
ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流 (11)

 "Celtic Wicca"    by Jane Raeburn   より

What we do know about the Celts comes from three main source. 


One is the writings of Greeks and Romans who visited Celtic lands or encountered Celtic people as traders or slaves.

一つは、ギリシャ人とローマ人の著作で  /  彼らは、ケルト人の土地を訪れたり、交易者や奴隷としてのケルトの人々と遭遇した。

These sources pose problems for the serious student, for such writers often wanted to portray the Celts as strange and barbaric people, the better to justify making war with them. 

これらの情報源は、真摯な研究者に問題をもたらす  /  なぜかと言うと、そのような著作者は、ケルト人を奇妙で野蛮な人々として描写したがったからである  /  ケルト人と戦争することを、より巧みに正当化するために。  

In other cases, they wanted to depict the Celts as "noble savages," downplaying Celtic sophistication in an effort to contrast Celtic nobility with decadent Greek and Roman society. 

他の場合には、彼らはケルト人を"高貴な野蛮人"として描きたがって  /  ケルト人の文化面を控え目に扱った  /  ケルト人の気高さを、ギリシャ、ローマの堕落した社会となんとか対比させようとして。

Even well-meaning writers ended up telling fantastic tales simply because they were strangers in language and culture to the people they tried to portray.

良かれと思って書いた人々でさえも、非現実的な物語を語る結果になった  / 著述者が、言語や文化の面で、描写しようとした人々にとっては異邦人だった、という単純な理由から。   



西欧中世のカオス的世界 (17) Medieval Europe ( by Martin Scott ) より

 But it only required a weakness within the Empire itself, or pressure upon the Goths in their turn from the East, for the danger of Gothic invasion to be renewed.


During the second half of the fourth century these two circumstances coincided.


From the steppes of central Asia the savage armies of the Huns came came forth across Russia to throw the eastern neighbours of Rome into confusion.


By 376 the Visigoths were crossing the Danube to seek the protection of Rome, and when this was not everywhere freely granted they took up arms against their hosts, and at Adrianople (378) the emperor Valens died at the head of an imperial army. 


The Goths had come to stay. 



東アジア大陸: 南北異世界並立期のカオス的状況(5) China Between Empires  ( by Mark Edward Lewis より)

The Rise of the Great Families (2)

The Pursuit of Status among the Great Families  (1)

By the middle of the second century A.D., the Han upper class consisted of families of wealthy large-scale landlords who generally espoused--with greater or lesser sincerity--Confucian values and learning and condsidered themselves gentlemen.  

二世紀の中頃までに、漢の上流階層は構成された  /  複数の、富裕で規模の大きな地主の一族によっで  /  彼らは、思いの深さには差があっても、儒学の価値観と学問を採用し、自分たちを君子(くんし)であると考えていた。

The individual with scholarly or literary attainments garnered prestige in his local community and might earn income as a teacher or a government official, and in some cases an appointment to the Grand Academy.

学術や文学を極めた人々は、周囲の共同体において名声を得て、教師や政府の役人として収入を得ることもあり得た / そして、太学(たいがく)に地位を得ることもあった。

However, several obstacles confronted men aspiring to these careers. 
