So what do we know? (8)
One religious concept reflected in Celtic art was the sacredness of the human head.
The head was considered the most essential part of a person's body and was presumed to be the place where the soul resided.
Sacred places were frequently decorated with representations of heads or niches with human skulls.
A Roman writer, Diodorus Siculus, describes how Celtic warriors cut off the heads of those they killed in battle, then embalmed the heads of their chief enemies in cedar oil and preserved them.
Thus the captor converted the power of the heads for his own magical defenses.
We also know that the Celts practiced both animal and human sacrifice.
While these practices are considered repugnant today, they were common
throughout the ancient world.
Atrocities related by the Romans---for instance, imprisoning victims in a huge wickerwork figure of a man and setting the whole on fire---may have been propaganda intended to bolster Caesar in his war on the Celtic tribes of Gaul.
ローマ人によって語られた残虐行為---例えば、犠牲者を巨大な人型の、木の枝で作られた籠に閉じ込め、まるごと火にかけること---は、ゴール【ガリア / フランス】のケルト部族と戦っていたシーザーを奮い立たせるように意図された、プロパガンダだったかもしれない。
But evidence strongly suggests that the sacrifice of a living person was at least an occasional event, perhaps to sanctify a holy structure or appease the gods during a time of crisis.
Bones---sometimes animal, sometimes human, sometimes both---indicate the probability of animal and human sacrifice to win the god's blessing on buildings or wells.
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