
Duel( 14 ) Richard Matheson

     He eased up on the gas pedal, falling back to avoid the truck's exhaust. 


Now what?  he wondered.


He still had to make San Francisco on schedule.


Why in God's name hadn't he gone a little out of his way in the beginning, so he could have traveled by freeway?


This damned highway was two lane all the way.


     Impulsively, he sped into the eastbound lane again.


To his surprise, the truck driver did not pull over.


Instead, the driver stuck his left arm out and waved him on.


Mann started pushing down on the accelerator.


Suddenly, he let up on the pedal with a gasp and jerked the steering wheel around, raking back behind the truck so quickly that his car began to fishtail.


He was fighting to control its zigzag whipping when a blue convertible shot by him in the opposite lane.


Mann caught a momentary vision of the man inside it glaring at him. 





Moominland Midwinter( 24th ) ムーミンランドの真冬 by Tove Jansson 


The bewitched bathing house  ( 4 ) 


     Presently an angry head with tousled hair appeared in the hole he had bitten in  the wool.


'Are you all there, you!?!' said little My.

’そこにいるのは、あんただけなの、えっ!?!’ と、リトル・ミイは言いました。

'I'm not sure,' said the squirrel.

’さあ、どうなんだろう’ とリスは言いました。

'Now, you've waked me,' Little My continued severely.

’ところで、あんたは私の目を覚ましちゃったんだよ’ と、リトル・ミイは、きつい口調で続けました。

'And eaten half my-sleeping bag.     What's the great idea?' 

’それに、わたしの寝袋を、半分食べちゃって。 とんだ考えだけど、なんのつもり?’

     But the squirrel was so beside himself that he had forgotten his mattress again.


      Little my gave a snort and climbed out of the cardboard box. 


She closed the lid on her sister, who was still asleep, and went over and felt the snow with her paw.


     'So this is what it's like,' she said.

    ’へえ、これが雪のかんじなんだね、’ と、彼女は言いました。

'Funny ideas people get.'


She squeezed a snowball and hit the squirrel on the head with her first throw.


And then Little My stepped out from the cave to take possession of the winter. 



エゼキエルの宇宙船(14) The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich ( Bantam Books )

      Of course the finding of tangible debris possibly resulting from crashes or crash landings could become highlights of such research work.  


*  could = can よりも「実現性の弱い」ニュアンスの『助動詞』の『現在形』

     ( can の『過去形』could とは別 )

Many would even regard the finding of such debris as a prerequisite for admitting the existence of spaceships in prehistoric or early historic periods.  


* would = will よりも「実現性の弱い」ニュアンスの『助動詞』の『現在形』

     ( will の『過去形』wouldとは別 )

The similarity between this kind of skepticism and the "doubting Thomas" is quite limited, since in our case figures and technical know-how as well as literary and archaeological findings take the place of an act of faith.

このような懐疑的な姿勢と、”ただただ疑い深い人” の間の類似点は、きわめて限定されているが、それは、私たちの場合は、文学的かつ考古学的な発見物ばかりでなく、数字と技術ノウハウが、信仰に基づく行為に代るからである。

However, and beyond any personal attitudes, tangible findings would be of such decisive significance that a brief treatment of this question is appropriate.  


*   would = will の『過去形』のカタチを取って、will よりも「実現可能性が弱い」ニュアンスを表す『助動詞』の『現在形』

   ( will の『過去形』would とは別 )


危険(隕石・小惑星の衝突の)と背中合わせに暮らしている(5) "Living Dangerously" Risa Randall

Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe 

       ダーク・マターと恐龍: 宇宙の驚嘆すべき相互関連性 

     Bear in mind that the story of meteoroids is not solely about destruction.


Some good has also come from the many meteoroids and micrometeoroids that have rained down on the Earth.   


Meteorites---the remaining fragments of meteoroids on Earth---might have been a source of amino acids essential to life and also of its water---another key ingredient of existence as we know it.

