
事業存続マネジメント (6) / The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity より

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barnes

Vulnerability of today’s business organizations  ( 6th )


The business organizations of today  ( 2nd )   

Although in many organizations there is still a division into departments with a formal hierarchy, the actual business operations are typically organized and executed across departments, through these business processes, which are driven by information flows.

多くの組織では、今でも、形式的な上下関係のある諸部門への分割があるが、実際の事業活動は、一般的に諸部門を横断して組織され、実行される  /  情報の流れによって動かされる、これらの事業プロセスを通して。  

Exoplanets  太陽系外惑星 (7th) Michael Summers and James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books )

 by Michael Summers and James Trefil

If the pulsar planets were the first surprise, the detection of planets circling normal stars was the next.


The technique originally available for exoplanet detection involved measuring the small motion of the star ascribable to the gravitational pull of its planet.


Such a technique is best at detecting large planets---those capable of exerting strong gravitational pulls on their star.  


Someone observing our own solar system with this technique, for example, would see the effects of Jupiter before he or she (or it) saw the effects of Earth. 


Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星( 6th ) / パルサー星系(2) Michael Summers and James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books )

The titanic explosion blows huge amounts of material out into space, and you would expect that any planet unfortunate enough to be in orbit around such a star would be completely destroyed.

Yet here these planets are, where no planet ought to be.



ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 (8)/ ケルト人についての誤解(2)

 "Celtic Wicca"   by Jane Raeburn より

There are no ancient Druid manuscripts. 


Anywhere. Ever. 


Anybody who claims he or she has access to one is, at best, projecting a religious belief as historical reality.


The priests of Celtic religion banned the writing of sacred knowledge, and instead transmitted their history, poetry, and faith through a memorized oral tradition that required many year's training.  


The First and The Last (5) / by Adolf Galland / WW2 のドイツ軍パイロットの手記から

 I commanded all three squadrons of our wing in turn for a fortnight while the respective commanders were on leave.

There were continuous take-off alarms---false ones, of course, because the ominous siren wail or control tower orders that sent us zooming into the air, consuming considerable amounts of material and fuel, were usually based on errors or illusions.

One radar report of a mass approach of enemy aircraft, for example, turned out to be a flight of birds.


私は、私たちの飛行隊の、全部で三つの飛行中隊を指揮していた  /  二週間交代で  /  個々の指揮官が休暇をとっていた間。

絶えず離陸アラームがあった---もちろん誤報だが  /  不気味なサイレンの響きとコントロール・タワーの指令  [ それは私たちを空中へ急上昇させ、かなりの量の物資と燃料を消費させた ]  は、錯誤や見間違いに、たいていは基づいていたからだった。  



東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況 (2)

 China between Empires:  The Northern and Southern Dynasties   より

                                       by Mark Edward Lewis     

   While acknowledging its limits, I have adopted a modified Chinese name--the Northern and Southern Dynasties--for two reasons. 


First, this designation simplifies the native terminology by recognizing that the political world during these four centuries was defined by a split between the drainage basins of China's two major rivers.

第一に、この名称は中国本来の用語を簡素化してくれる  /  この四世紀の間の政治的世界が、中国の二つの大河の流域の間の分裂によって定義づけられることを、認識することによって。

During the so-called Wei period--better known as the Three Kingdoms--China was devided between one state that ruled Yellow river valley in the North and two that partitioned the Yantzi valley in the south.


The subsequent Jin period united China only for three decades, followed by a century of renewed division between the yellow River and the Yangzi.  



Strategy and Diplomacy 1870-1945 (7th)/ by Paul Kennedy / 戦略と外交

 It is in essence a 'positive' policy, based upon certain optimistic assumptions about man's inherent reasonableness, as was clearly the case when executed by Gladstone in the 1880s or Lloyd George in 1919, but it also contained that 'negative' element, the fear and horror of conflict, which came increasingly to the fore in the 1930s and caused the word itself to take on a fully pejorative meaning.

Indeed, until Munich or thereabouts, it may be said that the term 'appeasement' was a perfectly respectable one, and that the changed meaning of the word was concomitant with the final collapse of the original policy.          

宥和政策は、本質的に ’前向きな’ 政策である  /  人間に本来備わっている理性的な判断力についてのある種の楽観的な推定に立脚した  / 1880年代においてグラッドストーン、1919年にロイド・ジョージによって用いられたように  /  しかし宥和政策は、’後ろ向きな’ 要素も持っていた  /  衝突の恐れと恐怖  /  それは、1930年代に表面化し、宥和政策という言葉そのものが全面的に軽蔑的な意味を持つようになる原因となった。       

確かに、ミュンヘン一揆(1923年)の前後までは、次のように主張されることもあり得た  /  ’宥和政策’ という用語は、申し分なく敬意を払われる用語で、この言葉の変化してしまった意味は、言葉のもとになった政策の最終的な破綻に付随したものだった、と。


西欧中世のカオス的世界 (14)

 The Background (2nd)

At the same time the gradual infiltration of the tribes from beyond the northern and eastern frontiers of the Empire had inevitably altered its whole structure.

The tribesmen had come not to destroy Rome but to enjoy her, but if they tried hard to be Romans they had ended by making something very different out of the old Roman Empire.

Some understanding of these three forces is necessary before the history of the Middle Ages can make sense.    


