
西欧中世のカオス的世界(26) Medieval Europe by Martin Lewis

 The idea of the Roman Empire, of one single political authority based on a new or old Rome, holding sway over all local authorities and backed by the authority of God Himself, is one of the great constants of medieval history;  it is as clear to Dante in the fourteenth century as it had been to Prudentius in the fifth.  

全ての地域的権威を支配し、神自身の権威によって支えられている、ローマ帝国、新旧のローマに立脚した単一の政治的権威、という概念は、中世史の大きな定常的要素の一つである; それは、十四世紀のダンテにとって、五世紀のプルデンティウス【詩人、行政官】にとってのように、明白である。

Yet the search for anything that is recognizable as the classical empire in the Middle Ages can lead only to Byzantium.


Conditions in the West had become so utterly different from anything that had been known in the first four centuries of the Christian era that any attempted restoration of the Empire could only succeed in producing something new.  



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