Tens of billions of years from now both the sun and the Milky Way galaxy will die.
As our sun eventually exhausts its hydrogen/helium fuel, it will shrink into a tiny white dwarf star and gradually cool off until it becomes a hulk of black nuclear waste drifting in the vacuum of space.
私たちの太陽が、その水素 / ヘリウムという燃料を最終的に使い切ると、太陽は、収縮して小さな白色矮星になり、次第に冷えて、ついには、宇宙空間の真空の中を漂う、巨大な黒い中心核の残存物になる。
The Milky Way galaxy will eventually collide with the neighboring Andromeda galaxy, which is much larger than our galaxy.
The Milky Way's spiral arms will be torn apart, and our sun could well be flung into deep space.
* could = can よりも低い実現の可能性を表す『助動詞』の『現在形』
The black holes at the center of the two galaxies will perform a death dance before ultimately colliding and merging.
Given that humanity must one day flee the solar system to the nearby stars to survive, or perish, the question is: how will we get there?
人類は、いつの日か、太陽系を逃れて近傍の恒星へ、生き延びるために行かなければならず、そうしなければ滅亡する、ということを前提にすれば、問題は、こういうことである: 私たちは、どうやってそこへ到達するのだろうか?
The nearest star system, Alpha Centauri, is over 4 light-years away.
Conventional chemical propulsion rockets, the workhorses of the curent space program, barely reach 40,000 miles per hour.
At that speed it would take 70,000 years just to visit the nearest star.
そのスピードでは、最も近い恒星を訪れるだけで、70,000 年かかるだろう。
* would = will よりも実現性が弱い『推測』を表す『助動詞』の『現在形』
( 過去における『推測』を表す would [ will の『過去形』] とは、別です。)