
Strategy and Diplomacy 1870 -- 1945 (9) / by Paul Kennedy / 戦略と外交

 The Model  [1]  

   'Morality'  (2)

Reinforcing this idea of the fair and pacific settlement of disputes, and the disapproval of the use (and, often, the existence) of armed force, was the Cobdenite vision of the world being a harmonious community.  

* 紛争の公正で平和的な解決、 そして軍事力の使用(しして、しばしば、存在)を認めないこと  /  という考えの強化  /  は、世界は調和のとれた共同体であるという自由貿易主義的な見方だった。

*   the Cobdenite vision of the world being a harmonious community                                                                       s'        v'                         c'

International arbitration, the abjuration of war as an instrument of national policy except in cases of self-defence, the emphasis upon conciliation and compromise, combined to produce a climate in which it was necessary for statesmen, particularly those favouring action which might lead to hostilities, to justify their policy in moral terms.     

* 国際的な仲裁、自衛の場合を除いての国政の手段としての戦争の放棄、和解と妥協  /      

が一つになった  /  (これから)つくる  /「 政治家、特に敵意につながるかもしれない行動


事業存続マネジメント(8) / The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity より

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barnes

Business dependencies and vulnerabilities  (1)

Each business process depends on a number of critical elements.

* それぞれのビジネス・プロセスは、多くの極めて重要な要素に依存している。

In a business process a number of persons or departments are involved, who execute one or more activities and pass the resulting information on  to the next participant in the business process.

* ビジネス・プロセスには、多くの人員や部署が含まれており、それが一つ以上の職務をおこない、その結果得られた情報をビジネス・プロセスの中の次の当事者に伝達する。

A first dependency is human resources, where a minimum number is required  with the appropriate skills and knowledge to be able to execute the business activities.

* 最初の構成要素は人的資源であり、そこでは、ビジネス活動を遂行できるだけの適切な技能と知識を持つ、最小限の人数が要求される。


ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 (10)

 "Celtic Wicca"   by Jane Raeburn   より

ケルト人についての誤解 (4)

Celtic women were neither ancient feminist heroines nor chattel.

* ケルト人の女性は、古代の、男と対等だと考える女傑でもなければ、奴隷でもなかった。

New research is showing that the status of women in Celtic societies varied greatly from region to region.

*  新しい研究は、ケルト人の社会における女性の地位は、地方ごとに大きな多様性を持っ


We know women were sold into slavery, but so were men. 

* 私たちは、女性が売られて奴隷の立場になったことを知っているが、男性も同じだった。


We know women were allowed to own property in their own right in many areas.

* 私たちは、女性が、多くの地域で、自分の権利として、財産を持つことを許されていたこ


Occasionally we hear of a Celtic woman ruling a tribe and leading it into war. 

* ケルト人の女性が、部族を統治し、それを率いて戦争に参加したことを、私たちは時に耳


In their worship , Celtic tribes honored both goddesses and gods, often (but not always) associating goddesses with land and sea, and gods with trees, animals, and the sky.

* 彼らの礼拝においては、ケルト人の部族は、女神と神をともに崇拝し、しばしば(常にで



西欧中世のカオス的世界 (16) Medieval Europe by Martin Scott より

Belligerent in their way of life the Germans might be, but for so long as the internal condition of the Empire remained healthy the Roman legions proved quite capable of containing them.

* ゲルマン人は、彼らの生き方においては好戦的だったかもしれないが 、(ローマ)帝国の内部の状態が健全であり続けている限りは、ローマの軍団(レギオン / リージュン // 指揮に当る少数の騎馬兵 + 3,000~6,000人の歩兵 )がゲルマン人たちを完全に抑え込めることが明らかになった。  

In the middle of the third century an attempt by the Goths to invade the Empire had been defeated at the battle of Naissus (269), and, remaining in occupation of Dacia (much of modern Rumania), the Goths had caused no more trouble to Rome for nearly a century. 

*   an attempt< by the Goths >< to invade the Empire >

    **  to invade「(これから)進入する 」

* had been defeated 

  = had + been defeated( "be defeated"[受身の動詞の原形] の『過去分詞』)

* 三世紀の中頃、ゴート族によるローマ帝国への侵入の試みがナイススの戦い(269)で阻止され、(ローマ軍が)ダキア(ほぼ現在のルーマニア)を占領し続けたので、一世紀近くにわたって、ローマ帝国のそれ以上の問題にはならなかった。


東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況(4) China Between Empires ( by Mark Edward Lewis ) より

 * The Rise of the Great Families (1)


The fall of the Han led to what is often described as the aristocratic era of imperial China's history, in which a relatively small number of great families domonated the social and political spheres.  

* The fall of the Han    漢の崩壊 

* what is often described as the aristocratic era of imperial China's history


* in which(= what is often described・・・・・・of imperial China's history ) 

* a relatively small number of great families  比較的少数の豪族

* the social and political sphere  社会的かつ政治的な領域     

While this description is not entirely accurate, it is true that relative imperial weakness during this period helped some families to gain disproportionate influence at court and in the countryside.

* this description is not entirely accurate  


* relative imperial weakness during this period


* helped some families to gain disproportionate influence at court and in the         countryside


Although no family was able to dominate the court for more than a few generations, some families maintained a significant degree of influence for centuries and were recognized as social elites.

* no family was able to dominate the court for more than a few generations


* some families maintained a significant degree of influence for centuries and were recognized as social elites


More important than their own fate, however, these families transformed the definition of high status in China, and in so doing they changed forever the ralations between social elites and the court.  

* More important than their own fate  彼らの運命よりも重要なことだが 

* the definition of high status in Cnina 中国における高い地位の定義

*  in so doing    そうすることで

* the relations between social elite and the court 
