
ジブラルタルの岩へケーブルカーで (4) The Cable Car to the Rock of Gibraltar by Paul Theroux

The Pillars of Hercules:  A Grand Tour of the Mediterranean 

       ヘラクレスの柱:  地中海のグランド・トゥアー


      But there might be a darker motive in this food aid.


A powerful superstition, held by locals, suggests that if the apes vanish from Gibraltar, the Rock will cease to be British.


For hundreds of years -- since 1740, in fact -- the apes have been mentioned by travelers -- Grand Tourists, in whose footsteps I was following.  

数百年のあいだ -- 正確には1740年から -- 猿たちは、旅行者たち -- グランド・ツアー【かつての英国の貴族の子弟による、文化的先進地のフランスやイタリアへの、見聞を広めるための長期の旅行】をおこなった人々で、その人たちの足跡を私は辿っていた -- によって、話題に取り上げられてきている。

But Gibraltar has been visited almost since Hercules, patron of human toil, flung it there on his journey to capture the Red Oxen of Geryones, the monster with three bodies ( Labor Ten ). 


He tossed another rock across the straits, to become Ceuta in Morocco.


These two rocks, Calpe and Abyla to the Greeks -- the Mediterranean bottleneck -- are the twin Pillars of Hercules.

これらの二つの岩は、ギリシャア人にとってはカルぺとアビラだが -- 地中海が狭まっている部分で -- 双子のヘラクレスの柱である。

     My idea was to travel from one pillar to the other, the long way, with the usual improvisations 'en route' that are required of the impulsive traveler; all around the Mediterranean coast, the shores of light. 

     私の構想は、一方の柱から他方の柱へ旅をすることだが、長い道程で、衝動にかられて旅に出た者に要求される、よくある ’旅の途中の’ その場の咄嗟の対応を用いて; 地中海の海岸、光あふれる岸辺を、ずうっとぐるりと。 


ミノア人: ミノア交易帝国の発展(7) ”The Development of a Minoan Trading Empire"

 Minoans:  Life in Bronze Age Crete   by Rodney Castleden より          

ミノア人: 青銅器時代のクレタの生活

     The Minoans exported lead figurines to Kambos, bronze figurines to Agia Eirene and Phylakopi, gold cups to Sparta, and swords to Mycenae.


Rich gold, silver and bronze vessels and decorative ostrich eggs with faience mountings -- shades of Faberge -- were exported to Mycenae and Thera. 

豪華な金、銀、それに青銅の容器と、装飾を施され、ファイアンス焼きの台に据えられた、駝鳥の卵殻 -- ファベルジェ風の -- が、ミケーネとティーラへ輸出された。 

But above all the Minoans exported large quantities of decorartive, painted, and distinctively shaped pottery -- the finest pottery in the civilized world -- all over the Aegean region.

しかし、とりわけ、ミノア人は、大量の、装飾され、彩色された、独特の形状の陶器 -- 文明世界における、もっとも洗練された陶器 -- を、エーゲ海地方の一帯に輸出した。

The densest concentrations of Minoan produce were found in the Aegean islands, Argolis, Messenia and the Dodecanese. 


It is thought that some of the grave goods found in the shaft graves at Mycenae were Minoan imports. 


Significant levels of trading went on outside this inner area, and scattered finds of Minoans products have been made as far west as the Lipari Islands off the coast of Itary, as far north as Troy (stone lamps), and as far east as Egypt and Syria, where Minoan vases made of precious metal have been found.      



火星への旅(4) How to get to Mars     by Andrew May

Destination Mars:  The story of our quest to conquer the Red Planet 

Rocket Science (4)

The reference to Newton is crucial.


To a good approximation, everything you need to know about the science of space travel can be found in a book he wrote in 1687 -- 'Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica', or 'Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy'.

宇宙旅行の科学について知る必要のある、あらゆることは、彼が1687年に書いた本 -- '自然哲学の数学的諸原理’ -- に見出され得る、と言ってよい。 

As well as his famous law of gravity, the book contains Newton's laws of motion. 


In essence, all three of these laws are statements of the same basic principle -- the conservation of momentum.

本質的に、これらの三つの法則のすべては、同じ基本的な原則 -- モメンタム(運動量)の保存 -- の表明である。

     The momentum of an object is defined as its mass multiplied by its velocity.


For most objects mass is more or less constant, so momentum is essentially proportional to velocity.


You know what speed your car is doing, so who cares about its momentum? 


Unfortunately, things are more complicated when it comes to rockets.


 They're constantly 'losing mはass' -- that's the very principle on which they work. 

ロケットは、絶えず ’質量を失いつつある’ -- それは、ロケットが、それによって機能する、まさにその原理である。

So we really do have to talk about a rocket's momentum -- its (variable) speed times its (variable) mass.

したがって、私たちがロケットのモメンタム -- ロケットの(変化し得る)スピードでロケットの(変化し得る)質量を乗ずる -- について語ることの必要性は、実に大きい。



東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況(13) China Between Empires by Mark Edward Lewis

* The Rise of the Great Families  (10)  


  * The Pursuit of Status among the Great Families  (9)


This new self-consciousness of the elite as a distinct group manifested itself in several forms.


First, its members increasingly arrogated to themselves the right to praise and blame members of society, which in theory was the sole prerogative of the ruler. 

