
Duel (9) Richard Matheson

     As he passed the truck, he glanced at it.


The cab was too high for him to see into.


All he caught sight of was the back of the truck driver's left hand on the steering wheel.


It was darkly tanned and square-looking, with large veins knotted on its surface.  


     When Mann could see the truck reflected in the rearview mirror, he pulled back over to the proper lane and looked ahead again.



     He glanced at the rearview mirror in surprise as the truck driver gave him an extended horn blast.


    What was that? he wondered;  a greeting or a curse?

   あれは何だったんだ? と、彼は考えあぐねた; 挨拶か、悪態か?

He grunted with amusement, glancing at the mirror as he drove.



The front fenders of the truck were dingy purple colors, the paint faded and chipped;  another amateurish job.

トラックのフロント・フェンダーはくすんだ紫色で、ペイントは色が褪せて剥げていた; これも素人の作業だ。

All he could see was the lower portion of the truck;  the rest was cut off by the top of his rear window.

彼に見えるのは、トラッ クの下の部分だけだった;  他は、彼の車のリア・ウィンドウより上の部分によって遮られていた。 

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