々の投獄につながり、そのうちの百人以上が獄で死亡した。   

A "proscription of factions" banning anti-eunuch partisans from holding office lasted until the Yellow Turban rebellion in 184. 



Duel ( 13 ) Richard Matheson

     Mann could not allow himself to accept what apparently had taken place. 


It had to be a coincidence.


The truck driver couldn't have blocked his way on purpose. 


* cound not have blocked:

      could [can の過去形]  +  have blocked [「完了の動詞」の『原形』]

  have blocked は、could よりも前に実現した「うごき」です。

He waited for more than a minute, then flicked down the turn-indicator lever to make his intentions perfectly clear and, depressing the accelerator pedal, steered again into the eastbound lane. 


     Immediately, the truck shifted, barring his way.


     "Jesus Christ!" Mann was astounded.


This was unbelievable.


He'd never seen such a thing in twenty-six years of driving.


He returned to the westbound lane, shaking his head as the truck swung back in  front of him. 



Moominland Midwinter ( 23rd ) ムーミンランドの真冬 by Tove Jansson 


 The bewitched bathing-house  ( 3 ) 


     It was warm, and it seemed to be filled with something soft and nice.


Suddenly the squirrel remembered his mattress.


His small, sharp teeth cut into the soft stuffing and pulled out a flock of wool.



     He pulled out one flock after the other;  he soon had his arms full of wool and was working hard with all four paws.

  彼は、一房また一房と引き出しました; 彼は、すぐに両腕を羊毛で一杯にして、四つの足裏のすべてを使って懸命にほぐしていました。

He felt extremely pleased and happy.


     Then all at once someone was trying to bite the squirrel in the leg. 


 Like a streak of lightning he whizzed out of the box, then hesitated for a moment and decided to feel more curious than scared.  




エゼキエルの宇宙船 (13)The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich ( Bantam Books )

The latter point is significant since we must assume that an extraterrestrial civilization too will have developed oncepts of values and therefore will know financing problems.

後者のポイント【財政という条件】は、重要である  /  我々は、地球外文明もまた、価値という概念を発達させたと考えなければならず、したがって財政の問題を知っていると思われるからである。

 This notion, combined with the reality of the spaceships actually seen by the prophet, makes it appear unthinkable that their operation could have been concentrated on one single man.

この【財政の】観念は、預言者【エゼキエル】によって実際に目撃された宇宙船の現実と結びつけられると、それを”考えられない”と思わせる  / 【それ】 彼らのオペレーションが、一人の男に集中された可能性があるということ。  

*  could have been concentrated:

     could [ can よりも弱い実現可能性・助動詞・現在形 ]

      + have been concentrated [ have + been concentrated ]

     **  been concentrated [ 受身の動詞 be concentrated(原形)の過去分詞 ]

               **  have been concentrated [ ”受身の完了の動詞” の原形 ]

One is compelled to draw the inevitable conclusion that such missions must have encompassed a broader span in terms of their distribution in time and geographical locations.  

人は、不可避的な結論を引き出さざるを得ない  / 【結論】そのようなミッションは、時間の分配の意味でも、地理的な位置の意味でも、より広い範囲を扱ったに違いない。

*  must have encompassed: 

     must + have encompassed [ 完了の動詞・原形「カバーしてしまっている」]

Evidence of such a scattering would provide a broad basis for the knowledge of extraterrestrial visits.


* would:   will よりも弱い実現可能性・推量の助動詞・現在形

Research toward this objective will hopefully become the joint goal of archaeologists, linguists, 'and' engineers, working in close cooperation.  

この目的に対する調査は、うまくいけば、緊密な協力関係のもとにはたらく考古学者たち、言語学者たち、’加えて’ エンジニアたちの、共同の目標になるだろう。    

*  will:  強い実現可能性・推量の助動詞・現在形



危険(隕石・小惑星の衝突の)と背中合わせに暮らしている(4) "Living Dangerously" Risa Randall

 Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe

         ダーク・マターと恐龍: 宇宙の驚嘆すべき相互関連性    

     As is essential to the survival of life, the big meteoroid hit rate is currently much lower, and has been since the bombardment episode ended. 


Even the recent impact in Siberia caught by dash-cams and videoa---the Chelyabinsk meteoroid that burned brightly in the sky and on You Tube---was only about twenty meters across.

シベリアにおける最近の衝突 [ ダッシュボード・カメラやビデオで捉えられている ] --- チェリャビンスク・メテオロイド [ 空でもユー・チューブでも明るく燃えた ] は、直径二十メートルに過ぎなかった。

The only recent encounter of an object as big as was envisioned by my friend was the 1994 event in which Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9's mile-sized fragments crashed into jupiter.

唯一の最近の遭遇 [ 私の友人によって想像された大きさの物体の ] は、1994年の出来事 [そこでは、シューメーカー・レヴィ第9彗星の、一マイルの大きさの破片が、木星に突入した ] だった。   

The initial object was bigger still--- probably a few miles across before it broke into pieces.


Some indication of the damage that mile-wide fragments can create was the dark cloud as big as the Earth that we could observe on Jupiter's surface.  


Twenty meters is big but a mile across is another thing altogether.




The New Realities 新しい現実 (12) Peter Drucker

     By the mid 1890s anti-semitism, too, had become a major political force.


In 1894 Captain Alfred Dreyfus was convicted in France as a spy on trumped-up charges.


The Dreyfus trial triggered an explosion of anti-semitism, of whicn the pro-Nazi Vichy government of World War 2 was the direct descendant.

ドレフュス裁判は、反ユダヤ主義の盛り上がりを誘発した、 /  その反ユダヤ主義の、第二次世界大戦のナチ支持のヴィシー政府は、直接の後継者だった。

In 1895 the Court Preacher of the German Emperor, Adolf Stoecker, founded a socialist and anti-semitic party in Berlin in an open bid to mobilize the country's 'anti-capitalists'.

1895年に、ドイツ皇帝の宮廷説教者、アドルフ・シュテッカーは、社会主義かつ反ユダヤ主義の政党を、ベルリンで、国内の ’反資本主義者’ を堂々と動員するために、設立した。 

And, a year later, as already said, the Austrians selected the first anti-semite to high political office as Lord Mayor of Vienna.     