まず、グループの構成員は、社会の成員を賞賛したり非難したりする権利 [ それは、理論上は、統治権者の唯一の特権だったが ] が自らのものであると、次第に主張するようになった。

Groups of country-level officials with no imperial standing joined together to set  up engraved steles ( upright commemorative stones ) honoring local worthies for their scholarly attainments or their moral conduct.  

王朝の政府に役職を持たない地方官の諸グループは、結束して、碑文が刻まれた石碑( 垂直に建てられた、記念のための石 )を設置して、地方の名士を、その学問的な功績や道徳的なおこないの故に、顕彰した。

These inscriptions reveal how the local elite internalized the ideal of the Confucian gentleman in their self-image.  


Important also were funerary shrines, exemplified by the offering shrines of Wu Liang.


 As the cardinal Confucian virtue of filiality assumed crucial importance in the Eastern Han, the staging of lavish funerals and the erection of elaborate mortuary shrines for continued offerings became a major mechanism for asserting one's gentlemanly qualities before one's peers. 



Duel(15) Richard Matheson

      The car came under his control again.


Man was sucking breath in through his mouth. 


His heart was pounding almost painfully.


My God! he thought.


'He wanted me to hit that car head on.'


The realization stunned him.


True, he should have seen to it himself that the road ahead was clear;  that was his failure.

たしかに、彼は、前方の道路に車がいないことを自身で確認すべきだった; それは彼の失点だった。

But to wave him on....


Mann felt appalled and sickened.


Boy, oh, boy, oh boy, he thought.


This was really one for the books. 


That son of a bitch had meant for not only him to be killed but a totally uninvolved passerby as well.


The idea seemed beyond his comprehension.


On a California highway on a Thursday morning?





Moominland Midwinter(25th ) ムーミンランドの真冬 by Tove Jansson


The bewitched bathing house (5)


     The first thing she accomplished was to slip on the icy cliff and sit down very hard.


     'I see,' Little My said in a threatening voice.


'They think they'll get away with anything.'


     Then she happened to think of what a My looks like with her legs in the air, and she chuckled to herself for quite a while.


She inspected the cliff and the hillside and thought a bit. 


Then she said:  'Well, now,' and did a jumpy switchback slide far out on the smooth ice.

それから彼女は、'うーん、よし、’ と言って、滑らかな氷の上で、ジグザグに飛び跳ねながら遠くまで滑りました。   

     She repeated this six times more and noticed that it made her tummy cold. 


      Little My went back into the cave and turned her sleeping sister out of the cardboard box.


My had never seen a toboggan, but she had a definite feeling that there were many sensible ways of using a cardboard box.  


     As to the squirrel, he was sitting in the wood and looking distractedly from one tree to another.


     Not for the tail of him could he remember in which one he lived, nor what he had gone out to look for.  



エゼキエルの宇宙船(15) The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich ( Bantam Books )

      For the time being, archaeology is the only source of relevant information.


Its primary field of activity is in the areas of human settlements. 


On the other hand, as we know from our own experience, the chances of a crash or a crash landing in or close to a settlement are extremely low.


But even in the event of such an unlikely occurrence the debris would have been very quickly removed and the damaged buildings restored.


It is true that small pieces of metal from the body of the spaceship or possibly parts of some electronic equipment could be found in the soil, assuming favorable corrosion conditions. 

宇宙船の船体の一部だった金属の小さな破片や、おそらくはなんらかの電子装置の部品が、土の中で見つけられる可能性は、わずかながら、ある、/  風化しにくい条件があれば  /  ということは言える。  

However, the probability of an archaeologist going to work with spade, hammer and brush on the exact spot of the crash is many times smaller than the chance of the crash itself.


Accordingly, one can scarcely hope, for the time being, to find such traces of a crash within the limits of human settlements. 


However, truly scientific archaeology is still but a few decades old...





危険(隕石・小惑星の衝突の)と背中合わせに暮らしている(6) ”Living Dangerously” Risa Randall

 Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs:  The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe

        ダーク・マターと恐竜: 宇宙の驚嘆すべき相互関連性   

     But this major mass extinction 66 million years ago is one of many stories that tie life on Earth to the rest of the Solar System. 

  しかし、この大規模な、6,600万年前の大絶滅は、多くの物語 [ それは、地球上の生命を、太陽系の他の部分に、結びつけている ] のうちの一つである。

This book is about the seemingly abstract stuff as dark matter that I study, but it is also about the Earth's relationships to its cosmic surroundings.

この本は、ダーク・マター [ 私が研究している ] のような、実体の無さそうなものを扱っているが、同時に、地球の、宇宙の環境との関係をも扱っている。

I will now begin to explore some of what we know about asteroids and comets that have hit the Earth and the scars they've left behind. 

私は、今、小惑星と彗星 [ それらは、これまで地球に衝突してきている ] と傷跡 [ 小惑星と彗星が、後に残してきている ] について私たちが知っていることの一部を、探求し始めようと思っている。

I'll also consider what might hit our planet in the future, and how we might prevent these disruptive, uninvited guests.     

私は、また、考えるつもりである /  何が、未来に、私たちの惑星にぶつかる可能性があるのか、そして、どのようにして、私たちは、これらの壊滅的な、招かれざる客を、防ぐことができるのだろうか、を。