
東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況(7) China Between Empires by Mark Edward Lewis

The Rise of the Great Families  ( 4 )   


The Pursuit of Status among the Great Families  (3)


     Another obstacle to high office was the changing nature of the court itself.


The imperial system had been built around the semidivine ruler who served as the fount of all authority.


been built =「受け身の動詞」 be built(原形)の『過去分詞』

had been built = had + been built =「受け身の過去完了」

Consequently,  power in the Han court shifted steadily from the official bureaucracy to those individuals who immediately surrounded the person of the emperor---those who could control what he heard or saw and who could speak in his name.


Emperor Wu had made a point of weakening his chief ministers by regularly changing them, while transferring the actual conduct of court business to the secretaries who attended him in his private chambers.


Though formally low in rank, these secretaries supplanted the official cabinet as the primary shapers of policy, and they became what the Chinese described as an "inner court." 


Emperor Wu also abolished the supreme millitary official in the outer court and created a new supreme commander, the marshal of state, within the inner court.


After Emperor Wu's death in 87, the marshal of state, Huo Guang, became regent for the young Emperor Zhao and defeated the most powerful officials in  struggle for control of the court.



Duel (9) Richard Matheson

     As he passed the truck, he glanced at it.


The cab was too high for him to see into.


All he caught sight of was the back of the truck driver's left hand on the steering wheel.


It was darkly tanned and square-looking, with large veins knotted on its surface.  


     When Mann could see the truck reflected in the rearview mirror, he pulled back over to the proper lane and looked ahead again.



     He glanced at the rearview mirror in surprise as the truck driver gave him an extended horn blast.


    What was that? he wondered;  a greeting or a curse?

   あれは何だったんだ? と、彼は考えあぐねた; 挨拶か、悪態か?

He grunted with amusement, glancing at the mirror as he drove.



The front fenders of the truck were dingy purple colors, the paint faded and chipped;  another amateurish job.

トラックのフロント・フェンダーはくすんだ紫色で、ペイントは色が褪せて剥げていた; これも素人の作業だ。

All he could see was the lower portion of the truck;  the rest was cut off by the top of his rear window.

彼に見えるのは、トラッ クの下の部分だけだった;  他は、彼の車のリア・ウィンドウより上の部分によって遮られていた。 


Moominland Midwinter ( 19th ) ムーミンランドの真冬 by Tove Jansson

     Meanwhile Moomintroll was laboriously plodding along through the snow.  


He went down to the river.


It was the same river that used to scuttle, trnsparent and jolly, through Moomintroll's summer garden.


Now it looked quite unlike itself.


It was black and listless.


It also belonged to this new world in which he didn't feel at home.


     For safety's sake he looked at the bridge.


He looked at the mail box.


They tallied with memory.


He raised the lid a little, but there was no mail, except a withered leaf without a word on it.



エゼキエルの宇宙船 (9) The Spaceship of Ezekiel by Josef F. Blumrich ( Bantam Books p. 3 )

The results obtained show us a space vehicle which beyond any doubt is not only technically feasible but in fact is very well designed to fulfill its functions and purpose.  


We are surprised to discover a technology that is in no way fantastic but even in its extreme aspects, lies almost within reach of our own capabilities of today, and which is therefore only slightly advanced beyond the present state of our technology.


Moreover, the results indicate a spaceship operated in conjunction with a mother spacecraft orbiting the earth.


     What remains fantastic is that such a spacecraft was a tangible reality more than 2500 years ago.  