隕石---地球上の、流星物質の断片的な残存物---は, 生命にとって決定的に重要なアミノ酸や、また、その水---もう一つの、私たちが知っているかたちの生存の、カギとなる要素---の源であったかもしれない。

* might have been

   = might【 may の過去形のカタチをとって、may よりも「実現可能性が弱い」ニュアンスを表す『助動詞』の『現在形』】

  + "have been"【「完了の動詞」の『原形』/  have は『完了の助動詞』の『原形』/

           「(might よりも時間的に前に)(~)だった」】

Certainly most of the metals we mine here come from extraterrestrial impacts.  


And one can argue that humans would not have emerged without the rapid rise to dominance of mammals that occurred after a meteoroid impact killed the terrestrial dinosaurs, which, I'll grant, is not always considered to have been a good thing.    


*  would (not) have emerged

  would= "without the raprd rise・・・" は、実際に発生した事実に反するので、would は『仮定の助動詞』であり、『仮定』の世界は、(現実の世界とは別の、)頭の中の世界なので、この場合、考えている筆者は、『現在』にいるので、この would は『仮定の助動詞』の『現在形』です。  

have emerged は、「発生したという”実績”を、”持つ”」という内容で、emerged は、遥かな昔に発生した”実績”なので、

would not have emerged で、「(現在において考えて、)出現しなかっただろう」という内容になります。

*  is (not always) considered to have been (a good thing)

     to have been は、「”(a good thing )だった”という”実績”を、”これから持つ”」という内容( "to" は ”これから到達する” )で、 "been" という”実績” は, 遠い昔に発生したので、

is not always considered to have been a good thing で、



The New Realities  新しい現実(13) Peter Drucker

     With the Dreyfus affair, 'totalitarianism' emerged fully fledged.

   ドレフュス事件に付随して、’全体主義’ が、完全に成長した姿で出現した。

 Within two years after Dreyfus had been falsely accused of having been a spy in German pay, everyone in France knew that he was innocent.    


Indeed, by that time the identity of the real spy was an open secret.


Yet the demand for Dreyfus's rehabilitation was met with 'who cares whether Dreyfus is innocent, what matters is the good of the army.'

しかし、ドレフュスの名誉回復への要求は、’ドレフュスが無実かどうかはどうでもいい、重要なのは軍隊にとっての利益だ’ との対応を受けた。

This is however the essence of totalitarianism:  the assertion that the collective, the party, the state, the Aryan race, is the absolute.

しかし、これが全体主義の本質である: 共同体、党、国家、アーリア人種が、絶対的なものである、という主張。

The assertion that the good of the army was 'truth', and the ultimate criterion, rallied French public opinion against Dreyfus.

軍隊にとっての利益が ’真実’ であり、究極の判断基準である、という主張が、フランスの世論を、ドレフュスと対立するかたちで、結集させた。


Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(17) by Michael Summers & James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books ) 

 What about Life?  (4)

     Yet even if we confine our attention to molecular-based life, the sheer number and variety of exoplanets suggest that we should be prepared for surprises, for patterns that we don't see on Earth.    


To mention just one example, Earth's pattern of natural selection and evolution is driven in part by the fact that plate tectonics is constantly shifting the geography of the planet, constantly changing ecosystems.


This means that organisms are constantly playing catch-up, constantly trying to adapt to new realities. 


It has been suggested, for example, that the development of upright posture and intelligence in early humans was driven by the drying up of rain forests in north-central Africa millions of years ago.   


* has been suggested 

 = has + "been suggested" [「受け身の動詞」be suggested(原形)の『過去分詞』]

We can ask, however, what evolution would look like on a world without a constantly changing surface.


* would = will よりも「実現性の弱い」助動詞の『現在形』

Would it come to a stop?


Would the progression in complexity we see in Earth's fossil record show up on such a world?


