1873 --- 1973 (1)
The last such divide was crossed exactly a century earlier, in 1873.
In its economic impact that year's crash on the Vienna stock market was a non-event.
All it did was to set off short-lived stock market panics in Frankfurt, London, Paris, and New York.
Eighteen months later the economy throughout the entire western world had however fully recovered.
But politically the crash on a fairly obscure stock exchange marked the end of the liberal era, the end of the one hundred years in which 'laissez-faire' was the dominant political creed.
しかし、政治的には、かなり不透明な証券取引の暴落は、自由な時代の終焉、’(自律的な調整機能に任せて、介入をしないという)自由放任’ が支配的な政治信条だった百年間の終了、を明確にした。
That century had began in 1776 with its 'Wealth of Nations' by Adam Smith.
Within ten years after 1873, the great liberal parties that had marched under the banners of "progress" and "enlightenment" all over the West were in retreat and disarray.
1873年から十年経たないうちに、西側全域で ”進歩” と ”啓蒙” の横断幕のもとに行進した、大勢力の自由を信奉した政党が、後退し、混乱した。
They never recovered.
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