
The New Realities 新しい現実(16) Peter Drucker

 The 1973 divide  (2)

     And yet the period 1968--73 forms a divide fully comparable to 1873. 


Where 1873 was the end of the 'liberal era', 1973 marked the end of the era in which government was the 'progressive' cause.   


It ended the era dominated by the doctrines and policies first formulated in the 1870s, those of liberal democrats or social democrats, of Marxist socialists or national socialists.


All these doctrines are rapidly becoming as ineffectual as 'laissez-faire' liberalism became after 1873.   



The New Realities 新しい現実(15) Peter Drucker

 The 1973 divide   (1)


Economically the 'oil shock' of 1973 and President Nixon's decision, two years earlier, to let the dollar 'float', can also be considered 'non-events'.   

経済的な面では、1973年の「オイル・ショック」と、その二年前の、ニクソン大統領の決断{ ドルを、変動相場制に移行させる }は、これらも、「重要な出来事」ではない、と考えられる可能性はある。  

An economic statistician who looks only at figures such as gross national product, economic growth rate, foreign trade statistics, and so on, would see little effect beyond immediate, short-term, and statistically insignificant fluctuations. 

経済統計学者 [ その人は、国民総生産、経済成長率、貿易統計などの数字のみを見ている ] は、目前の、短期の、統計的に取るに足りない変動を超えるものは、無いに等しい影響にしか気付かないだろう。

Similarly, if one only looks at how institutions behave, the student rebellions of the late 1960s -- the momentous, earth-shaking, headline-making events in Japan, in France, in Germany, in Italy, in the US -- must also be considred non-events.

同じように、もし、人が、組織がどのように対応するかのみを見れば、1960年代後半の学生の反乱 -- 日本で、フランスで、ドイツで、イタリアで、アメリカで、重大な、社会を揺るがすような、新聞の大見出しになるような出来事 -- も、やはり、どうということのない出来事と考えられるに違いない。

They made no difference whatever in the way any one of these institutions  -- governments, universities, society altogether -- behaves.

これらの組織 -- 政府、大学、社会全般 -- のうちのどれであれ、その対応の仕方においては、どのような違いも見せることはない。


Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(19) by Michael Summers & James Trefil (Smithsonian Books)

 What about life?  (6)

     The marvelous variety of planets actually raises an old question known as the Fermi paradox. 


Named after the Italian American physicist Enrico Fermi (1901--54) , it involves an incident in which, after hearing an argument that the galaxy should be full of advanced technological civilizations, he asked a simple question: "Where is everybody?"  

そのイタリア・アメリカ国籍の物理学者エンリコ・フェルミ(1901--54)に因んで名付けられているその問題は、ある出来事 [ それにおいて、銀河系は先進技術文明に満ちていてもおかしくない、という主張を聞いた後で、彼は、単純な問題 :「 それらは皆、どこにいるのですか?」を問うた ] に関わっている。 

Given the rich variety of worlds we know to be out there, why do we seem to be alone?  

*  ・・the rich variety of worlds [ we know to be out there ] 

                                        o          s     v      c                       

                                        s'                        v'


     In the end, this might be the most important question raised by our new knowledge of the galaxy. 



The First and the Last(17) Adolf Galland スペイン内戦・第二次大戦 ドイツ空軍飛行士の手記 

                                                                ( Methuen & Co. Ltd, London )

     On my return to our base I was in a foul temper.


Naturally, we were not complete. 


Calling the pilots together, I began to tell them off as best I knew, and was still cursing them when one of the missing aircraft came in.


It was Lieutenant Neumann.


He came up and joined our circle, but I did not interrupt my tirade, and when he asked permission to make his report I only got more furious.


'It was absolutely shameful,' I said.'


Again Neuan tried to make his report, and after I had finished letting off stream I let him speak.  


In a few short words he reported that he had shot down a Curtiss, which had crashed right on Llanes Airfield.


This was the burning plane I had seen and taken to be one of ours.


The kill was verified beyond a doubt.



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870--1945(18) 戦略と外交  by Paul Kennedy より 

* The Model [ 1 ]

* Domestic Situation (4)


     But precisely because this policy was pragmatic, a compromise, a peculiar mixture of morality and calculated national interest, it attracted criticism from two groups who, from their opposing points of view, advocated different conceptions of the bases upon which British foreign policy should be constructed.

  しかし、この政策が現実的で、妥協であり、道徳性と計算された国益との奇妙な混合物であった、まさにそれ故に、/  この政策には、批判 が、 二つのグループ{ それらは、その反対の視点から、基礎 [その上に、英国の外交政策が構築されるべきである ] の異なる概念を主張した }から、集まった。 

The first was the 'Left' or the 'Idealists' , both inexact terms but used here to describe that strong 'dissenter' tradition in British foreign policy, i.e. the Cobdenite, 'Little Englander' or, later, neo-Marxist viewpoint, which disliked overseas wars and entanglements as immoral, a drain upon the economy, a diversion from social reforms and a devious way of propping up an obsolete aristocratic or capitalistic system.   

その第一は、「左派」ないしは「理想主義者」{ ともに不正確な用語ではあるが、ここでは、あの強力な、英国の外交政策における「反対派」の伝統、言い換えれば、コブデン主義者【自由貿易主義者】、「小英国主義者」、あるいは後のネオ-マルキストの視点 [ それは、海外での戦争と介入を、道徳に反し、経済力の無駄遣いであり、社会改革を回避することであり、時代遅れの貴族制度や資本主義制度を支える迂遠な方法である、として、嫌悪した ] を説明するために使われる }だった。



Starships 恒星間宇宙船(5) Michio Kaku / Physics of the Impossible (Anchor Books) より

     Over the course of millions of years, large meteors or comets colliding with Earth could have a devastating impact.       