* would = will よりも「実現性の弱い」助動詞の『現在形』

Would intelligence and technology evolve?


* would = will の『過去形』のカタチをとって、will よりも「実現性が弱い」ことを表す『助動詞』の『現在形』

Somewhere out in the array of exoplanets are the answers to questions such as these.






The First and the Last(15) Adolf Galland スペイン内戦・第二次大戦・ドイツ空軍飛行士の手記

 The He 51, on the other hand, was clearly inferior both to the Curtiss and the Rata in speed and armament, as well as in manoeuvrability and rate of climb, i.e. inferior in almost every characteristic which goes to make up the quality of a fighter plane.  

一方、ハインケルHe 51【ドイツ製・複葉単座戦闘機】 は、カーティス【アメリカ製・Curtiss P-40 Warhawk・単葉単座戦闘機】とI-16【通称「ラタ(ねずみ)・ソ連製・単葉単座戦闘機】に対して、操縦性と上昇速度だけでなく、スピードと武装の両方においても、劣っていたが、言い換えると、戦闘機の品質の内容となるあらゆる項目の殆どにおいて、劣っていた。

That is why we had to avoid air combat with enemy planes as far as possible and to concentrate instead on ground targets.


From a flying point of view, this was most regrettable, since air combat after all gives the best proof of a fighter pilot's ability and skill.


We styled ourselves ironically the 'Narrow-gauge Fighters'.


Carrying out our orders made us sometimes feel like poachers who do not use their weapons decently, as true hunters do.


* as true hunters "do" = as true hunters "use their weapons decently"



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870--1945 (16) 戦略と外交 by Paul Kennedy 

 The Model [1]

Domestic Situation. (2)


Moreover, the electorate was ever more reluctant to deny itself social and economic reforms in deference to a large defence budget.


The declaration of war had, therefore, to be 'popular'.


In addition, the continuous need to introduce constitutional, social and economic reforms to reflect the changing demands and balance within this ever-widening body politic was seen by most politicians as being their most vital task if they wished to stay in office.    


All but a few concentrated upon home affairs and regarded foreign complications as distractions which had to be settled as expeditiously and painlessly as possible. 



Starships 恒星間宇宙船(3) Michio Kaku / Physics of the Impossible ( Anchor Books ) より

      To me this is one of the most sobering passages in the English language.


But Russell wrote this passage in an era when rocket ships were considered impossible.

しかし、ラッセルは、これを書いた  /  ロケットの宇宙船は不可能と考えられていた時代に。

Today the prospect of one day leaving the Earth is not so far-fetched.


Carl Sagan once said we should become a "two planet species."


Life on Earth is so precious, he said, that we should spread to at least one other inhabitable planet in case of a catastrophe.

地球の生命は、とても貴重なので、/ と彼は言った、/  だから、私たちは、大破局の場合に備えて、少なくとも一つの他の居住可能な惑星に広がって行けばよい。

The Earth moves in the middle of a "cosmic shooting gallery" of asteroids, comets, and other debris drifting near the orbit of the Earth, and a collision with any one of them could result in our demise.  

地球は、移動する  /  小惑星、彗星、それと他の、地球の軌道の近くを漂っているデブリで出来ている「宇宙の射撃場」の真っただ中を、 /  そして、これらのどれか一つとの衝突は、私たちの消滅という結果になり得る。  

*  could :   can の『過去形』のカタチを借りて can よりも「実現可能性」が弱いことを            表す『助動詞』の『現在形』です。




事業存続マネジメント(15) The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barns 

Disaster can strike, within your organization as well 


Unexpected events and incidents can become disasters (1) 


When one thinks of disaster, such examples as fire, flood, terrorist action, hurricane and so on immediately come to mind.


Although there are regions where some of these threats are more real than elsewhere, the reality shows us that disasters come in a variety of guises.


It does not have to be a large-scale event to mean disaster for your company.


Neither does it have to be an event that causes extensive damage to the infrastructure.
