
事業存続マネジメント(18) The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity

 Edited by Andrew Hiles and Peter Barnes

*   Disaster can strike, within your organization as well   (4) 


* Classification of disasters   (1)


A possible classification of disasters can be according to the type of event.


Such classification includes the following groups.


* Act of nature---e.g. hurricane, flood,...


* External man-made events---e.g. terrorism, evacuation, security intrusion...   


* Internal unintentional events---e.g. accidental loss of files, computer failure,... 

  内部の、意図しないイヴェント---例えば、過失によるファイルの喪失、コンピュ     ーターの故障、...

* Internal Intentional events---e.g. strike, sabotage, data deletion,...


Such classification has its merits in driving emergency plans and crisis management, where the event itself must be managed in order to protect people and assets, and to mitigate damage.  

このような分類には、メリットがあります  /  緊急時プランと危機管理、 [ それらにおいては、イヴェントそれ自体が管理されなければなりません  /  人員と資産を守るために、そして、ダメージを軽くするために ] を推進するうえで。

When it comes to Business Continuity Management, where the objective is to resume besiness operations, a different classification of disasters is more effective.



ハンザ同盟の力(5) Forces of the Hanseatic League 13th -- 15th Centuries by David Nicolle ( Osprey )

 Historical Background (5)

     The Baltic Crusade would be characterized by singularly ruthless campaigns, enforced conversion to Christianity, and sometimes the slaughter of those who resisted.


Paradoxically, however, its initial phases seem to have been less brutal than the later.


A leading figure on the Christian side was Duke Henry the Lion of Saxon (1129--1195), who had fought in the Wendish Crusade as a youth, then again against Slavs east of the Elbe in the 1150s and 1160s.  

キリスト教の側の指導的な人物は、サクソン【ザクセン / 北ドイツ低地地方】のハインリヒ獅子公(1129-1195)で、彼は若い時にヴェンド十字軍【キリスト教徒のドイツ諸侯による、ヴェンド人(西スラヴ人)に対する軍事行動】で戦い、その後、再び、1150年代と1160年代に、エルベ川の東の西スラヴ人に対して戦った。

However, the chronicler Helmold complained that 'in all the campaigns the young man has fought thus far against Slavia, there was no mention of Christianity, but only of money.


The Slavs still sacrifice to their demons and not to God'. 


But eventually even Helmold recognized that Henry's policy of establishing bishoprics and encouraging Christian colonization while also allowing Slav converts to retain many traditional rights and customs resulted in cooperation and assimilation.

しかし、最終的には、へルモンドでさえも、認めた  /  ハインツの政策< 司教区を設立し、西スラヴ人の改宗者にも多くの伝統的な権利や習慣を持ち続けることを認める一方で、キリスト教徒による植民地化を促進する >が、協力と融合という結果をもたらしたこと、を。 


ケルト人の自然崇拝: ヨーロッパ文化の底流(26) Celtic Wicca  by Jane Raeburn  

 So what do we know? (8)

     One religious concept reflected in Celtic art was the sacredness of the human head. 


The head was considered the most essential part of a person's body and was presumed to be the place where the soul resided.


Sacred places were frequently decorated with representations of heads or niches with human skulls.


A Roman writer, Diodorus Siculus, describes how Celtic warriors cut off the heads of those they killed in battle, then embalmed the heads of their chief enemies in cedar oil and preserved them.


Thus the captor converted the power of the heads for his own magical defenses.


     We also know that the Celts practiced both animal and human sacrifice.


While these practices are considered repugnant today, they were common

throughout the ancient world.


Atrocities related by the Romans---for instance, imprisoning victims in a huge wickerwork figure of a man and setting the whole on fire---may have been propaganda intended to bolster Caesar in his war on the Celtic tribes of Gaul.

ローマ人によって語られた残虐行為---例えば、犠牲者を巨大な人型の、木の枝で作られた籠に閉じ込め、まるごと火にかけること---は、ゴール【ガリア / フランス】のケルト部族と戦っていたシーザーを奮い立たせるように意図された、プロパガンダだったかもしれない。

But evidence strongly suggests that the sacrifice of a living person was at least an occasional event, perhaps to sanctify a holy structure or appease the gods during a time of crisis.


Bones---sometimes animal, sometimes human, sometimes both---indicate the probability of animal and human sacrifice to win the god's blessing on buildings or wells.  