The last big celestial impact took place 65 million years ago, when an object about 6 miles across slammed into the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, creating a crater about 180 miles in diameter, wiping out the dinosaurs that up until then were the dominant life-form on Earth.


Another cosmic collision is likely on that time scale.    


     Billions of years from now the sun will gradually expand and consume the Earth.


In fact, we estimate that the sun will heat up by approximately 10 percent over the next billion years, scorching the Earth.


It will completely consume the Earth in 5 billion years, when our sun mutates into a gigantic red strar


The Earth will actually be inside the atmosphere of the sun. 




事業存続マネジメント(17) The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barnes

*   Disaster can strike, within your organization as well   (3)

* Unexpected events and incidents can become disasters   (3)     

     Or, consider a utilities company that starts a new service. 


But demand is so unexpectedly high that there is insufficient capacity to support the demand, and the service is reduced to the point of a business interruption. 


Is this a disaster?


Probably, because the image will be damaged such that it will be extremely difficult to retore it.


     Even small incidents, over only a short period, can create a disaster if they affect a key dependency.  


Consider the example of a fish farm, where an electricity failure of very short duration disturbed the temperature of the pools, causing the death or contamination of much of the stock.  


The effect was the loss of a breeding cycle of three years.


Disasters do come in all shapes and sizes. 


ハンザ同盟の力(4) Forces of the Hanseatic League 13th -- 15th centuries by David Nicolle ( Osprey )

 Historical Background (4)

As yet, Baltic naval warfare remained largely a matter of coastal raiding, in which the Slavic Wends proved highly effective , probably using ships similar to those of the Vikings.


Wendish Coastal assaults were one factor behind the launching of the so-called Wendish Crusade in 1147, which preceded the wider-ranging Northern Crusades ( 1198--c. 1290, depending upon the chosen definition of a crusade ).


By then the Saxons had already revived their own eastwards expansion into Slave territory.


On the other side, Henry, the Christian 'Knes' or leader of the Obodrites (1093--1127), was recruiting both Saxon and Danish mercenaries, as well as being credited with expanding the Baltic port of 'old Lubeck'.    



ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流(19) Celtic Wicca by Jane Raeburn

 So what do we know? (7)

     In researching ancient religion, archaeology often leads us to focus not on how people worshiped during their lifetimes, but on their culture's beliefs surrounding death.


This is in part because burials and cremations leave more evidence in the earth than, say, a fire ritual or an animal sacrifice, the remains of which are often indistinguishable from those of a feast.

これは、埋葬と火葬が、たとえば火を使う儀式や動物の生贄 [ それによって残されたものが、祝宴の後に残されたものと区別がつかないことが、しばしばである ]  よりも多くの証拠を、土の中に残すことが、一つの理由である。

     Death is one of the great mysteries religion seeks to explain, and the burial practices of a culture can tell us much about what its peope valued and believed.


While many have claimed the Celts believed in reincarnation, the evidence is sketchy and subject to misinterpretation.

* 多くの人々が、ケルト人は、魂が、死後、再び肉体に宿る、と信じていたと、主張してきているが、その証拠は表面的で、誤った解釈に従っている。

Burying the dead with objects of daily life (clothes, shoes, weapons, pots) might be said to indicate a belief in some kind of afterlife, or may simply indicate offerings to the gods to honor the dead.  


* 『現在』(の文脈)における might は、may の『過去形』のかたちを借りて、may よりも『実現可能性』が弱いことを表し、『現在形』です(『過去形』の might は別にありますが)。


「死者を讃えるための、神々への供物であることを表しているのかもしれない」は、may によって、ある程度の確信をもって考えられていますが【副葬品に対する、或る程度、常識的な判断なので】、

「或る種の死後の生があると信じていたことを示していると言われるかもしれない」は、might によって、「そういうことも、ひょっとすると考えられるかもしれない」という弱い可能性の判断【古代の人々が何を考えていたかという内面の世界は、あくまで想像するしかないので】であることが示されています。



西欧中世のカオス的世界(25) Medieval Europe by Martin Lewis

 The career of the emperor Justinian in the sixth century must have strengthened the belief in the probable reconquest of the lost provinces by Roman legions, and in the West it must have been hoped that reconquest would be followed by the transfer of the capital back again to its proper home in Rome. 


* must + have strengthened(「完了の動詞」の原形 ) 

* must + have been hoped(「受け身の完了の動詞」の原形 ) 

             **   have(完了の助動詞・原形)+ been hoped(「受け身の動詞」の過去分詞 )

* would + be followed(「受け身の動詞」の原形 )

       **   would「未来を推測する助動詞( will )」 の過去形   

It was only the almost complete severance of communications between eastern and western Europe brought about by the Muslim invasions of the seventh century which made it obvious that if there was to be an empire in the West at all it would have to be a purely Western Empire;  Byzantium was powerless to help or hinder the process.

西方に帝国がともかく存在するようになるとすれば、それは純粋に西方の帝国になるはずである [ ビザンティン帝国には、東方の帝国による西方の帝国の再建の過程を助けたり妨げたりする力は、無かった ] ということを明らかにしたのは、七世紀のイスラム教徒の侵入によってもたらされた、東方ヨーロッパと西方ヨーロッパの間の交流の、ほぼ完全な遮断で、それが唯一のものだった。  

* It [ which made it obvious ・・・the process ] was only the almost・・・ of the seventh century.