
Moominland Midwinter / Tove Jansson ( 13th )

ムーミンランドの真冬 (13)

     All at once Moomintroll felt frightened and stopped short in the warm darkness beside the streak of moonlight.

He was so terribly lonely. 



    "Mother!  Wake up!"  Moomintroll shouted.

"All the world's got lost!"

He went back and pulled at her quilt.

 「母さん! 起きて!」とムーミントロールは叫びました。



    But Moominmamma didn't wake up.

For a moment her dreams of summer became uneasy and troubled, but she wasn't able to open her eyes. 

Moomintroll curled up on her bed-mat, and the long winter night went on.




* frightened:  frighten 「こわがらせる」の過去分詞

    これまでに Aを「こわがらせてしまった」ので、

      いま、A は「こわがっている」

* has got lost

   **  lost:  lose「見失う」の過去分詞

     これまでに A を「見失ってしまった」ので、

     いま A は「見失われてしまっている(状態)」

   **  got:  has に接続 → この got は「過去分詞」


   **  has  「(~の動きをした実績)を持っている」

   **  has got lost   


* troubled:  trouble「悩ませる」の過去分詞

   これまでに A を「悩ませてしまった」ので、

   いま A は「悩まされてしまっている(状態)」


Duel by  Richard Matheson (3rd)

 デュエル(対決)  (3)

    At the bottom of the hill, he crossed a concrete bridge and, glancing to the right, saw a dry stream bed strewn with rocks and gravel.

As the car moved off the bridge, he saw a trailer park set back from the highway to his right.

How can anyone live out here? he thought.

 His shifting gaze caught sight of a pet cemetery ahead and he smiled.

Maybe those people in the trailers wanted to be close to the graves of their dogs and cats.

* glancing:    saw(過去形)を基準に、「(過去の時に)眺めていたら」

* strewn :  strew「撒き散らす」の過去分詞

   A を「(これまでに)撒き散らしてしまった」から、

   A は「(いま)撒き散らされてしまっている」

* set back:  A を「(これまでに)後退させてしまった」から、



* shifting:   shift「移動する」→ shifting「移動しつつある」 

* wanted to be close to ~: wanted「欲しかった」

             + to be close to ~「(これから)~ の近くにいること」



こんな街から離れたところに住める人がいるんだろうか? と彼は思った。




ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流  (6)


 "Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood"  ( by Merkin Stone  )


    As part of our exploration of the nature of the Goddess among the Celtic people, those whom we know best from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall and Brittany today, we must first be aware of the vast geographical areas that the Celts once inhabited, and of the great number of quite separate tribes that formed the group we refer to as the Celts.  


In the third century B.C., large numbers of Celts were spread across Europe, from the mouths of the Danube in Roumania to the western coastlines of France. 


The Classical Greeks referred to the Celts as Keltoi; the Romans knew them as Galli or Gauls.

古典時代のギリシャ人は、ケルト人を Keltoi と呼んだ; ローマ人は、彼らをGalli とか Gauls と呼んだ。

Galicia in Poland, and Galicia in Spain, were once Gallic/Celtic area.

ポーランドの Galicia と スペインの Galicia は、かつては、Galliic / Celtic の地域だった。

Perhaps most surprising is the evidence of Celtic tribes living in Turkey, forming the nation/ state of Galatia, so well known from St. Paul's epistle to them in the New Testament.      

ケルト人の部族がトルコに住み、Galatia の国民 / 国家をつくっていたことは、新約聖書にある、その人々への聖パウロからの手紙によってよく知られているが、その事実の証拠は、もっとも驚くべきものだろう。


事業存続マネジメント (4)

 The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management

                        Edited by  Andrew Hiles & Peter Barnes

Vulnerability of today's business organizations   ( 4th )


Business organizations:  who should plan for business continuity? ( 3rd )

事業体: 誰が事業の継続性を計画すればいいのでしょうか?   

As all these organizations are equally at risk from the effects of a disaster that interrupts their operations, they should consider Business Continuity Management if they are to optimize their chances of successful resumption of business following an interruption.


*  are to optimize = are(助動詞・現在形「(動きが ~ の状態)である」)

   + to optimize(他動詞・不定詞「(これから)最大化しようとしている(状態の)」



エゼキエルの宇宙船 The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich ( 3rd )

 1.The Siituation    ( 2nd )

   Genuine search requires objectivity.

The latter cannot exist without mental flexibility, since none of us is objective by nature.

We all have opinions, the roots of which are spread out far and often are hidden in darkness.

To have an opinion is both our right and our duty.

To change this opinion becomes an intellectual obligation if the opinion proves incompatible with the result of the search.

Such a situation is a challenge that we cannot evade and therefore a conflict that becomes the touchstone of our objectivity and intellectual maturity.







Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星 ( 4th ) by Michael Summers and James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books ) 

 ( 3rd ) から、内容的に続きます。

     This attitude changed quickly when astronomers discovered that, far from being an inconsequential pile of rubble, the Kuiper belt is actually home to an incredible variety of planets. 

Some of these planets are the size of Pluto, and some even have moons. 

Today, some astronomers estimate that dozens of planets may be lurking out there, a number that completely dwarfs the familiar inner group that includes Earth.

Even before we left the solar system, in other words, the simple paradigm of "nine planets orbiting the Sun" was breaking down. 

Instead of being a lonely, demoted outsider, Pluto became the beginning of a previously unknown collection of worlds.







* nine planets:   

  Pluto は、1930年に、アメリカの Clyde William Tombaugh によって発見されたため、2006年に planet から格下げされて dwarf planet になったときは、アメリカの天文学者の中には、冥王星の外側で冥王星クラスの惑星が次々に発見され、冥王星を惑星としておくといずれ惑星の数が膨大になることが予想されるので、惑星の定義を変えなければならない、という理屈は理解できるものの、感情的には受け入れ難い、という人も多かったようで、本書の著者も、別の箇所で、降格を "silliness" と言っていますが、「9番目の惑星ではなくなったが、その外側のもっと大きな惑星の世界の、最初のメンバーになった」という言葉に、冥王星に対するアメリカの天文学者の、格別な想いが感じられます。

* may be lurking = may(助動詞・現在形) +  be lurking(進行の動詞・原形)





Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星 ( 3rd ) by Michael Summers and James Trefil

  Pluto is actually the gateway to a whole new part of the solar system.

Called the Kuiper belt after the Dutch astronomer Gerald Kuiper (1903--73), who suggested its existence in 1951, this is a flat disk of material that extends out beyond Pluto.

We have known about the belt for a long time, but it was usually considered a kind of afterthought to the inner planets.   

Indeed, one of the authors of the book you are holding ( James Trefil) once compared it to a scrap pile left at a construction site after the important building was done.



この新しい領域は、1951年に冥王星の存在を示唆したオランダの天文学者 Gerald Kuiper に因んでカイパー・ベルトと呼ばれ、冥王星の向こうに広がる、物質の平らな円盤である。


いい例だが、あなたが手に取っているこの本の著者の一人 (James Trefil) は、かつて、カイパー・ベルトを、本命の建物が完成された後の、建設現場の瓦礫の山、に例えたのである。

Strategy and Diplomacy 1870--1945 / by Paul Kennedy (5th )

 The Tradition of Appeasement in British Foreign Plolicy, 1865--1939

英国の外交政策における宥和の伝統  (5)

To maintain such an argument a great deal depends, as it always has done, upon the meaning of the very word 'appeasement'.


It may well be, as Professor Medlicott has urged, that the term is so contentious that it would be simpler to avoid its use altogether; but the fact remains that, since it has proved impracticable to banish the expression, the only alternative open to us is to define its meaning as clearly as possible.     

メドリコット教授 ( William Norton Medlicott ) が推奨してきているように、この用語は論争の種になりがちだから一切の使用を避けることがより簡単である、とも言える;


* it would be simpler to avoid its use altogether

       to avoid「(これから)避ける」が、内容的に『仮定』なので、 

    would は『仮定』の『助動詞』の『現在形』です。


エゼキエルの宇宙船 The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich(2)

 1.  The Situation     (1st)

This book is the result of a search.

A search is like a question and as such provides as yet no clue to the relationship of the searcher to the object of his search.

The person who asks must not necessarily believe in the existence of whatever he is inquiring about: he primarily looks for either a confirmation or a negation.    



問いを発する者は、自らが究めようとするものが何であれ、その存在を、必ずしも確信しなければならないということはない: 極めようとする者は、なによりも、確証か、あるいは否定を、探し求めるのである。 


DUEL  by Richard Matheson ( 2nd )

 デュエル(対決)   (2)

    He paid no attention to the details of the truck.

As he drew behind it on the grade, he edged his car toward the opposite lane.

The road ahead had blind curves and he didn't try to pass until the truck had crossed the ridge.      

He waited until it started around a left curve on the downgrade, then, seeing that the  way was clear, pressed down on the accelerator pedal and steered his car into the eastbound lane.  

He waited until he could see the truck front in his rearview mirror before he turned back into the proper lane.






    Mann looked across the countryside ahead.

There were ranges of mountains as far as he could see and, all around him, rolling green hills.  

He whistled softly as the car sped down the winding grade, its tires making crisp sounds on the pavement.   





事業存続マネジメント (3)

    The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management 

                                    Edited by  Andrew Hires & Peter Barns

Vulnerability of today's business organizations     ( 3rd )


Business organizations:  Who should plan for business continuity?    ( 3rd )

事業体: 誰が事業の継続を計画すればいいのでしょうか?

