
Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(10) / by Michael Summers & James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books )

 It's important to realize that this type of search wiil be successful only if the orbit of the planet is oriented so that the planet passes between its star and Earth. 


A planet whose orbital plane is perpendicular to that line of sight is invisible. 


Also, the satellite searched only a small segment of the sky---think of it as searching an area a couple of times bigger than a full moon.


Despite the limited nature of the search, however, Kepler found over 4,000 exoplanet systems in its four years of operation.  


Exoplanets 太陽系外惑星(9)/ by Michael Summers & James Trefil ( Smithsonian Books )

 As the collection of hot Jupiters grew, astronomers began to wonder if 'any' system out there is like ours.  (8) より 


As it turned out, they need not have worried.


* need not「必要が無い」+ have worried「(実際に)心配した」


   (  need + worry「(今以降)心配する必要がある」)

The fact that we were finding hot Jupiters first was simply a result of the detection system available.


The situation changed with the launch of the Kepler satellite in 2009.


This incredible instrument basically searches for the small dimming of a star's light due to the passage of a planet across the star's face.



The First and The Last (8) / by Adolf Galland / 第二次世界大戦中のドイツ軍パイロットの手記 から

 We did not see much of the English in those days.


Occasionally we met a few Blenheims.

時折、私たちは、少数のブレンハイム(ブレニム)双発軽爆撃機 に遭遇した。  

The Belgians for the most flew antiquated Hurricanes, in which even more experienced pilots could have done little against our new ME-109E.


* could「可能性があった」+ have done「(実際に)おこなった」+ little

                  ( do「(今以降)おこなう」) 

We outstripped them in speed, in rate of climb, in armament, and above all in flying experience and training.



The First and The Last (7) / by Adolf Galland / 第二次大戦中のドイツ軍パイロットの手記から

 On the morning of May 12 when I flew in company with another plane over the front, our troops had already penetrated deep into Holland and Belgium.


During those first days of the campaign in the west, together with the 8th Flying Corps we gave fighter cover to the German advance at Maastricht.  
