
Starships 恒星間宇宙船(4) Michio Kaku / Physics of the Impossible ( Anchor Books ) より

 Catastrophes to Come (1)


Poet Robert Frost asked the question whether the Earth will end in fire or ice.


Using the laws of physics, we can reasonably predict how the world will end in the event of a natural catastrophe.


     On a scale of millennia, one danger to human civilization is the emergence of a new ice age.


The last ice age ended 10,000 years ago. 


When the next one arrives 10,000 to 20,000 years from now most of North America may be covered in half a mile of ice.


*  arrives = 次の氷河期が来るのは10,000年ないし20,000年後で、その意味では『未来』の事態ですが、

will は、本来、はっきりとはわからない事態を『推測』する『助動詞』なので、

この場合、『未来』の事態だからと will arrive とすると、氷河期が来るのかどうかはっきりしない、とうことになってしまいます。

氷河期がいずれ来ることは、これまでの地球の歴史から考えて、まず確実なので、「実現する可能性がある」うごきを表す『現在形』arrives が使われています。

Human civilization has flourished within the recent tiny interglacial period, when the Earth has been unusually warm, but such a cycle cannot last forever.





事業存続マネジメント(16) The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barns

* Disaster can strike, within your organization as well(1)


* Unexpected events and incidents can become disasters(1)


     Imagine, for instance, an event in your neighbourhood (your industry park or in the city center) , that requires an evacuation of the whole area until the problem is solved, which could be hours or even days.


* could = 現在において、can よりも「実現性が弱い」ことを示唆 

Your computers will still run, your telephones will still ring, and your business infrastructure will be unharmed.


But you cannot use it.


You cannot answer the telephone.


You cannot enter the building.


Such circumstances can be disastrous in your business.





ハンザ同盟の力(3) Forces of the Hanseatic League: 13th -- 15th centuries by David Nicolle (Osprey)

 Historical Background (3)

     Several of these Slav tribes, together known as Wends, accepted the overlordship of Christian German emperors during the 10th century.


Although this brief accommodation collapsed with a Slav uprising in AD 983, by that time the Wendish Slavs included Christians, particularly amongst their aristocracies.  


Meanwhile, there were significant differences between the military traditions of the main populations of the south-western Baltic region.


To the south, Germany was now within the heavily armoured cavalry tradition of western Europe;  to the north, infantry still dominated warfare in Denmark;  and to the east, light cavalry traditions predominated in Slavic regions. 

南方では、ゲルマン人が、この時点で、西ヨーロッパの重装甲の騎兵の伝統に従っていた;  北方では、デンマークで、歩兵が依然として戦争の主役だった; そして東方では、軽騎兵の伝統が、スラブ地方で支配的だった。


ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流(18) Celtic Wicca by Jane Raeburn

 So what do we know?  (6) 

     Lugh and Brigid were among the best-known Celtic deities, but they were by no means the only ones.


Historians have found the names of hundreds of Celtic goddesses and gods.


Many of their names are recorded only once, or only within a small area.


Celtic worshipers believed each place, each river, each mountain had its own divine spirit, often a goddess.


Other deities were associated with the sun, moon, sky, animals, plants, or skills.





西欧中世のカオス的世界(24) Medieval Europe by Martin Lewis

      The second factor was that in one very real sense Rome remained unconquered.


Constantine had shifted the capital of the Empire to the new city of Constantinople (330), and this city was not taken by the barbarian tribes.


Indeed throughout the Middle Ages it was to remain a large city even by modern standards;  at no stage before the twelfth century had it less than half a million inhabitants, and for much of the time it probably numbered around the million mark. 

事実、中世を通して、コンスタンティノープルは、現代の基準で見ても大きな都市であり続けることになった; 十二世までのどの段階においても、コンスタンティノープルの住民は、五十万を割ることはなかったし、その期間の大部分で、おそらくは百万人前後を数えていた。

The West never had anything to compare with this.


Moreover the Byzantine Empire deliberately preserved Roman traditions and methods of government for the whole long course of its history.


It was natural therefore that the collapse of the Empire in the West should seem not to be the collapse of the Roman Empire, but merely the temporary loss of its western provinces.  



ジブラルタルの岩へケーブルカーで〈3〉 The Cable Car to the Rock of Gibraltar by Paul Theroux

     There is a social order among the ape tribes, as well as ape rituals that are bizzare enough to be human.


Somewhere in the recesses of this rock that looks like a mountain range there is said to be a secret mortuary established by the apes;  ape funerals, ape mourning, ape burials.

この岩は連山のように見えるのだが、その引っ込んでいる幾つかの所のどこかに、類人猿たちによって設けられた、秘密の葬儀の場があると言われている; 類人猿の葬式、類人猿の服喪、類人猿の埋葬。  

The apes are well established, but disadvantaged --  unemployed, unwaged, destitute welfare recipients.  

この類人猿たちは、ちゃんとした立場を与えられているが、恵まれてはいない -- 職が無く、賃金が支払われず、わずかな福祉の恩恵を受けている。

The municipal government allocates money to feed them. 



ミノア人: ミノア交易帝国の発展(6)"The Development of a Minoan Trading Empire"

 Minoans:  Life in Bronze Age Crete       by Rodney Castleden   より

ミノア人: 青銅器時代のクレタの生活

     We can speculate from the handful of known Minoan colonies that there were probably several more, possibly on the mainland of Greece itself. 


The status of Mycenae at this time was almost certainly politically independent of the Minoans, but culturally and artistically Mycenae was strongly influenced by them.


Possibly the idea of the tholos tomb was exported to Mycenae from Crete.


The Minoans were, in a very real sense, the Americans of the bronze age Aegean, exporting style and tone as much as products.  