   As all these organizations are equally at risk from the  effects of a disaster that interrupts  their operations, they should consider  Business Continuity Mangagement if they are to optimize their chances of successful resumption of business following an interruption.  



Moominland Midwinter / by Tove Jansson ( 12th )

    He looked at the moonlight and the ice-ferns on the window. 

He listened to the humming of the stove in the cellar and felt more and more awake and astonished.

Finally he rose and padded over to Moominmamma's bed. 




   He pulled at her ear very cautiously, but she didn't awake.

She just curled into an uninterested ball.



  "If not even Mother wakes up it's no use trying the others," Moomintroll thought and went along by himself on a round through the unfamiliar and mysterious house. 

All the clocks had stopped ages ago, and a fine coat of dust covered everything.

On the drawing-room table still stood the soup-tureen with pine-needles left over from November. 

And inside its gauze dress the cut-glass chandelier was softly jingling to itself. 





Exoplanets  太陽系外惑星 ( 2nd ) by Michael Summers and James Trefil

  If the only kind of butterfly you had ever seen was a monarch, it would be reasonable to assume that all butterflies have to be big and orange and migrate to a particular spot in California every year.


Confronted with a cabbage butterfly---small, white, and nonmigratory---you might understandably be confused.


Some of your scientific colleagues might even argue that what you were seeing wasn't a butterfly at all, but a kind of beetle.


Eventually, though, you would begin to explore a little more and find that the discovery of the cabbage butterfly was just the beginning of a journey into a world of amazing complexity and diversity, and that there were thousands of different kinds of butterflies in nature.


You would realize that your original paradigm---the notion that there was only one kind of butterfly---was simply wrong and that it had blinded you to the true complexity of the living world.



ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 / "Celtic Wicca" Jane Raeburn (5)

 Overview of Celtic Religion  /  ケルト人の宗教の概観 (4)

    Though the Celts didn't leave written records of their lives and beliefs, they were far from "primitive."  

They left behind evidence of a complex and effective social order, a distinctive style of decoration and artwork, and highly evolved beliefs.

The values of creativity, passion, beauty, and honor, combined with the enduring mysteries of their existence, have endowed Celtic civilization with an irresistible appeal. 

* written = write「書く」『他動詞』の『過去分詞』なので、


「(これまでに)書いてしまった」は「実績」なので、have written という使い方になりますが、ここでは単独なので、「書かれている」の意味になります。

同じように、evolved は「発展させられている」、combined は「結びつけられている」ということになります。

* endowed = endow「与える」『他動詞』の『過去分詞』なので、


という内容で、have endowed という使い方なので、この endowed は、「(これまでに)与えてしまった」の意になります。 

ケルト人は、残さなかったが / 彼らの生活と信仰の書かれた記録を /、彼らは、いわゆる未開人ではまったくなかった。 

彼らは後に残した / 複雑で効率的な社会秩序、装飾と工芸の独特の様式、高度につくり上げられた信仰の証拠を。

その価値 // 独創性、情熱、美、自尊心の / 彼らの暮らしぶりの絶えることのない謎と結びつけられた  // は、ケルト文明に抗えない魅力を与えてきている。   


Strategy and Diplomacy 1870--1945  戦略と外交 ( 4th )

 It is the purpose of this paper, on the other hand, to argue that the real origins of this policy must be traced much further back, to the middle of the nineteenth century, and that the nature of British foreign policy did not greatly alter in its overall framework from that time until 1939; that there is, in fact, a British model of 'appeasement' whose operation is detectable for some seventy-five years or so before  Munich、and that it was only after that particular crisis that this model finally broke down.


一方でこのレポートの目指すところは、以下のことを主張することである  / すなわち、 この宥和政策の本当の始まりは、もっと過去へ、十九世紀の中ごろまで遡らなければならないこと  /  英国の外交政策の性格は、その全体的な枠組みにおいて、その時から1939年まで、大きくは変わっていないこと  /  実際に英国の宥和政策のモデルがあり、それが機能していたことは、ミュンヘン一揆までのおよそ七十五年間、検証が可能であること  /  そのモデルがついに機能不全になったのは、まさにその危機の後になって漸くであったこと、である。 


エゼキエルの宇宙船  The Spaceships of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich  (1)


I wrote this book after reading 'Chariots of the Gods' by Erich von Daeniken. 

    I began to read von Daeniken with the condescending attitude of someone  who knows beforehand that the conclusions presented can by no means be correct.  

However, von Daeniken quotes, among other things, passages from the  Book of Ezekiel, whose vague technical information he thinks is a description of a spacecraft.

With that he touches on a field very familiar to me, since I have spent the greater part  of my professional life with design and analysis of aircraft and rockets.

So I decided to use the statements of the prophet to refute von Daeniken and to prove the fallacy of his allegations. 

   Seldom has a total defeat been so rewarding, so fascinating, and so delightful!          

                     Josef F. Blumrich






